The banished two

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~ Be careful of people that call you a hero because they are very much okay with you dying. Barbie. " Three, four , five and sixty shillings" That's what I made tonight. I am not the best but I gave my best. I changed into a shirt and a pair of jeans. " See you tomorrow Barb." " You too Luke." I replied. I made enough for some food and a few bottles of beer. Ozzy is going to be pleased. I made one hundred last night. I am an exotic dancer, also known as an s.tripper. Ozzy and I went into exile after we were excommunicated. It's a complicated story. It still hurts but what can we do, we just had to live with it. Our wolf ability had been revoked. We can feel it, but it's been turned off, so we can't shift, mate, or do anything. It's just there like a costume. Until the time the Alpha lifts our ban is when we will be able to be like other werewolves, shifting, mating, and welcomed back. We came to the City with nothing and had to start from there with nothing. Ozzy isn't just anyone, he's my boyfriend. He works in the s.trip club with me as a bartender. We are so in love with each other, you would be jealous. "You were amazing Barbie. " Ozzy muttered as he drove out of the parking lot. " We made five hundred and sixty. Enough to pay for telephone and some beers." I stated. " You excite me. I have great news to share with you when we get home, you will be thrilled." He uttered excitedly. Did he get a better paying job?It's been difficult for us to find work since we were exiled. The Alpha cursed us with a Cinnamon and Lavender scent after we were cast out. Because of that scent, anyone can tell we're outcasts. Nobody hires defaulters. All white-collar jobs have closed their doors on us. The red light district did not welcome us with open arms, as many would believe. When Ozzy got the job as a bartender, he asked for a job as an s.tripper for me. He had an inspiration one day. Which we'll get to in a moment. Str.ipping isn't as simple as it appears on the surface. It takes a lot of practice, your hair has to look good, your makeup should be on top, your nails should be well manicured, your costume is clean, you smell good, and your body is seductive. I am a natural dancer with a flexible body who can shift my body to various angles such as backflip, one eighty, upside down one eighty, and so on. Hair and makeup are expensive to me because I live on a budget; I do my own hair and get my products from the black market; there's a kid who hawks lipsticks, hair shampoos, and other cosmetics around the club for three times less the price at a retail Sephora store. It is a health risk, but beggars can't be choosers. Besides, there have never been any health concerns about the products he sells. That department has been taken care of. He's the best plug. I also get my nail polish from our walking Sephora. I do my own toes and nails. Manicure checked. I get cheap perfumes from the same guy, so that's taken care of, as well as the wax beans. Ozzy does the waxing, which is painful but necessary. My cootie cat and armpits are as visible as the sky. Working out has been beneficial. I use Ozzy's homemade lifts and keep a close eye on what I eat. Despite this, I am not at the top of my game. In the club there are rankings. The highest paid st.rippers are those that aren't cursed like me, can lure in the rich and mighty, and are featured in hip videos. More prettier and hotter than I. Have had work done on their body. I haven't had any body enhancements, my bo.obs are naturally, busty, bubble big booty. I believe I am beautiful, I know so. Self-love is adequately important.And it's also expensive to get body enhancement surgeries. Remember I am on a budget. Men here want what they can see in their fantasies come to life. I give my best even though it's not my dream job. It pays my bills The second rank is for the average dancers, those that are good at their jobs, they can dance great, they are pretty. Essentially everyone here is pretty. The lowest rank is for the newbies. It's not really about looks here, but more on how easily you can lure the heavy wallets. The more money you bring the higher you rank. You could bag close to even one hundred grand a night. Comparing yourself to others is vicious. Just be you. I am me. I do my best and call it a day, after all I believe one day I won't be here dancing n.aked for money. I got two beers from the liquor store on our way home. ********* " I needed that meal for a long time.." He commented. It's been ages since we had a decent meal. Chicken, fries and two bottles of beer. Most of the time we eat canned food that taste like failed capitalism. " The club was packed today, we made a decent amount." I replied. " Speaking of which I have something you will be thrilled to hear." He answered. I threw the chicken packages into the trashcan and replaced the empty beer bottles into the crate. I sat down on the couch opposite from him, resting my legs on the couch. " Go ahead, I wanna hear it." I replied, eager to know what my boyfriend had in-store for me. " Someone showed an interest. He offered a milli." He stated, an eager smile printed on his lips. About that, I met Ozzy in junior high.Things happened and we were both banished for life, we dodged a death sentence by a thread. Other than a kiss, he and I have never been intimate. He proposed we save it till marriage. He promised me that once our finances pick up, he and I will have a beautiful wedding. Things didn't work out as we expected them to. The wedding is on hold for now. We saw a post where a girl sold her virginity and made a whopping amount out of it. She was lucky I thought. Ozzy thought why not, he asked me to auction my virginity just like the girl did. I didn't fully agree to this. " Someone... offered?" muttering in disbelief. " Yes, I got word from Dancun that one of his clients contacted someone who was eager and made a decent offer." He answered. I sat up. " What if this person is a hoax, a fake or something? Dancun could be pulling your leg." I replied. " Dancun has connections. I believe he's authentic. He wouldn't lie to me. This man is offering one mil for your hymen baby.I trust this, aren't you excited? " He asked. I didn't know how to feel about that. " It's just that, I don't know if we can trust that this is legit, what if he's a creep or hostile.Ozzy, I am scared. I don't know what it's like to lose my hymen. I am really scared. " Coming to my side, he held my hand. " Baby, we are talking of one million. A decent amount that will get us out of here. We could buy the building we always wanted and start our own music recording company. One million would make our dreams come true. The hymen is just a sheet, it will hurt a little and eventually you will enjoy it. You wouldn't even know it's gone. " I sighed. He's making sense. " What about us, won't it ruin the promise we made for each other. You are the one who should crack it, on our wedding night, with candles and roses. " I said. " Baby, we aren't going against the promise we made for ourselves, you and I are still one. I have consented to this. We need the money. " " But Ozzy... " " Barbie, think of all the things we could do with a million dollars. We could buy our own house, open our music studio. Buy a new car, eat well, live like kings. We wouldn't have to go back to the Wicked Fantasies Club." I rubbed the nape of my neck. I want that for us, money, freedom and a sweet life. Our very own music studio, that would grow into a record label. I can see us on a red carpet living it up as a power couple that started from the bottom. My hand swiped across my face. " Baby, look at me." I turned my face to him, looking into his aqua green eyes. " We are still a team. Trust me. We came a long way together." " How will it feel? Will it hurt?" I asked. I have always dreaded the thought of losing my hymen.I've seen online clips of girls getting deflowered. It looks painful, many whimper in pain. I don't know if I am ready for that. It gives me chills.
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