Chapter Three

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Even though he was mad at me for bringing up 'He who must not be named' he still had my breakfast waiting for me next to him at our usual spot in the dinning hall. With a grateful smile I start to head over there. Just as I turn down the isle something caught my foot as I lifted it and I didn't have time to catch myself when I face planted to the ground. Laughter surrounded me. Embarrassment wasn't even close to how I felt at that moment. Total humiliation overwhelmed my entire being.             "Oh my bad! Didn't see you there."  I looked up to see none other than the worst person in the school. Mike Bracamonte. "You should have used the levitation spell so you wouldn't haven fallen on your face, oh wait!" He snaps his fingers and fake winced. "That's right, you can't." Once again laughter erupted around me. I quickly get up but before I could move on without saying a word to any of them a voice behind me says, "Come on you guys, leave the poor girl alone." "Hey Malikai!" Estel Nitt, the most popular girl in the school, who was sitting right next to Mike, beamed with excitement seeing him.  I turn to see Malikai Johnston standing behind me with a kind smile. He handed me my bag that had fallen off my shoulder when I had fell. I couldn't say anything as I just stared at him like a dumb i***t. Taking the bag, our hands barely made contact but it was enough to make my whole body shiver. I hear snickering beside me. Realizing that I was just staring at him like a lover sick fool I felt my face heat up in humiliation. Quickly turning away I walk as fast as I could from their table to where Calen sat watching the whole display. As soon as I sat down he said with slight disgust, "Well that was...a bit pathetic to watch at the end." I gave him a scowl as I snatched my food from beside him. "At least he came to my rescue, what the hell were you doing, other than sitting here watching like everyone else?" His face got a little red. "I was about to head over there but lover boy beat me to it, besides you wouldn't even have noticed I was there when he showed up. What was the point by then?" He looked away from me and stabbed his fork into the chicken that was being served. He seemed to still be upset from earlier and this whole incident with Malikai seemed to have made it worse. "Sometimes you're impossible." I mumbled, which maybe I shouldn't have said out loud because the next thing I knew Calen slammed his fist on the table, grabbed his bag, pushed himself out of his chair and marched away from the cafeteria, all without saying a single word to me. What the hell?  He didn't even take a single bite of his food and that told me enough to know that Calen was more than upset with me, he was pissed. My appetite was all but gone. Pushing my plate away I sit back against the chair, sighing heavily. What could I do to get that lame head to smile at me again? I never understood why the subject of Malikai was such a sore spot with my best friend but it always has been since the first day we met him in freshman year.  On our first day of class our first year all students had to undergo a test. I had begun to get really nervous when one by one each person showed what their magic ability was and how far they have come. When it was my turn I just stood there looking down at the ground. "Why isn't she doing anything?" A girl asked while everyone sat silent waiting for me to show what I can do. "Nessa? Go on sweetie, we all have something different so don't be afraid of what you have, okay." Our instructor said gently. I began to sweat. "I-I don't have anything yet." I mumbled. "What? What did she just say?" A boy somewhere asked looking dumbfounded. "Wait, hold on. Are you telling us you're magicless?" The same girl who spoke before scoffed. When she stated that laughter slowly began to go around.  "How did you even get into this school if you don't have any magic?" Someone else asked sounding confused. "It has to be because of her famous family. They probably had to bribe to get her in." All around me laughter continued and disbelief went around. Calen stood up ready to unleash his fury at everyone while the instructor tried to get everyone under control, when suddenly a kind voice said loudly. "What gives any of you the right to judge?" At that everyone went silent. The boy who spoke out stood up from his desk and looked around at everyone, looking a bit disappointed. When I laid my eyes on him I became completely dumbstruck at his perfect beauty. Being only fourteen he was already on his way to being over six feet tall. His body was lean and his dirty blonde hair looked like it belonged on hair product commercials. His skin was a beautifully peach colored smoothness that I envied. He emitted an aura so bright and soft that I could have stared at him forever. "Just because she can't do magic now, doesn't mean she doesn't have any. All of you should have been taught that at a young age. Every witch and warlock has their own pace and this academy is supposed to bring out the best of everyone. She's here so that she can bring it out so leave her alone." Right then and there I knew I had fallen in love with Malikai Johnston. Too bad at the near age of seventeen I was still magicless. I look over to the popular table to see them all laughing and having a good time. They seemed to have completely forgotten the incident. Malikai was once again the center of attention. He was talking as everyone around him laughed. Estel clung to him like a lifeline but he didn't seem to mind it at all. Envy rolled around my insides watching them. It was hard to tell who he liked since he acted like this with every girl he came across with, no matter what age they were. I was no exception. Thinking back to my first day of school, I will never forget that kindness he showed. Everyone loved Malikai, except for Calen of course.  That boy didn't like him that very first day. Thinking back though it still didn't make any sense to me on why he hated him so much.  My thoughts straying to Calen, my mind begins to wander to my past. 
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