The Mystery Girl

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                   Drake prov.           “SHE WHAT!!” I growled at the wolf we sent to this wolf that save a small village to our growing land.           “Drake please calm down I’m sure she didn’t mean it.” Darick said to me. Darick is my twin brother we both took over after we turned 19,           “I will not calm down she just insulted us like we are nothing.” I growled at my brother. He had the same color of hair as me, black. His eyes however are midnight green while mine are grey. Even our wolves are twins. My wolf’s name is Milo and his wolf’s name is Marcus.           I heard a knock on the door. “Come in.” We both said in unison. “Alpha’s.” our beta, Brad bowed and continued talking, “Here is the man that talked to that girl.” “Thank you Brad you may go.” I said he bowed and then left. “Your Highness.” The man said and bowed. “What can you tell us about this girl.” Darick asked. “She didn’t talk much but she got angry at me for saying what we were all told about the land that she was living on. Her wolf is bigger than any I have ever seen It was a grizzly size wolf. She was powerful and her growls shook the ground a little. She had a crest but nothing like I have ever seen.” “WHAT. She’s ROYAL.!!” Me and my brother said. “Yes, alphas the royal crest was on her forehead it was a flaming wolf wearing a crown.” The man said. “Thank you, you may leave.” I told him he bowed, and I looked at my brother. “ That’s not our family crest, so who’s her father and mother?” He just shrugged his shoulders our crest was just a wolf howling at a moon. Our pack was called the howling wolf pack. “Should we have someone watch her to see what she does?” Darick suggested in a question tone. I agreed with him. “Send Brad and our tacker Nick have them watch her for at least three weeks.” I said and he mind linked them to do so while I started our paperwork.           Brad’s prov. We arrived at the territory that she is living in it looks like she as kept the place up and not let it go and run down. ‘Keep out of sight and watch her every move.’ I told Nick he just nodded, and he left to hide. Now all we have to do is to wait. It was two hours, and nothing happened then I saw her come out of the hole that was supposed to be the front door. She picks up the door that was on the porch and started to fix it. She was wearing an eye patch on her left eye. She had medium black hair with red highlights that went to the shoulder blades. She was wearing a tank top and I saw this huge crest on her back, but I could not make it out on what it was. All I saw was half a head of a wolf with a crown and a hand on its head. On her left shoulder it looked like another crown but only a little part of it. Once she finished the door, she looked my way and I saw her eye scan the territory. She then went back inside and that was all she did for the rest of the night.   Amira’s prov. I smelt someone here no two people here, so I went out to fix my door once I finished, I looked around, ‘ROYAL’s’ Amdis and Adria growled. ‘Yes, I know but lets just be nice they are here to see who we are that’s it.’ I told them. ‘Hey what if we catch one and take him in and tie him down then scare the other one.’ Amdis said in an excited tone. ‘I don’t see what the issue is with that.’ I said and Adria agreed, ‘But under one condition no killing and no vampire movements we know how they hate it.’ I warned Amdis more than Adria. Since our packs deaths we have grown to be like sisters, so I no longer have the headaches I use to when I was little until they want to be annoying, but I just block them out. ‘Okay Amdis where is the one that I didn’t see?’ I asked. ‘He’s in the middle to the east.’ She said. “So, they don’t want their backs against the rouge territory cleaver.” I said and then jumped out of the window where they had the blind spot. I jumped from tree to tree until I was above the one that I could not see before Amdis told me where he was at. He was in human form, so it was not hard for me to get him. I landed on him and duct taped his mouth put a knife at his throat and whispered, “If you move, I’ll kill you, come lets go.” He moved where I guided him, I knew he was going to mind link is pal that was still at the front of the house. So, before he could tell his pal where exactly we were going, I knocked him out and then picked him up with vampire strength and threw him into the house. I then sped around and I was behind the other one that was in wolf form. I shifted into my wolf and let Adria have control just in case. She quietly came up behind him and growled. He turned around fast and growled back only to look up to my forehead and then stopped. He shifted into his human form which he was bare naked. I shifted with clothes on and my eye patch on and laughed. “You Royals really need to learn how to shift with clothes on. Come on ill get you some clothes oh and I have your pal tied up in the house.” I said to him. The look on his face was priceless, “How we masked our sent and everything?” “I was trained for that just in case I was in a scenario just like this one. You can go