Chapter 2

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Armaan’s POV After 2 week in France  “Yes baby, just like that”, I encouraged her to climb high and high on my lap giving me a good f**k. "Keep going, I love it." I pressed one of her boobs hard in my hands and slapped the other. And she moaned and started taking me deeper inside her. "You are awesome, don’t stop.", I said and we were deep in our lust f*****g each other better than every time. “Yes, deeper.", I said in her ears huskily and kept her lips in a passionate kiss.  I flipped her under me and put all my body weight on her slim and fragile body and heard her,“Go on”. She gave me all the satisfaction which I was craving for a long time and f**k she was so damn good. Soon we both cummed and laid on bed facing the ceiling. “f**k, You are so good in bed. Where did you learn getting f****d like a perfect whore.”, I asked her and engulfed her in my arms. She smiled and replied, “Depends on the partner, handsome.” and winked at me. “Would love to bang this ass of yours again and again, babe. I will f**k until I leave this country.”, I said and gave a peck on her lips. It’s been 2 weeks since I came here. I was sitting in a random bar when I bumped into a hot brunette Diana.  Since my mind was not able to concentrate on anything so I thought to keep my mind and d**k busy. In no time she was settled on my bed in my room to get f****d. And I must say I am having an awesome time with her. She is a good girl as she was not craving for any commitment from me. We are with each other for our needs and but still if she would like I would like her to be my friend. She is talented and I know soon she will be a supermodel which she aspires to be. She really helped me, keeping Namrata out of mind. I am so thankful to her for that. Now, I can work peacefully without any distraction. I was busy admiring the beauty in front of me when I got a call and without checking the id I picked it up. “Hello”, I said irritatedly and heard my friend Raj, “Hey dude, hope I am not interrupting anything.” I smiled at Diana and stood up from the bed in my naked glory, “You did that. But never mind tell me, how is it going on there?", I grabbed the rob and wore it. I was standing in my room near the window and observed the entire city from here. “everything is good here. Our team is trying their best to get back our clients and soon we will announce our success." He told me which made me feel good. We have lost many clients because of some competitors and their misdeeds.  “Good”, I said and continued, “So, did you find anyone in your team who can take your place in your absence?” "Not yet, but I will find it soon. I just want to see their caliber first and your views also matter so we will do that after you come back to India." He told me. I also told him about the deals for which I am here, “Okay great. Our deal is finalised here. Mr James is quite happy with the progress and I am planning to come back next week.” “Cool. come back soon, Shlok is literally taking the lives of our employees in the factory.”, he said and I heard him laughing so loudly which made me chuckled. But still, Shlok is my best friend too, how can I keep quiet so I defended him, “Shut up, you know he is perfect in his work. He just wants there not to be any mistakes.” He said, “I know but unfortunately our employees are a little afraid of me.” and I immediately replied,“I know that. I will come back soon so that you could join Shlok and our employees could have some peace of mind. Shlok also needs help and rest. He is taking care of so many things at a time." “Yeah, okay then I am going. Take care and see you soon.”, Raj said and I also hung up after saying, “Bye, Raj” Namrata’s POV I have been working here for almost two weeks. I was nervous about coming here but all my worries vanished after some time.  Actually the reason for my worry was the CEO of our company, Mr Armaan. But, thankfully I haven't encountered him once since I came here, which is a good thing.  I am in the sales and marketing department and working under Mr Raj. He is our Marketing manager and board member too. He is one of the partner’s in the company. He is a nice person and I am so happy that I am in sales and marketing. I was wandering in my thoughts when I heard my colleague Kartika calling me, “Hey Namrata”.  She is a simple girl and we share a really good bond. She is of medium height and a little bit chubby not in a bad way of course. She sat in front of me in the cafeteria and I gave her a warm smile and replied, “Hi, where were you? I have been looking for you since morning.” She took a breath and calmed down because she came here literally like she was running a marathon, “I was with Aditi, she needed some help. But don’t worry now I am here to accompany you.” “Who is Aditi?”I asked her while sipping my coffee. “She is the assistant of our CEO, Mr Armaan Malhotra.” She told me and ate the chips from my plate. I looked at her dumbfounded remembering our passionate moments. She gave me a look saying are you really serious and continued, “Yes, did you forget him who met us when we came here to submit our documents?” ‘How can I forget the man who stole my first kiss?’ I thought in my mind. “Did you say something?”,she asked me and I immediately replied, “No no, I remember him. I haven't seen him here since we joined.” She looked at me with a shocking expression and asked me, “Well, are you really in this office? You didn’t hear anything about him? Namrata, what would happen to you?” “No”, I replied innocently. She rested her hands on the table and started telling me, “Well let me tell you then. Mr Armaan is the CEO of MKT enterprises and Shlok and Raj sir are the partners and his best friends. They are like brothers and trust each other blindly.” I was listening to her calmly, she took a sip of her coffee and continued, “At this time, Mr Armaan is in France regarding an upcoming project and in his absence Mr Raj is handling the client and other things.” “Ohh, did you mean he is our real boss?” I asked her though I knew the answer. “Yes and No.”, she replied and made me look into her eyes. She understood my confusion and cleared it, “Means, yes he is the boss but we will work under Mr Rajiv Khandelwal(Known as raj) as he handles the domestic and overseas marketing of the company.” “Okay”, I replied to her as we stood from her chair to get back to work. But before that we heard a feminine voice, “What are you two doing here?” “We are just going.” Kartika replied and we took our leave. I asked her while entering the elevator “Who is she?” Kartika told me, “She is Aditi.” and I just said, “Okay.” ----- Currently we are seated in the conference room of our company. Mr Raj called all of us, I mean sales and marketing team here for some work. We were having our fun until we realized Raj sir was already standing in front of us and we greeted him. Mr Raj is a nice man. He doesn’t get angry and understands their employees which are a good thing. We used to have fun with each other. Sometimes, Raj sir joined us. He is quite popular among his employees. We greeted him and soon the meeting started.  “Good evening everyone. Today here we are going to discuss the marketing strategy for our overseas clients. Since you guys know, from next week I won’t be available. So you guys will be on your own. In my absence, you will report to other authorities. You can connect with me too but I can’t promise to be available. So do your best in my absence and by the time I will come back you guys will get a surprise.”, Raj sir told us and gave us all the advice regarding clients, their projects and everything. This went on for almost one hour. By the end of Mr Raj’s speech we came to know that we will be reporting to Armaan sir in his absence. Everyone was happy except me since it will be too awkward for me to deal with him since our last encounter.  I was lost in my thoughts when I heard Tanisha, my colleague, “Sir, when will Armaan sir come back?” “Are you missing Armaan sir, Tanisha?”One of our male colleagues asked and immediately the other one joked with her,“Opps, you just broke the heart of our boy.” Tanisha glared at him and just said, “Shut up.” Before anyone else says anything Raj sir interrupted and said, “Okay okay guys. Relax. Armaan is coming back next week.” I heard our female girl gang cheering ,“Ohh great.” and I was thinking how would I face him? ------- Hey Guys, Hope you all are doing good. Keep reading and let me know your views. Soon our love birds will be in front of each other. Till then, take care of yourself and your loved ones.
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