Chapter 4

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Stella School is over, and I'm packing my stuff into my backpack by my locker. Joshua and Ryker are standing further away in the empty corridor, laughing while I'm doing it. I don't like their intense stares or the smiles on their faces. It gives me the shudders. I pray they aren't waiting to follow me or something. Ashley and Whitney have cheerleading practice, so I'm walking home alone. And while Ashley is mean to me, she keeps the guys from sexually approaching me. Hopefully, Joshua and Ryker are harmless. I hang my bag over my shoulder and hurry through the corridor. My heart pounds against my ribcage when Ryker and Joshua take up the chase. It seems they were waiting for this. Shit, what am I supposed to do? Fear slashes through my senses. My eyes lock on the door, but I realize I can't outrun them. Shape-shifting would save me, but I haven't done that in years, and Ashley would punish me! "Where are you going, Stella?" Ryker is taunting me. I hear him dragging his vampire claws over the lockers. "We won't hurt you, little wolf." Joshua chimes. "Yeah, we would only like to play with you a little. Why won't you stay with us? We could have a lot of fun." No way in hell! I don't trust them! I pick up my pace, but when I'm about to push open the door, Evan blocks my route. I almost collide with his chest, but his arms reach out to steady me and keep me from falling. My eyes lift to his beautiful face, and I'm one second away from tears. Did the vampires plan this? Are they going to hurt me? s**t, what if Evan gives me the same treatment he gave Logan? I swallow hard, and Evan sighs. "What took you so damn long? I've been waiting for you." Uh, say what now? Doesn't Evan know Ashley isn't riding home with him today? Or wait, did Ashley tell him to pick me up? This doesn't make any sense. Confusion is swirling in my head, and I don't know what to make of the situation. I'm still not calm. I don't know if Evan is part of Ryker's and Joshua's plan; by now, there is a lump in my throat. "Are you... A-are you going to hurt me?" I whisper. "Please. I can take the pain, but I don't want to lose my virginity—..." I bite my lip, inhaling sharply. "I'm saving myself for my mate." My lips quiver, and Evan's eyes widen slightly. His dark brow lifts, and it blows my breath away. God, those eyes, ocean-blue surrounded by thick, thick lashes. Girl lashes. Nothing else about him is girly, though. "Come with me," Evan places a large hand on the small of my back. He leads me out through the door. "Uh, okay?" My heart is racing. Evan's hand is cold on my warm skin. We are like the sun and the moon, and I almost find the difference poetic in my weakened, frightened state. Evan might be what my kind would deem a heartless vampire, and I've seen him slaughter people. He is silent, brooding, and mysterious, yet there is a particular kindness when he leads me to his Ford Mustang. He opens the front passenger door, eyes emotionless while waiting for me to sit down in the vehicle. Since I feel like throwing caution to the wind, I smile. "You're not going to murder me, are you?" I don't expect Evan to answer my question, but he does. His lips curl into this slight smirk. "If this was your last trip, and you would be dead by tomorrow, where would you go?" Is he trying to spark up a conversation? Regardless, I deem it harmless to give Evan an answer. "To the ocean," I say, shrugging. "I've never seen it before." "Never?" "No..." I laugh due to my nerves. "I have never left this city..." "Really?" "Yeah," I run my hands up my arms, fighting chills. "I would definitely like to see more of our beautiful country, though." Wait? Why did I just tell him that? My eyes pop wide, but Evan says nothing. He closes the car door and takes a seat behind the wheel. We drive in silence to Ashley's house, but when the car stops and I think, "This is it," more is to come. A hand touches my thigh, and my mouth turns dry at the sight of Evan flickering his gaze between my legs. My p***y throbs with desire. What am I supposed to do, and how does a girl resist this vampire? Evan is the perfect example of what a man should look like: big, muscular, and blessed with a pair of intense eyes that make my head spin. And he is touching me! I freeze, and Evan regards me intensely. His pheromones are already mixing with the air, slowly turning him irresistible. More heat gathers between my legs, and my s*x swells with need, but I force myself to open the car door. I only want to have s*x with my mate, and Evan is probably only playing with me. He is betrothed to Ashley, not to mention that every vampire sees me as Ashley's pet! "Thank you for the ride!" I chirp in a way too high-pitched tone. "Bye!" My eyes must trick me because I swear there is a slight curve to Evan's lips when he says. "Have a good night." I walk into the mansion and head upstairs to shower. Ashley's parents aren't at home, so I'm using my time wisely. I dance in the kitchen while making food and listen to some pod while doing Ashley's homework. When it's time to find my way back to my room, I notice a new message on Ashley's phone. Evan: I want to lick your clit from the bottom to the top and swirl my tongue around your sensitive spot until every part of you is shaking. My hands will grip your legs and keep you still as I taste you. And after you c*m, I want to lick you clean until you're trembling on the bed. My breath hitches. I'm so aroused that I can barely type him an intelligence response. Me: Oh-my-god... I'm so wet right now... Then what??? Evan: Then I drag you to the edge of the mattress and f**k your tight p***y until you can't take it anymore. I will force another orgasm out of you and have you come all over my c**k. I keep going hard and fast until you're screaming my name. My p***y is already dripping wet, and my n*****s are hard. All I can see is Evan naked. Hot... Tall... And insanely ripped with abs that I want to run my fingertips over... Shit! I walk over to my bed and fall down on my back. My whole body is throbbing with want and need. The lust wracking through my body is almost too much to bear. Me: Don't stop. Keep talking dirty to me. Evan: How wet are you? I groan at his message, frustrated because I've never been this turned on in my entire life. Me: Dripping! Evan: Send me a picture to prove it, and put your fingers inside. I want to see them wet. I suck in a deep breath and do what Evan asks for. I pull down my underwear and touch myself while looking at my picture of Evan. It got me nice and wet within seconds. I snap a picture and hit send, hoping Evan will like the image. It doesn't take long before he sends me his answer. "Holy shit..." On my phone is the most enormous c**k I've ever seen. I'm a virgin and haven't seen many, but Evan has massive hands, and he still struggles to hold his veiny, thick monster. I suck air into my lungs and touch myself to the picture. My thoughts are filled with erotic scenes that involve Evan. I'm kissing his lips, biting his skin, and riding his c**k. Some say vampires and werewolves shouldn't mix, but what is a girl supposed to do when the vampire sexting her is a Greek god? Evan is too hot to ignore, and I come faster than expected. After my solo adventure, I'm breathless and snap a picture of my wet fingers inside my mouth. Me: I came... Sorry, not sorry... Kinda wish it was you who licked my fingers clean, though. His reply is quick. Evan: You're a filthy girl. I blush. Was it a mistake to send Evan that picture? He is writing another message... Evan: It turns me on. I want your p***y so badly. Surrender to me already, and let me taste you. I breathe a laugh. It's probably weird for me to admit this, but it's fun playing with Evan. I feel sexy and powerful. Evan might think he is speaking with his beloved Ashley, but it's my wet p***y he finds hot and sexy. He is attracted to some parts of me without knowing it himself. Me: It will have to wait.
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