My misty

833 Words
JACKSON I typed furiously on my laptop working on some of my proposals when I realized that I was being watched, by none other than my mom. "Don't you think you work too much, son?" I barely glanced at her when she said this as she was once again peeking into my home office. "You don't need to spy over your son, mom." I said as I went through the emails that were waiting to be read by me. She quickly came inside my home office after hearing my words. "Oh, come on son! Why would I spy on my own son? I just wanted to make sure that you are okay..." She blabbered as she glanced all over the office in order to find something of her interest. "What are you searching for, mom?" I asked without looking at her. Although I knew that she was searching for any kind of girly stuff, like any girl's belongings, or some adult magazines...She sighed after she failed to find anything to satisfy her mind, sat on the chair beside me, and said, "Honey, don't you want to have a girl in your life ... with whom you know what I mean..." "No, I don't know mom!" I said as I once again looked in the direction of my laptop's screen. "Don't you want to experience any kind of intimacy with any female?" She asked as she looked at me with curiosity. "What the heck, mom!" I said as I didn't know what exactly I was supposed to say at that moment. I was aware that my mom thinks that whether I am into girls or not. She always tries to search for some adult magazines or anything that could confirm that her son in into girls, and not boys. I don't understand what makes her think that I'm into boys. I shrugged when I realized that she was silent and said, "I am not a gay, mom." "Then why don't you have a girlfriend or mistress, son?" I rolled my eyes at her statement. "Do you want me to find a wife for you?" She asked. "No, mom! I have much more important tasks to do, rather than to f**k a girl." "Your mother wants to see you live happily with your family. I want to have grandkids...I want to see you living happily with your wife..." "Why do you feel that I can only be happy with a wife and kids? I am happy." I said with an assuring smile on my face and tried to convince her. But she was my mom after all. "I know how my son is feeling, without even his saying anything. I know that you work day and night to forget that girl from your childhood. After that girl, I did not see you with any girl. I know that you took the responsibility for everything after your father abandoned us...that's why I want you to be finally happy, my son deserves every happiness of this world..." "Happiness is not dependent on finding a partner, mom! You were also married to dad, but what happened? Can you say that you were leading a happy life with him?" I counter questioned her. Mom and dad had fallen in love with each other during their college days. After a few years of marriage, dad turned abusive and used to beat mom. I still remember the cries of my mom and my helplessness at that moment as I could not save her from that monster dad of mine. "But I know that my son is not like his dad. Whoever will marry my son, will be the luckiest girl to have you as her life partner." I kept quiet but silently my mind flew to those blur memories from my childhood where she used to say, "I am lucky to have you here, Oreo!" She used to call me Oreo, and I used to call her Misty. I even don't what was her real identity. At the age of seven and six years, we were least concerned about each other's real identities. We enjoyed each other's company, or I should say, we loved each other's company. After our abrupt departure from India, I lost my only source of happiness and my love. Even now, after so many years, I could not make myself love, or even like any other girl. I wonder if I would ever be able to find her again in my life. I don't know how she might be looking now, after turning into an adult. I was so much lost in her memories that I forgot mom was still talking. "Are you even listening to me, son?" She said. I shook my head and said, "I am sorry mom, what were you saying?" "I was saying that find a girl and marry her as soon as you can, or, I will do that for you. And, it is an order." Her voice was stern now.
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