
1084 Words
"Good morning everyone, my name is...." "Milky bar!" Student's laughter echoed in the class. "Silence." Teacher ordered.  Jeet stood there idle. Cursing his luck for being so naughty.  "He is Jeet Arora from Punjab." Teacher announced. "There is an empty seat, have a seat there."  Jeet silently walks and sat on that seat addressed by the teacher. "Okay class, we will start......" The teacher starts teaching. Jeet gazed around and finds that Veer is continuously staring at him. Their eyes meet and Veer tilts his head up with attitude. After the class over, Veer and his group surround the seat where Jeet was sitting. "Got you, milky boy. Can you tell me? How are you that milky white? Did you drink lots of milk from your farm's cow?" Veer asked. "Farm?" Sam was curious. "Yes, he is a farmer's son. Poor fellow." Veer pitted him. "Bam!" Veer threw a notebook on the table quite violently. "You specs boy. Your duty over. From now on this milky boy will take my notes." "I won't." "Wooooo...Arrogance." "It's not arrogance. It is pride. I am not your slave and never will be." Jeet raised his voice. "Ooooo...I got scared. He has pride friends. Fine, let's leave him alone." Veer said, and they moved back to their seats. Jeet thought everything was over.  *** After the lunch break, Jeet was returning to the class. He saw one of his classmates was giving a notebook to Veer, and that boy was begging Veer too. Jeet soon met with that boy and suggested that he should complain against Veer. The boy denied it. That boy suggested Jeet stay out of that matter. Jeet thought it's better to ignore it. Veer got three days detention but nothing bad happened with Jeet after encountering Veer on his first day of class.  "Hi, I am Ram. You are the new student?" One voice from behind approached Jeet. "Yes, I am Jeet." "Nice to meet you." "I am Riya. His cousin. If you need anything, just ask me. I am more useful than this duffer."  Riya hit Ram's head. Jeet chuckles. "Nice to meet you both." Jeet replied with a warm smile. "You came a month late. You need help to catch up?" Asked Riya. "Yes, I do." "Sure, take my notes. Remember to return me tomorrow." Riya politely handed him her notebook.  "Your handwriting is so pretty." "Yes, and so do I." Riya admires herself.  "Please refer to a mirror before giving this kind of statement." Ram commented. Jeet laughs. Jeet looks around and found Veer was still staring at him.  'What's wrong with him?' He thought. Jeet made many friends in the class. They were locals, and many were girls.  Jeet felt pleasant there. He returned to his room after the class. He started copying notes. And while doing so, he didn't realize that he missed the dinner time. It was 11 and dinner time was over. He rushes to the canteen, and they denied helping him out. He was empty stomach in the empty room. He was missing his home. Suddenly lights go off.  This time the door was open. He went out looked for the peon.  The corridor was empty and dark. He used his phone's light to see further. The sound of someone crying came from far. This startled him. He ran to the peon's room. He waked him up.  "What happened, kid? You should not be roaming here like this." Peon said. "My room's light went off. Please check." "There is a power cut. Look." Jeet look around and saw that every room was dark.  Power came. "Look, it came. You wake me for nothing." Said the peon and went back to his room. Jeet returned to his room.  On the way, he heard someone crying again.  He locked his door from inside. And went to bed. He was hungry and tired.  Soon the window of his room got open. He went there to close it. He did. And walk toward his bed. The window opens again.  He got scared a bit. But he thought there will be some technical issues. As the room was not in use for years.  He thought to better leave it and look at the morning. He switched off the lights and went to bed. The light switched on automatically.  He got frightened. He tried to call his newly became friends, but no one picked his call. Obviously, it was too late for them to be awake.  He gathered the courage to switch the lights off again. Soon after he got off the bed, the light went off. And a weird sound of someone whispering entered through the window.  He searched his phone, switched its torch on, and slowly stepped towards the window.  "Who's there?" Jeet asked with a shaky voice.  Sounds of someone giggling came. "If it's a joke, then I tell you it's really a bad joke."  "Please come out." He walks to the window.  No sound came. He took a breath of relief.  He stretched his hand to close the window. He felt someone grabbed his hand." "Ahhhh..." He pulled his hand and the grip holding his hand loosen up.  He got scared and slowly walks back. He felt someone tapped on his shoulder from behind.  He was full of fear. He was sweating hard.  He turned his head. On the flashlight of his phone a glimpse of a scary face immerged.  "Aaaaa" He screamed out loud.  Lights came. But it got no effect on him. He was screaming hard. Tapping the door and begging someone to open the door.  "Open the door..." "Anyone there? Please help...." "Help......" "Open the door..." Some voices came, but it got faded as he fainted out of shock.  When he wakes up, he was laying at his bed. Covered with quilt. The door of his room was open. No one dare to get in except the peon, the doctor and the warden.  All students were peeping from outside.  "He fainted due to shock. Nothing major but he need rest." Doctor says. "Jeet, will you tell me what happened last night?" The warden asks. "He came to me where there was a power cut. He might have got scared then." Peon covers. "Is that so? Tell me if anyone picked on you. I won't spare that student even if he belongs to a rich family." The warden glares to Veer, who was standing in the crowd outside Jeet's room. "Jeet tell me without any hesitation." 
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