Sacred offer for my hymen.

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Barbie. " It will hurt, just a little bit. You will get over it in no time. Think of me as you do it." He commented as though he was talking about killing a mosquito. " You don't feel irked that another man will take what's yours?" I asked. This feels so wrong, He and I have never stepped out of our relationship. Another man will take what's his. And he's okay by that? " No, Barbie. You are still mine. You are doing this for us.If another man is the perfect chance for us to have all we have always dreamt of by having you for a night. I can't oppose that. I am okay with it." This doesn't feel right, I know that deep down he's not up to it. Ever since we heard about the virgin millionaire, Ozzy has never touched me. In the club I dance on the poles inside the glass enclosure. It's a way for the clients to know I am a Virgin. I hate that it's announced like that but it's what Ozzy wanted in case the wealthy ones want me. Seems those in the club don't have a thing for virgins or they think I am a virgin dancer, a dancer that's new and fresh. Perhaps the glass casing is why I don't make dozens of dollars like the rest. The men can't touch me, they can see but not touch any part of me. Sucks a lot, trust me. " Ozzy." " Barbie, you don't have to worry about anything. You can fake the moans and pretend to come. Shake your legs a little. Cling onto him that will make him think he's made you enjoy it. Most rich men are old and worn out. He won't take you more than one round. He'll be tired and that will be it. Barb, we will be rich. Our lives will no longer be the same when you walk out of there." He elaborated. He seems at ease about this more than I. I want the money, in fact I need it. The bills have been an endless pain. He's right, a lot of rich men are old farts. I lost my dignity when I was banished so that doesn't bother me so much. Shame is a word that doesn't exist in my vocabulary. To be publicly banished took all the shame out of me. That's why I do this str.ipping job at ease. I am only concerned if this will affect my relationship with Ozzy. I know how money can change people, and worse the thought of another man having me would make him jealous and eventually hurt him. His phone rang and rang, jolting me to present away from my thoughts. " Talk of the devil, " swiping his screen.Dan's name printed on the screen. " Ssup man. I am here with Barbie." Ozzy answered by turning on the loud speaker. " Hey Oz, Barbie. I am calling about the client." " I briefed her a little." Ozzy muttered. " The client called again and made another offer." " Go on..." Ozzy replied. " He will pay two million if Barbie agrees to give up both holes. Basically what I am saying, he wants her peach crack as well. " My heart dropped to my stomach. Say what! Two million is an interesting amount but, my bum hole was not in the equation. I didn't know ... I don't... What is this! " I ..." " She's okay by that." Ozzy cut me. I can't believe my boyfriend agreed to this. We didn't discuss this! " Okay, the day is tomorrow night at seven. Sweet Vintage Suite. The receptionist will give you the apartment key, Barbie. The big man hates tardiness so be there on time." " Got it. " Ozzy answered. I gave him a scornful glare. " What was that for? ' I asked after he ended the call, rubbing my temple as I got up from my seat. " That was a business transaction of us becoming millionaires. Barbie, we are about to become rich." Pinching my nose ridge I shut my eyes. " Ozzy, we didn't discuss the peach crack. It's out of bounds. I don't know a thing about the peach crack. Shouldn't we have talked first?" I asked. He got up and stood before me. " Barbie, look at us. Do we have any hope? We are two outcasts. Do you intend to be a st.ripper for the rest of your life? You want a beautiful wedding, a house with a nice garden for you to grow vegetables and I want to give you that. Our music company on the busy street billboard with our faces on it as the power outcasts that made it big. This is our perfect revenge. The pain is like a pinch at the end of the day it's for the best. You will leave with two million in your pocket." He held my hands. An exasperated sigh escaped my lips. He's right, I want a good life. I want to own a house, have a little fruit and vegetable garden, have babies swarming around the mansion. Big dreams ... big sweet dreams. They can be a reality. An old rich man would make that happen. I looked into his eyes. " How can I prep for s.ex?" I asked. A glad smirk formed. on his lips. I had an implant up my arm. Ozzy thought it was best if I was always prepared incase an offer comes up. That way I can freely go into it without worrying about getting pregnant. He and I sat in front of our laptop searching on a.nal s.ex.I pondered at the thought of why the rich client would want both of my holes. " Make sure it's clean, that includes it's neatly waxed. Avoid heavy meals. Protein shakes are highly recommended. Relax and ensure your partner understands how you feel. " He read. Now I'll have to burp everything out like a super model. Everything I have eaten is gone like that. " You don't have to burp, we can have a home enema." He stated. " I don't know where we can get one." Cackling adorably," We are in the red district honey. You can never luck such. I will dash to the store and get one. " I gave him three hundred bucks. He better pray that this is a legit deal and not a scam or we are screwed financially.
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