Chapter 2 Rejecting the contract

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Meirah finally realized the reason for Lucian's sudden appearance in the judgment hall. He had been there for Camila since the beginning, not her. What a fool she was! Meirah was trembling. Just now, when the council elders said they would take away her Luna rights, she was sad, but she believed she could overcome it. Instead, it was Lucian's words that were like a sharp sword plunged straight into her heart. She felt like the air in her stomach was drained by something, making her breathless. "Why ......Lucian, why can you be so cruel to me as if I were a stone? You really think I'll never be killed by your indifference, don't you?" "Enough Meirah!!! Don't talk as if you are really a victim; you always knew why our marriage started. You needed money and I needed a wife; that's the truth of our marriage!" Lucia's voice finally erupted like a volcano. Meirah watched as the illusion of marital bliss that she had managed to create over the past five years collapsed in an instant, her lips trembling as she could no longer speak. She looked at her heart in a thousand pieces, and there was no way she could take another ounce of Lucian's indifference to her. "Then break our mark." Meirah finally found her voice after taking a deep breath. Even if she was an omega, she still couldn't throw away her self-respect. She had her own job and could live alone. "Meirah, You don't have to be so impulsive. Have you forgotten that your mother is still in the hospital room, needing exorbitant medical bills? That is why I am against you stepping down. You being Luna, your mother will continue to get preferential treatment." Meirah looked at the man in front of her—her husband. She couldn't fathom how he could be so cold and aloof when dressed while being passionate with her when they rolled between the sheets undressed. It was as if she was a stranger to him but not his wife, so he could very calmly treat their marriage like a business again. And he had shown great kindness to his Luna; though he didn't love her, he was still doing his duty by helping her take care of her mother instead of coldly kicking her away. Meirah's self-esteem turned to pennies when she thought of her mother lying in a hospital bed. Her father was alpha, but they still couldn't afford to pay for her mother's medical bills due to the bad condition they and their pack were in. That was why her father had agreed to marry Lucian; her pack was weak and equally in need of Lucian's shelter. As if he knew Meirah was powerless against reality, Lucian dropped her off alone at the Alpha house, and he stepped on the gas again and headed out. Meirah knew he must have gone to find Camila. It was only when Camila came back that he became so relentless. A few days earlier, she had heard the news of Camila's return from Paris, and she hadn't taken it to heart because Lucian had come home on time every day. Not realizing that everything was an illusion, Meirah stood still, feeling her legs as heavy as lead. Suddenly, her phone rang. It was her good friend Sophia calling. "Meira? Are you okay? I heard that the council is planning to deprive you of Luna. Did they embarrass you?" Sophia's worried voice rang out. "No. Lucian came in and stopped them." I gripped the phone tightly, trying to sound calm. "Really? It looks like Lucian is really in love with you, Meirah. I'm so happy for you!" "Sophia ......Camila is back......" Meirah couldn’t help herself but say it out when she heard Sophie's happy voice, and opening her mouth became difficult once again. "That witch? What's she doing back at this hour? She abandoned Lucia five years ago, didn't she? You don't need to worry, surely Lucia won't accept her again. Didn't you say that just now he even ran to oppose the council elders?" Yeah, he was there to stop it, but he also turned her into a clown once again. "Yes, he was, but he had his conditions." "What conditions?" "He wants me to accept Camila as his lover and to produce an heir for him!" "What? Bastard!" Sophia's voice turned shrill, and she started cursing Lucian and Camila with every dirty word she could find. "Where are you, Can I come and get you?" —— Meirah walked into the bar with Sofia to get drunk. "Enough! Meirah. There's no need to grieve for someone who doesn't deserve it." Sophia asked, assessing her abnormal behavior. "No, I just want to drink today," Meirah said, gulping the beer down her throat. She rarely drank because she always wanted to make sure that Lucian had a tasty after-dinner meal every night. She needed to be ready to face Lucian's call at all times, and she didn't want to miss out on any opportunities she might have with him. "Stop it, Meirah. It's already the second bottle. You can't hold much alcohol!" Sophia said as she tried to snatch the beer bottle from her hand. "Sophia, if you care about me, Let me be unruly and break my rules for one day. Just for today," she said. Her voice was dripping with unknown pain, and her bloodshot eyes expressed sadness that she could not put into words. Sophia looked at her worriedly and let go of the hand holding the beer bottle. Once she was wasted, she said, "Maybe you can come to my house tonight." "No!" Meirah was dizzy, but her senses were still clear. She couldn't get drunk and make her father worry about her marriage if she went back to Sophia's house. "Sophia, don't worry about me, I'm still the Luna of the pack. Even though my life has changed, I still need to deal with it, don't I?" "Meirah......" Sophia hugged Meira pitifully, but there was nothing she could do to fix anything for her friend. "Just take me home. Don't worry, tomorrow I'll pretend nothing happened! It's a responsibility I have to take on as Alpha's daughter. What's the fear of an unhappy marriage? At least I have you guys!" Sophia's tears came to her eyes again as she looked at Meira's forced calm. "Meirah, let's go home. At the very least, you need to rest up and brighten their eyes with your radiance when you face that b***h!" She couldn't continue to be depressed, she needed to keep Meirah safe from all this. "Don't love a man, who doesn't love you, Sophia." Meirah threw her drunken advice at her friend. They both got into the car and started their journey to her home. Meirah leaned against the car window silently. As Meirah lay on her bed, she remembered the situation from five years ago, like yesterday, moving in front of her eyes.
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