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Simon couldn't help but turn his head to the woman who assisted him in finding a nice gift for his female friend's birthday. He lied and said that he was giving the gift to a man when in reality, it was for a woman. He didn't know why he felt the need to lie to her, which resulted in her showing him masculine items. She had such a sweet face, fair and beautiful. He was sure that beneath her thick makeup, she was undoubtedly beautiful too. "Thanks, Assi," he said with a smile, gazing at the nameplate hanging on her chest. "Maybe I'll ask her about her interests first. I'll come back when I know. So, I have an idea." She nodded and returned a wide smile. Her eyes almost sparkled as she smiled. And he found it attractive. He rarely complimented women, but Assi was different. From the moment he first saw her, he was interested. He wanted to come back to this department store just to see it. "I'm heading back now, take care!" She turned around and went back to work. He smiled and left the store. He took out his cell phone from his pocket. His friend Alejandro was calling. "Hey, what a sudden call?" "Can you come? I have something to show you." "Yes, actually I'm near your house right now. Alright, bye." He ended the call and quickly left the mall. He got in his car and drove away. Until that moment, the smile didn't leave his lips, nor did the image of the woman in his mind. He wanted to go back there and ask her out. A few minutes later, he arrived at Alejandro's huge house. He lived alone here with five household staff. He wondered how boring his life must be inside. He also couldn't believe that he was already thirty-two and had never been in a serious relationship. It seemed that he had several bad experiences with women, so he couldn't blame him. He walked straight into the house. He was often there, so the household staff and some security guards knew him very well. He found his friend sitting under a large umbrella. Next to him was a big swimming pool in the garden. Alejandro was drinking coffee while facing his laptop. He could tell that he wasn't taking his work seriously, so he didn't think whatever the friend was going to say was that important. "What is it? Why did you suddenly call me? It's a good thing I don't have much to do this week." He pulled a chair next to him and sat down slowly. His friend smiled and faced him. "I asked someone to give me random pictures of women that I could choose from." He presented his laptop on the table. "Here. I'm also checking their backgrounds. Some of them are volunteers at a clinic for pregnant women, so I guess they already have an idea about surrogacy." A smile appeared on Alejandro's lips. He was eager to start the necessary steps for his surrogacy plan at any time. "You looked really happy. Let me see." Simon pushed the chair forward and grabbed his friend's laptop. He looked at the pictures on the screen one by one. He nodded in agreement, as almost all the women in the photos were truly beautiful. Some even looked like celebrities. "Are you sure they'll agree? They seem like they have a lot going for them." "I don't know, we have nothing to lose. It was just a random selection of women who were volunteering in a clinic. Choose one and let's go visit her right away." He laughed at what his friend said. "It feels like we're just playing a game. Should we just spin a wheel? I might have a hard time choosing because of these beautiful women." Alejandro shook his head. "You always have a way with women." He shifted his focus back to the pictures he was looking at. "What do you think? I need someone that is decent." "Wait, I haven't seen them all yet." He carefully examined the pictures, and on the side were their backgrounds. He also read those, which is why it took him a while to look at one picture. After pressing next, another photo of a beautiful woman appeared. Her beauty stood out from the others he had seen. He stared at her, her face seemed familiar but he wasn't sure if they had met before or not. His eyes squinted as he focused on the woman's name. "Assi Miller?" He looked at the photo again. That's when he realized it was the same woman he had just met at the department store earlier. She had heavy makeup on earlier, and the photo on Alejandro's screen showed her without any makeup and smiling brightly, which is why he didn't recognize her immediately. "Yes, do you know her?" asked the friend. He faced him and nodded with a smile. "I just met her at the department store. Whoever gave you this random woman, they have a good eye for picking out angels. She's really beautiful and kind, just like you said." He leaned back against the backrest of his seat. "Her beauty is outstanding." "You like her?" His friend furrowed his brow, looking at him. "Are you adding her to your growing numbers of girls, or are you considering her as a surrogate mother for my child?" He burst out laughing. "You fvcking knew me. Well, anyway, I do like her, yes. But she seems more suited to be the mother of your child. If I'm lucky enough to have a child, I would choose someone like her to be the mother. Beautiful and kind."
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