Chapter 2: Re: Beginnings

3891 Words

Chapter 2: Re: BeginningsThe world twisted and turned, spinning faster around me as I held my gold staff at Dean’s throat. He had a smile on his face and in his eyes the look of fear resided. He looked terrified, his eyes looked like they knew I was about to make my final blow. My staff felt cold in my hands and I felt faint. I leaned on the staff like a crutch and Dean slipped away. Sam, who was in the air, flew down and pinned him to the ground. Afriel landed and pinned Dean’s legs. Francis, who was standing in the doorway took her long step forward and with a little whisper on the air I was hurled into her arms. She guided me to the sofa and she and both of my mother’s laid me down. Sam came walking in with Dean wrapped up in his arms and threw him to the ground. He put one foot on to

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