Chapter 2

2085 Words
We walked into the art studio in Kyle’s garage. I saw his mom there painting as she listened to music. “Mom,” Kyle said. She looked over, turning off her music. “What’s up, sweetheart?” She asked. Kyle opened his mouth but looked down in fear. “Kyleie? What is it?” She asked. “sam’s pregnant,” Kyle said. “Is it yours?” Sue asked. “Yes, it is,” Kyle said. “Well, I’m not going to yell, I was a teen mom too so I know how terrifying it is and an angry parent doesn’t make it any better,” she said and we all sat on the couches in the corner of the garage. “Kyle, I buy you condoms and everything just to make sure you don’t get into a situation like mine. I can’t stop you from having s*x because no matter how much adults teach kids on abstinence that won’t just stop them from having s*x so I try to prepare you and educate you. I buy you condoms and I taught you how to use them when you were younger.” “I know and we used protections, we were careful, it was an accident,” Kyle said. “Trust me, I know how hard you struggled and I didn’t want the situation for sam or myself. We want to put the baby up for adoption, we’ve already thought it out and it’s really the best thing to do.” “Yeah, it is,” she said sadly, almost like she was disappointed. “You two are too young to have a child.” I nodded and Kyle gave my hand a soft squeeze.  “sam, come to me if you need anything,” she said. “I will always be here for you.” “Thank you, Sue,” I said.  “Has your mother taken you to see a doctor yet?” She asked.  “No, w-we’re too scared to tell her,” I admitted. “You’re gonna need to be taken to a doctor,” she said.  “We wanted to go alone, we should be able to without a parent,” Kyle said.  “Yes but it would be covered under your parent’s insurance, sam,” she said. “You can’t afford to pay the medical bills on your own.” “But my parents are gonna be so pissed,” I whispered nervously.  “You can take a few days to prepare yourself, I know it’s hard,” Sue said. “You’re gonna need to go to the doctor’s soon but it’s not imminent or anything. Has the morning sickness started?” “No,” I said quietly.  “It probably will within the next few days,” Sue said. “And I swear with Kyle I thought I was losing more weight from all the vomiting I did. f**k morning sickness, it went until late afternoon.” I chuckled softly, holding Kyle’s hand.  “But He was a really sweet baby,” his mom said. “Most of the time he was just smiles and giggles but sometimes he would just scream his head off. I swear, Kyle, I think you were purposely trying to drive me insane.” Kyle mumbled an apology as he laughed.  “Anyways, it’s gonna be alright, sam, you’re a very strong girl,” she said. “You’re gonna be so brave and strong.” I smiled, resting my head on Kyle’s shoulder.  “It’s scary,” I admitting quietly, a hand gently resting on my stomach.  “I’m here for you,” Kyle said quietly.  I nodded, looking down at my stomach.  “H-how long until I’m showing?” I asked.  “It’s different for everyone, I started showing at about thirteen weeks with Kyle, I think,” Sue said. “You don’t have to be ashamed, Sweetheart. People may mock and make snarky comments, trust me, I’ve heard but all. And twenty years ago it was even more taboo to have a teen pregnancy. But you just have to hold your head high because they don’t know what you’re going through, they don’t know a second of your life and you are so much stronger than they are.” I smiled, my eyes watering.  “Thank you so much, Sue,” I said.  “Come on, let’s go upstairs,” Kyle said.  I nodded and went up to his bedroom with him.  “I love you,” I muttered as I curled up on the bed with him.  “I love you too,” he said. “It’s gonna be okay, sam, we’re gonna get through this and I’m gonna be by your side the entire time.” “Can we go back to my house?” I asked.  Kyle nodded and we got into my car, driving us both back to my house. We walked in the front door and kicked off our shoes.  “Hello, Samantha,” my dad said and he glanced at Kyle. “Oh, you.” “Hello, Mr. Anderson,” Kyle said.  I grabbed two cans of pop and some chips before we went up to my room.  “They still hate you,” I mumbled unhappily as I shut the door and set the snacks down. “Two years and they still hate you.” “It doesn’t matter if they hate me, I love you so much,” he said.  I giggled as he pressed his lips against mine, pushing me down onto my queen sized bed. My hands tangled into his hair before I pulled away.  “Okay, I’m hungry,” I said.  I turned on the tv and sat on my bed, eating junk food together.  “Do you think it’s gonna be a boy or a girl?” Kyle asked.  I shrugged. “What would you want?” “I don’t know, I kinda want a little boy but at the same time I also want a little girl,” he said. “I don’t really care, I will still love them no matter what.” “Me too,” I mumbled. Kyle pulled me to sit between his legs, my back against his front. His hands laid on my stomach and I smiled.  “This little baby is gonna go to a nice little family and they’re gonna grow up big and happy,” he said.  I smiled, looking up at him. He leaned down and gave me a soft kiss.  “You’re so pretty,” he muttered, brushing my red hair behind my ear.  I turned around in his lap, straddling his hips. My lips crashed against his and he let out a soft moan as he pulled me closer. He laid me down on the bed, my head at the foot of the bed. Kyle kissed along my neck and I let out a whimper, my eyes closing.  “Samantha! Door open!” My dad shouted.  I pouted as Kyle went over and opened my bedroom door before coming back to lay next to me.  “He has us keep the door open to stop us from having s*x but you’re already pregnant with my child,” Kyle muttered.  I giggled, kissing his cheek.  “You seem a lot more calm about it now,” Kyle remarked.  “I’ve had a bit to come to terms with it,” I said. “I’m still f*****g terrified but now I have a plan so that makes it a little bit easier. I just have to get through these nine months and then I put the baby up for adoption and we’re done.” Kyle smiled, giving me a soft kiss.  “Did we ever have a broken condom or anything?” I asked.  “No,” he said. “Maybe there was a tiny hole in one or something. But we always used protection.” I nodded, holding his hand.  “I just kind of wanna get the story completely straight before we tell my parents,” I said. “This is probably the last time you’re gonna be allowed inside this house, my dad would probably shoot you if you just step foot on his front lawn after he learns you knocked his daughter up.” “Guess we’ll be spending more time at my house then, I don’t mind,” he said. “Although you do have a pool and a basketball court. You just have a really nice house in general and mine’s just shitty.” “It’s not shitty,” I denied. “Your House is just warm and cozy, mine is big and cold and empty. You’ve got a nice loving family and we’ve got two distant lawyer parents.” “You’re family at my house, you know you’re welcome there whenever you want,” Kyle said.  “I know,” I said. “You wanna go in the hot tub?” “Are you able to with the baby?” He asked.  I grabbed my laptop to look it up.  “No,” I said sadly. “I love using my hot tub.” “Well, it’s gonna be winter soon so at least you won’t be using it,” Kyle said.  I nodded, resting my head on his shoulder.  “So what else do I have to give up because I’m pregnant?” I asked.  The two of us spent a couple hours just laughing and looking at different baby websites.  “It says don’t drink toilet water while pregnant,” Kyle read. “Who the f**k is drinking toilet water while they’re not pregnant?” I giggled, scrolling down.  “‘Don’t start your pro wrestling career’,” I read. “Man, there goes all my dreams.” “Some of this stuff is just kinda funny,” Kyle said. “And you know what, since you have to give up I’m gonna give up stuff too. I’m gonna give up coffee because you have to and I’m gonna try going to sleep earlier with you and I’m gonna try and follow you to try and support you.” “You don’t have to do that, Baby,” I said.  “I want to,” he stated. “You shouldn’t have to go through everything alone. I’m gonna be right here supporting you every step of the way.” I nodded my head, wrapping my arms around him.  “I’m gonna get so big and I’m not gonna be able to wear my pretty clothes anymore,” I complained. “I’m gonna have to get some baggy maternity clothes.” “I’m gonna get you the cutest maternity clothes I can find,” Kyle said.  I giggled, kissing his cheek.  “Speaking of, shouldn’t you be heading to work?” I asked.  Kyle looked at his watch and cursed.  “s**t, I’ve gotta go,” he said.  “I’ll drive you, You don’t have your car,” I said.  I drove Kyle to his work and smiled when we pulled up outside the restaurant where he was just a part-time waiter.  “I love you,” I said. “Do you need me to pick you up?” “No, I’m fine, I’ll just get a ride from Brendon because we’re working the same shifts today,” he said. “I love you.” Kyle gave me a kiss and I giggled as I watched him run into the restaurant, nearly stumbling over his own feet. 
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