ahead and tell your Royals that you were caught but no need to send an army I wont hurt you or your pal.” I walked passed him and he followed me inside I grabbed my dads clothes because he looks like he was the same size as my dad. “Here these were my fathers clothes they should fit you simply fine. Ill go wake up your friend I had to knock him out so you wouldn’t attack me.” Brad’s prov. I linked the kings and they sighed knowing that they sent their best and was defeated was embarrassing. I told him i can observe her more closely now. I also gave him the info I had on her and then closed the link before she notices. “Here eat dinner there is bedrooms on the second floor and the only thing that is off limits is my room the office and the basement.” she warned us and we both nodded. “Good enjoy I need to go down to the basement really quick.” She said carrying three plates of food. I sent a text message to Darick about the three prisoners in the basement. And then deleted the message once he read it. “Once we get done eating ill show you two to your rooms.” She said as she came back with three empty plates and a first aid kit. She then sat next to Nick and opened the kit up and she took a cloth and dabbed the cut that was on Nick. He growled at her and she growled deeply, and it shook the whole dinning room. Aidan my wolf whimpered with fear. ‘Dude really.’ I told him. ‘Do you know who she is man. We are so dead just don’t do anything that will piss her off okay.’ He warned me. ‘Who is she?’ He asked but I just cut him off,  ‘ Dude don’t, just behave my wolf warned me that she is really dangerous if she gets really mad.’ I then cut the link. “Your wolf.” She said not looking at me and then once she was done with whipping the blood off of Nick she looked at me and then continued, “He’s wise on what he told you I hope you heed to his words. Don’t worry I cant read minds my wolf just warned him.” “Oh, umm I will keep it in mind. Thank you for dinner but we must be going.” I told her. “No, you must stay here its not safe here at night rouges roam the territory looking for whomever is roaming at night. I have saved many or your packs children it would be a shame if one were to die because their parents are fast asleep thinking that their child is safe.” “Is that why you wear that patch on your eye because you where save then children and got hurt while doing so?” Nick asked. She smiled and then spoke, “Come ill show you two to your rooms.” She said not answering his question, so we did not push it. “You.” she said pointing to Nick, “What is your name because I really hate pointing and saying you?” “Nick.” Nick said. “Nick you can take my thirds room she was a tomboy so it shouldn’t be too girly I hope, let me know if you need anything.” Then she turned to me but before she could ask, I told her my name. “My name is Brad.” “Thank you, your room will be my Beta’s room I removed everything that was dangerous so you should feel safe. I could tell she was arguing with her wolf, so I waited till she was finished.           Adria’s Prov. ‘You mean everything that was vampire equipment.’ Amdis said. ‘Shut it.’ I growled and then closed the link. “Sorry my wolf let me know that there are four rouges in the back yard.” I said making an excuse and not mentioning about me arguing with my vampire. “No need to be sorry I even argue with my wolf too.” Brad told me. “Well I hope you two sleep well if you need me my room is the last one on the right.” I said and I left to go to my room. I went to my bathroom changed into my pj’s which was a tank top and some shorts. Once my head hit the pillow, I was fast asleep. I woke up in sweat and screaming I heard a knock on my door I opened it and both boys where ready to fight whatever was harming me. “I’m fine just a nightmare I have them every night. I apologize that I woke you guys up.” I said to them they looked worried and then nodded. “If you want to talk about it, we will listen that’s what we are taught in the Howling Wolf pack we listen to our females and they listen to us.” Brad said and then left. I closed my door and went to shower I put on my running clothes again it was 3am like clockwork. I ran with my wolf on high alert because of the rouges being more active.  I ran for an hour until she warned me that five rouges are going to attack me. I shifted and let Adria take over and the five rouges howled and surrounded me. She growled making the ground shake I can sense that Nick and Brad where watching. Two rouges came at me the same time I bit on in the neck and clawed its side spilling its internal organs however the other one bit down hard on my shoulder. She cried in pain, that is going to leave a mark I said to myself. Then she attacked the one that attacked us and ripped its head clean off. Then the rest of the rouges attacked before I could recover which made Amdis angry it was hard to control her now. One rouge bit down on my stomach and another bit my neck while the other one bit down on my hind leg to keep me in place. Brad and Nick ended up attacking two of them but by the time I recovered Amdis took control my growl shook the earth beneath our feet and Brad and Nick stepped back as they looked into my eyes. They saw fire colors swarming like flames in my left eye and then pure black in the right eye. This is what happens when im both wolf and vampire they also see me in human form but with wolf fur on my arms and legs and face here and there. I ran towards the rouges that was running away with vampire speed and then killed him drinking his blood so I could heal. Once I was done, I went to my house and that is when I realized that I was going to be killed.           