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18th of January I turn on my bad as the rays of light from outside escaped through the curtains inside. My head ached a bit. I couldn't even remember all that had happened the night before. I remember leaving the bar with bimbo with both off us half drunk as we called an uber. "Wake up you" mother said as she bashed into my room and I struggled to open my eyes to see her from the bed. "Get up from the bed and find something to do, no one is still in bed by this time on a monday morning you know" mother said. I sat up in bed as I squeezed my eyes cause my head was still hurting a bit. "But I have no work to go to mum, so why do I have to wake up early. My head hurts by the way" I said holding on to the part that was hurting. "Why wouldn't it, you and bimbo came home past midnight yesterday smelling of alcohol all round" mother said. "It was weekend mum, what else were we supposed to do and bimbo offered to show lagos to me and by the way, she is just getting started" I said with a smile knowing how mother was going to react. "Your mates are married, you two better look for something to do with your lives and stop partying it all away" mother said. "Mum, I am successful in my business abroad. That has to count for something though" I said "A man will make it better so look for someone"mother said "Not this talk about marriage and men early this morning, you know how sick it makes me feel" I said to mum "You never want to hear the truth, by the way, Troy and his parents will be joining us for dinner today" mother said "so, you should get past your hangover and come down and help me start getting ready" mother added. "Mother, it's just past 12pm" I said checking the time on my phone and wondering why we had to start preparing for dinner now. "The earlier the better, They should be here bu 6pm" mother said. "When did dad say he will be back though" I asked curiously. "I think he mentioned in two weeks time, The wedding is still four weeks from now" mother replied. "Alright" "So, get dressed and come and help me out" mother said turning to leave my room. "I have heard you mum" I said as I turned around on my bed after she left, pulling my duvet over myself to continue my sleep. I couldn't go back to sleep after so I just got up, went into the shower to have my bath then dress up to help mother downstairs. Even though I knew she probably didn't really need me because she had so many other people who could help her downstairs. She still wanted me to be there. When I got ready, it was almost 2PM. "So, what can I help with. Seems everything is being taken care of" I said, as I got into the kitchen were mother was and two of our helps at home were also there with her helping her with the cooking. "Just cut those onions" mother said as she pointed to the onions over the counter. I knew she didn't need me to do it because anyone could easily do it but I am sure she probably just didn't like how she was seeing me do nothing. "Alright mum" I said picking them up as I reached for the knife to start cutting them. "I want everything to be perfect" mother said as she made sure everything was orderly. She had always been that kind of person. Mother always had everything prim and proper. She hated times when mistakes were made and it really made me wonder why she had to be so perfect even when it wasn't really needed. And she also did it with raising I and bella. Made sure her daughters were the perfect ones envied by all parents and every other person with the way we did our things or the schools we went to. And she achieved that because I and Bella were what every parent wanted there kids to be like and it made mother really happy. "Hello everyone" bella said as she walked in on I and mother has we set the table for dinner. She kissed mother on the cheek. "Hey sis"she said "How was work my dear, you most be tired" mother said as we both faced Bella who looked a bit tired. She worked in one of the biggest oil company in lagos and I was really proud of everything she had achieved for herself. It always made me so happy and I was always proud of her. "Just had a little bit too much to do at work today" "You should probably just shower then and get some rest" I advised. "Cynthia(Troy's mum) just called and they are already on their way. "I should just shower and change my cloth then, I will be back down before they get here" Bella said as she walked up the stairs. "This is the last plate" I said handing it over to mother. "You should probably go up to change your dress too" mother said as she dropped the plates. "Yeah, I should" I said as I walked up the stairs to my room. Few minutes later, I could hear greetings from down the stairs as I changed my dress into a more presentable one. I went down the stairs and as I approached the dinning area, I realized everyone was sitted and my eyes met those of kunle before I I immediately averted my gaze. "Everyone, This is my sister Elizabeth" bella said immediately I moved closer as mother pointed me over to a sit next to her. "This is Troy's parents and his cousin Tope" bella said "And you have met troy yesterday" bella smiled and my eyes met those of Troy's again.
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