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ADAN BRADFORD I had felt utterly annoyed upon seeing the way Calla had stooped so low, all because of a laptop that one could easily afford. Heaven knew I couldn’t bear to see her spend one more second agreeing to do whatever that asshole wanted, all because she needed a laptop from her. Taking her by the hand, I led her out of the shop, ignoring the resistance she was putting up. When we got outside, I let her succeed in removing her hand from mine. “Let me go!” She yelled and began to hurry back into the confectionery store. I pulled her by the hand once more and made her face me. “Where do you think you are going?” I inquired, flashing her a cold gaze. “Where do you think? I’m going back inside,” She said, giving me an irritable glare. “You mean you’re going back in there to continue being humiliated? Don’t you have any shame? What about your dignity?” I asked. “And how is my dignity any of your business? I wasn’t born like you. I do not have any pride, dignity, or shame. If I’m being humiliated, so be it,” she said, stubbornly. “I will not have you be humiliated in that manner,” I said. “And why should my being humiliated be of any concern to you? How does it affect you? Why can’t you let me be… what is it you call it again? Yes! Pathetic. Why can’t you let me be pathetic in peace?” She retorted, almost at the top of her voice. “Because... because...” I was at a loss for words. Usually, I minded my own business, but I couldn’t tell why I was prying into her affairs. She was nothing but an Omega, and I had no business with her… so… why? Why was I bothered about whether she felt humiliated or not? Why was it any of my concerns? Why was I feeling this way? “Because?” She inquired, eyeing me coldly. “Well, I am the Alpha. It… It is my duty to ensure that none of my pack members face this kind of degradation and humiliation. It would be a slap to the face should any of my people be treated in such a manner,” I said hastily, without pausing for breath, also finding it hard to understand why I wasn’t minding my own business at the moment. She scoffed. “And since when did you care about anyone other than yourself?” “What did you just say?” I demanded, looking up at her, with clenched fists. “You heard me right, d**k face,” She said, removing her hand from mine again. “Why in the moon goddess' name are you even feeling offended by my actions, loser? I saved you from being humiliated, and this is the way you thank me?” I asked. “That’s the problem. I never asked you to help me out or save me from being humiliated. I never complained, so, why did you have to step in instead of minding your goddamn business? I didn’t mind being humiliated at all,” she explained, in a frustrated tone. “How could one not mind being spoken to in such a condescending tone? Even if someone doesn’t complain about being treated in such a manner, it still doesn’t mean that it is right. No one should be made to suffer such humiliation,” I said, still not understanding why I was even making this a big deal. She began to laugh hysterically, making me wonder if she was going crazy just like her mother. Perhaps it was a family sickness. “What’s funny?” I asked, just to be sure that she was still in her right senses. “You. You are funny,” She said, still laughing. “Really ?” I asked. “Yes, really,” She said, looking up at me with a serious face which wasn’t smiling or laughing anymore. From her facial expression, I could sense that she was up to something and that she was going to spill it soon. “I don’t get you, Adan Bradford. You’re speaking to me about how no one deserves to be humiliated or insulted, whereas you are usually the main person who humiliates me on an everyday basis. Why do you care if anyone else does exactly the same? Do you know what people call others like you? Take a wild guess. They call you hypocrites. Adan Bradford, you are a hypocrite, and telling me that you took me away from the store because I was being looked down upon just shows how hypocritical you are,” She said, in a fierce tone. I felt offended by her statement, and it made me feel a little bit hurt as well. “I did you a favor, and if you see it as hypocrisy, then, so be it,” I said, not finding the right words to argue with her. “A favor, you say? In fact, I’m beginning to think that you did this on purpose. You saw me getting a laptop to do both of our assignments, and you deemed it fit to just try to sabotage it,” She accused. I scoffed. “And why would I want to do anything that would affect me as well?” I asked, rolling my eyes. She shrugged her shoulders. “I don’t