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There was neither a frown nor a twitch on his face as Willim awaited an attack that would most definitely lead to his death. He was calm. As if he was taking a short nap beside his swimming pool basking in the warm sunlight. But the attack that he had awaited for a long time did not reach him and instead came another roar from the side. William slowly and calmly opened his eyes as if everything surrounding him had nothing to do with him. A white wolf with a few golden streaks casually painted on the fur pounced onto Steve’s wolf. ‘He doesn’t belong to my pack,’ is the first thought William had when he saw someone rescuing him. His eyes never left the newcomer as he skilfully attacked Steve until Steve’s wolf had no other choice but to turn away and run in fear. William was shocked for once, as he had never seen Steve in such a pathetic state. He has always been strong and arrogant, never once shying away from a fight. But now? He actually ran away? Just how strong is this new person that came to his rescue? Though he saw all of his attacks with his own eyes, he still couldn’t analyze his full strength. He looked casual. Way too casual, as if he had just played with a toy and not fought against a strong enemy. As he was thinking about the strength of the man, he had already changed back into his human form, dressed himself and came back to stand in front of him. While William was sizing him up, the other man too was doing the same. The devilish smile on his lips made him look even more charming than his beautiful wolf form. Before William could speak a word, he heard a whistle from the other man. He wore a dignified suit but his devilish smile and his roguish whistle made him look like a gangster from the streets. A handsome gangster nonetheless. But... Why is he looking at him like he wanted to eat him up? William started to become wary at once. “Ohh, you look charming. Which pack do you belong to, handsome?” The newcomer asked in a roguish way and yet somehow William couldn’t feel any disdain towards his words or the way he looked at him. Yet, William wanted to safeguard himself from this weird and yet strong man in front of him. Hence, he did not give an answer to his question. Instead he sincerely spoke, “Thank you for saving my life.” Oliver clicked his tongue as he smiled and his long legs took him towards William. He used his fingers to hold William’s chin, “If it was someone else, I would have ignored them. I never cared for anyone else’s life before. It is just that..” He scanned William’s face slowly and clearly as his breath fell all over William’s face, “You are too beautiful to let you die.” William’s lips twitched. He knew that he was handsome. He was also used to many people’s gazes at him as he walked by. But this was the first time someone blatantly praised his beauty like this. Also, why is this man saying he was ‘beautiful’ instead of ‘handsome’? Who would use the word ‘beautiful’ to describe a man? Also… Isn’t this man a bit too near his face? He made everything feel ambiguous with both his words and actions. William slowly turned his face away and muttered, “Can you stop touching my face?” Oliver continued showing his devilish smile as he countered, “I can’t. My hands won’t stop even if I tell them to. They just loved your face a bit too much.” “...” ‘So it is my fault that I am too handsome?’ William did not know what to say as he was really speechless by this man’s blatant actions. William was never a man who was passive towards his opponents. But for some reason, in front of this man, he couldn’t do anything to push him away. It is almost like he was trapped in this man’s charm. It is like he had nowhere to go if this man moved away from him. Though he felt uncomfortable about being in such close proximity with a stranger whom he had met for the first time, he was unable to dislike him nor push him away. He felt like a piece of iron which was attracted to this magnet like man. It was a new experience, which he had never felt before. But why? Where did this weird attraction towards a stranger come from? Is it because this so-called stranger just saved his life? Is his life-saving grace what made him unable to feel disgust towards him and push him away? William did not understand. Oliver, on the other hand, couldn’t read his thoughts. He was in his own world as he was feeling William’s ‘beauty’ to his heart’s content as he sighed at the end, “Ahhh~ I think I am turning gay because of your beauty.” “...” William was shocked at his words. But his words also made one of the strings in his heart be pulled. He felt like he had been struck by an arrow directly at his heart. He knew that this man in front of him was just teasing him. He also knows that none of his words were the truth. But still, he couldn’t understand why he was affected by his casual remarks like that. He took a step backwards and cleared his throat once before speaking, “Please stop joking around.” Oliver’s eyes narrowed as he took another step forwards to close the gap which was just created by William, “Joking? Who told you that I was joking, huh?” “...” William wanted to refute his words immediately, but when he looked into Oliver’s eyes, his words were suddenly struck in his throat. He couldn’t speak a word. All he could see was the seriousness in Oliver’s eyes. So, does he mean that he was really not joking? William didn’t want to believe in that.
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