Brad prov. Me and Nick could not stand there any longer and watch her die we attacked two of the rouges and that is when we saw her eyes and felt her power and anger. She was not werewolf like us she was a mix breed between a vampire and wolf. Me and Nick backed away and stood a respectable distance away from her and she ran after the rouges that was running away and attacked them. We heard her drinking the blood of the rouge and then she looked at us and ran inside the house she was staying in.           ‘Run tell the kings what happened and tell them about our mystery girl.’ I mind linked Nick.           ‘What about you?’           ‘I’m staying here making sure she will be okay.’ ‘ARE YOU f*****g CRAZY!!’ ‘GO NOW.’ I yelled at him and then ran towards that house in my human form. I slowly walked to the kitchen there I left the clothes I took off I put them on quickly and then looked for her. I smelled the rouge blood and I followed it.           I knocked on her bedroom door she opened it up not all the way, so I slowly pushed it opened and she was in the farthest corner of the room with her knees to her chin and her arms locked together in front of her legs. “You are here to kill me now just like you Royal backstabbers did to my whole pack.” “You are a vampire and wolf?” I asked and then asked another question. “On top of that a Royal one? I saw the crests.” “Yea so go ahead go tell your backstabbing worthless king and queen that the girl they left to die didn’t die after all.” She said full of hate I could see it in her eyes and hear it even feel her hatred towards us royals. “I told Nick to tell them I’m staying here so I can make sure that you are okay.” I said. “HA WHATEVER your just like your rulers telling them nice things even pretending to be their friend and then attacking them and slaughtering them like it was nothing.” She said and started to cry. ‘The Kings are on their way with some warriors.’ Nick mind linked me.                    Darrick’s prov. “WHAT! Is she okay?” Drake asked. “She was hurt really bad, but alpha’s please be careful she’s half wolf half vampire.” Nick told us. “I thought that they where slaughtered by rouges.” I said. “Okay lets go before more rouges show up.” Drake said and we headed towards her territory. ‘Brad, are you still with her.’ I asked in mind link between me Drake and Brad. ‘Guys when you come in slowly walk into the farthest room on the right and put your hands up.’ ‘Why.’ Drake asked irritated that someone was giving him orders. ‘It’s wasn’t rouges that kill her pack it was your parents. I found their peace treaty and everything.’ Brad said sadden about what my parents did. I cut through the woods and as soon as we hit her land my wolf and Drakes wolf both said, ‘Mate.’ In a growling voice. I closed that mind link and we shifted when we entered the house brad had some clothes for us and we followed him into the room. “Ma’am I’m here with the Kings can you please give me your name so I can quit with the ma’am’s.” Brad asked as he slowly opened the door. “Its Amira, Amira Scarlet Dommer.” She said in an angry tone. We then heard glass and we busted through the door only to find that the window was shattered.           Amira prov. ‘Mate’ Adria said. ‘Mate.’ Amdis repeated. ‘They have the same smell as the king and queen except it’s a little different.’ I told them. ‘twin.’ Adria said and then, ‘son’s.’ Amdis finished. ‘Great my mates are the heirs of the murders. I’m leaving I hope you guys are okay with it.’ ‘More than okay.’ They both said in unison. I jumped out the window and ran only to get surrounded by warriors.                    Drake prov. We heard growling and snarling outside so we rushed out the house, and saw our pack surrounding this girl she looked like a goddess. ‘Mate hates us and Marcus.’ Milo whined. ‘I know we need to explain everything to her.’ I linked him ‘Mate’s wolf is blocking us we cant get through even the vampire is blocking us.’ Milo said. Darick shifted into his wolf and growled I followed next to him and the pack let us in the circle. I can tell she was trying to figure out how to escape but there was no where she could run to. ‘Alpha Drake we found three rouges in the basement and more proof of the alliance that your parents had with hers along with both parents signatures and alpha…’ ‘WHAT’ I growled. ‘Both her parents where royals her mother is the daughter of the Vampire king and her father is the son of the king form the east of the country.’ Brad finished. ‘Kill the rouges in that cage bring everything with you.’ I said and then cut the link off.  
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