know. Maybe it’s because you just enjoy ruining things. You don’t care that we’ll both be doomed if I fail to submit the assignment. After all, you’re not one to worry about grades. You’d get into the best schools with or without good grades, but for my sake, couldn’t you just let me get that laptop, since I am depending on my grades if I ever want to get a scholarship and go to the university of my dream. Couldn't you have just minded your fvcking business and let me be?” She asked, with her voice breaking. My heart sunk inside, with a fuzzy warm feeling. “Honestly, I had no idea that that was why you needed the laptop so badly, that you didn’t even care if your pride got hurt… I didn’t think about that,” I explained, feeling apologetic. “Of course, you didn’t think about that. You only think about yourself all the time, and who cares about my pride? I already told you I have none. As if being an Omega isn’t enough, my father was a traitor, as well as my uncle, and my mother doesn’t even know who I am on some days. I don’t have anything to lose if someone looks down on me or says degrading and hurtful words to me, or treats me as though I were a slave. It’s okay, so, please, next time, try to mind your own business,” She pleaded, with her eyes welling up with tears. I didn’t know why, but I felt really sorry for her, which was unusual. I never felt sorry for anyone, but Calla just seemed to be different. “How can I make it up to you?” I asked, shocking myself as well with those words. “Just leave me alone,” She said, and turned around, attempting to walk back in, so that she could probably plead with whatever her name was to get the laptop back. What had happened back there flashed through my mind, and there and then, I decided that it was over my dead body that she was going to suffer such humiliation again. “Calla!” I called. She turned back around, with an inquisitive look on her face. “I cannot say that it makes sense that you’d want to desperately pass the assignment, so that you can eventually go to school, since you’re a female, and would just end up overseeing your household someday. However, I can say that I desire to make it up to you, by lending you my laptop,” I said to her. Her face lit up. “You want to lend me your laptop?” She asked, surprised. I unzipped my backpack and took out my laptop, which I immediately handed over to her. “Yes, I want to,” I replied. A smile appeared on her face, as she collected the silver laptop from my hands, admiring it closely. “This is a prank, isn’t it? Your friends are hiding somewhere, right?” She asked. I smiled. “It’s not a prank, Calla. You can have my laptop, and you should return it immediately after you’re done with the assignment. I don’t want you to be treated like a slave because of something as cheap as this,” I said. “Wow. So, you have a heart? Who would have thought?” She asked, smiling broadly. “Don’t flatter yourself. I’m only doing this because I hope to have a perfect assignment. If you spend all your time helping that squirrel with her homework, you won’t pay much attention to ours, and I intend to surprise my family with good grades. Can I count on you?” I asked, with a smirk playing around my face. “You can, d!ck face,” She said. “We’re back to not saying our real names?” I asked, glad that things were finally back to normal. “I guess so,” She said. Suddenly, I remembered I needed to be at the arcade with my friends in fifteen minutes, and decided to excuse myself, before anyone who lived close by saw me with Calla while heading out to the arcade. “I have to go,” I said. “Make sure there’s not so much as a scratch on the laptop, or else...” “I’ve heard you. Nothing will happen to your laptop, don’t worry,” She said, cutting in. “See you around, loser,” I said, giving her a bop on the arm, as I began to walk away, still wearing a smirk on my face. Things were becoming really different, and I was suspicious about what had just happened. Why did I care about Calla? I wasn’t supposed to feel pity for her, but I did today, joked around with her, and even lent her the laptop I had gotten for my birthday this year. It was so unlike me, and as the wind began to blow fiercely, signaling that rain was around the corner, I felt a breeze find its way into me, just like how birds flap their wings. My heart began to flutter. It was unusual but surreal. I could feel her eyes still on me, but I dared not look back. If I met her eyes, I was sure that I would feel the way I was feeling ten times over. I didn’t understand it, but I knew it wasn’t a good feeling.
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