4.let's find her

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“That is my sister’s “ he exclaimed. He snatched the bracelet and stared at it as tears filled his eyes. “ Adam and Jess watched as Luke’s face filled with worry. His breathing increased and soon silent tears streamed down his face. Adam hesitated to ask him anything. He was scared that his questions might trigger some unwanted reaction. Luke seemed to love his sister a lot. “They took her away.....” Luke was crying now. “I was all alone when she was taken. She protected me when she was there.” “Who took her?” Adam had to know. “The bad guys. Uncle was with them.” Suddenly Luke’s expression changed to anger. “I hate him. He is not my uncle.” ADAM pov So Luke’s sister was kidnapped. Luke's problems seem to be bigger than I thought they were. I wonder when she was kidnapped. Or if she was alive. Maybe we should look for her. I need to discuss this with Zane and Jason. Who was this uncle? How could he be so heartless? And why. There are so many things that I wanted to know but Luke is too young to be interrogated. Soon night fell and I was waiting for my best pals in my office. My office consisted of two rooms, one for serious pack work and one for games. The game room had a billiard board, and video games and several other games for us to enjoy. I had it designed like that for personal reasons. “ Let’s just relax tonight. It has been too long” Jason said as he entered with Zane. We enjoyed playing billiard. All the time I was thinking about what Luke had told me earlier. It was bugging me. It didn’t sit right with me that an innocent girl was held captive by some maniac. “ you know something is bugging me.” I finally said. “ Remember the bracelet? Luke recognised it.” That caught their attention. “It belongs to his sister. And she was kidnapped by their uncle.” “wow. What kind of a monster is this uncle” Zane muttered. “Tell me about it”, I replied. “It is disturbing me. I wonder if she is ok.” All three of us looked at each other. There is nothing much we could do. We didn’t know where to look. Or what to look for if even if we wanted to look for her. “And guys? Jess and I are going to adopt Luke.” I said with a smile. Zane smiled at me when Jason raised eyebrows. “ he was abused and abandoned in the wood by this uncle before, he didn’t want to go back. So I thought why not?” I added. “Besides, we cannot have our child. The doctor has confirmed.” Jason looked surprised. But he was quick to cover it. “If you are happy with it, nothing else matters right?” “Yeah. And Luke is one cute lad. I should teach him lots of cool stuff like a real uncle. Not like that asshole he had before.” Zane added. “Count me in” Jason nodded. That’s it. No one else’s opinion mattered right now. After my parent's death, these two has been like my brothers. So for me, nothing else is more important. ZANE pov. We had our boys night. We played games and enjoyed ourselves a lot. I would prefer nights like these over drinking and having a hangover the next day. We left for our rooms to get some sleep for we had to wake up at dawn for our training. Being the leaders of the pack means we should train harder than our warriors. I was happy that Luke is becoming part of our werewolf family. Just one thing bothered me. The kidnap of his sister. I couldn’t stop thinking about it. I tossed and turned on my bed because I couldn’t sleep. My mind was filled with different thoughts. And even my inner wolf was restless, which was not helping. Maybe a run would help. I thought. There was still much time before dawn, so I didn’t want to bother Adam or Jason. I changed into some training clothes and went outside. The cool breeze was soft on me. I looked around. The sound of leaves rustling and the soft moonlight was soothing. I walked slowly in my human form. I wanted to take in the serenity I was witnessing. Never had I gone outside like this at this hour. The whole pack was asleep except for those wolves on duty. As I approached the thicker part of the woods I shifted and took off. I didn’t have any destination in my mind. I just ran. I reached the creek I and Adam swam in before, then the bracelet came to my mind. The bracelet. That is one mysterious piece of jewellery. I felt drawn towards it and no one else felt like that. I remembered what it smelled like when I sniffed it. Apples. How can it smell like apples when Adam took it from the earth? I don’t remember the jewellery my mom owned smelling like anything. What is happening to me? I shook my head trying to shake the thoughts about the bracelet out of my head. It belongs to Luke’s sister. Not one who I should be concerned of. Except that I am. I am concerned about her being kidnapped. Those thoughts have kept me awake the whole night. What can I do? I want to help. I shook my head. I am thinking about it again. I took off in full speed in my wolf form. I ran wanting to free myself of worry. I ran until I came to a cliff. I looked at the breathtaking scenery. The trees, the moon and the stars. It was magical. When I find my mate, I’ll bring her here. I stayed there until I saw signs of sunrise. When the sky lit with golden colours, I knew I was already too late for training. I took off in full wolf speed towards the pack’s training ground. Adam and Jason were sparing when I reached. "Look who is late. 100 laps for being late." "come on. I ran from the cliff." I protested. They looked at me with a questioning gaze. "I couldn't sleep so I ran" "ok. come and spar with me" Adam said. We sparred and of course, Adam won. He would win most of the time, he is the alpha anyway. "Is something bothering you?" Jason asked. "Yeah. I can't stop thinking about Luke's sister being kidnapped. Don't you think we should try to find her?" "We found her bracelet near the creek. What else do we know?" Adam asked. "That it smelled like apples?" I couldn't stop myself from saying that. "What?!" both of them exclaimed. "ok, something sure is up with you," Jason said looking at Adam with a smirk. I looked at them confused. "what?" "Never mind. let's find Luke's sister."
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