I will find you

1251 Words
Holden's p.o.v "Holden, can I speak to you?" Mr. Windsor, my boss tells me. I nod and stay back as everyone exits the conference room. We just had a meeting/presentation that I was left in charge of, because my supervisor decided not to come in.today. He is the one who always gives the presentations and is in charge. Well, no, we do all of the work and he takes the credit is more like it. I am actually glad he wasn't here today. The presentation went by well. No-one got an attitude or yelled at anyone else. I was in charge of everything and I feel like I explained it all in detail and everyone looked pleased. We had big bosses in here today. People from the Slade company, from the Pollack tech company which I hear is going bankrupt and, of course, Mr. Windsor. "Holden, that was great. You had them eating out of your hands and they want to sign with us. Why are you not the one giving the presentations?" he asks me. "Oh, well Corbin normally does them and he is not here today." I tell him. "Oh, that Corbin, probably was out getting drunk last night. It doesn't matter, I am giving you a promotion. I actually am looking for a new assistant. Would you consider the job? I would also like for you to take on any future presentations for the company as well." he tells me, and I can't believe it. I have literally worked my a$$ off from the bottom. I started off as a Janitor 2 years ago. I came here right after I turned 18. My foster dad paid a week at a crummy motel and I knew I had to find a job by the end of the week and with only a high school diploma, this was all I could get hired for. I been in community college and have slowly worked hard, making my way up the company, juggling work and school. It has been hard, but once I find Hannah and have her move in with me, it will be all worth it. I went back to find her once I got my first apartment, but I was told she ran away. All I knew is that the cops were looking for her. It's been 2 years now and I have no idea where she went. All I can do is hope that she is alive and alright and hope that I find her one day. I won't stop searching. Now being offered this position is great. I will have the company at my disposal. I can search her up on their database. "Of course. I will take the position as your personal assistant and handle any future presentations. I am honored Sir." I tell him and he smiles. "Go to HR so they can take care of you. I will call down there, then I will have Sawyer teach you everything you need to know before she retires and you take over," he tells me and I nod. "Thank you sir, for this opportunity. I promise, I won't let you down." I tell him and he nods. "I know you won't. Go on, come back after lunch so we can talk about what I expect." he tells me and I excuse myself, but I hear him walking behind me. I walk down the hall, "Son, if you are ever looking to jump ship and looking for a job, call us, we will hire you on the spot." Mr. Slade tells me, handing me a card. "No need for that. Stops harassing him" Mr. Windsor tells him. "Hey Hanson, you can't have everything." Mr. Slade tells him, but Mr. Windsor just chuckles. "Just be thankful you have your two grandsons, Slade, lets go." he says, and they both walk away and I head to HR. I watch as Sawyer goes through every single paper painfully slowly, but she is about 100 years old, so I am patient with her. "Mr. Windsor likes things done a certain way, I wrote out his coffee and restaurant orders. Try to memorize it or stick it here on your desk so you don't get it wrong. He's a good boss. He will never treat you bad, but he doesn't play about his food and drinks," she says. I smile and nod, taking everything in. "Hopefully having you around cheers him up. He is a very lonely man." she says "He doesn't have a family?" I ask and she shakes her head. "You should know because you will be with him more than anyone else, but you can not repeat this information to anyone, ever. I am not sure if he will ever tell you. His wife passed away years ago. When he was coming up in the industry, his family tried to k*ll his wife off so they can keep everything. They had to act like they split up and he sent her away, to protect her, but I guess his family found her and they tried to k*ll her and their daughter. They succeeded in k*lling his wife. She drowned in the ocean. I believe they threw them off a boat. This is what he thinks, that his wife somehow got a hold of a floaty when they got pushed off or his daughter was already in one. I don't exactly know, but all he knows is that a little girl was found on a floaty 3 days later and his wife's body was washed up to shore the same day their daughter was found. No-one knows how that little girl survived in the ocean. It is a true miracle, but by the time he found out and the news broke, his daughter was taken into child protective services and they are corrupt and he hasn't been able to find her. He has worked hard to get to the top to be able to find her, but he thinks her name was changed because nothing with his daughter's name ever comes up. It's sad. He lost everything over money hungry people. People who never worked a day in their lives and wanted him to hand his fortune over to them. He never remarried or moved on." she tells me and that is some sad sh*t. I can't imagine just working and not having my family to go home to anymore which sadly is what has happened to me. All I do is work and I haven't been able to find Han, so in a way, we are on the same boat. I probably shouldn't use or think of boats when comparing things with my boss, seeing as his life died being pushed off one. "I will make sure to keep it all in mind." I tell her. "Alright son, good luck" she tells me and finishes picking up her things. Once they are all in her box, she turns to me. "You will love this job. It will open up many doors to you. Goodbye", she says and leaves. Here starts my new life. Hannah, I will find you, and that old b@stard will pay for what he did to us. Especially what he did to you after I left, because if you ran away that means he hurt you. I will make sure of it he pays and I will always regret that I left you there, but I will find you and make it all up to you.
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