The Past

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          Amira’s prov. “Thank you all for coming this evening. Tonight, we celebrate our new member and your Princess Amira Scarlet Dormer.” My daddy said. I looked at everyone and they bowed and then clapped I was only three. My headache was getting worse because my vampire and wolf where arguing again. I touched my temples and whined a little. “Are you okay sweety?” My mother whispered to me. I shook my head no, “It hurts.” Was all I could say. She got up and then picked me up and walked out of the ball. “Okay let the party being!!!” I heard my dad say with excitement. I then heard his footsteps as he rushed to me and mom. “Is she feeling bad again?” he asked mommy at this point I was getting angry and I was about too loose control. “It’s getting worse she’s almost about to break.” My mother warned as she put me down. I started to scream in pain and then I was no longer me I was half vampire and half wolf. I look human but with a little fur on my arms and legs. Dustin prov. “Who am I talking to.” I commanded I was ready to let Duncan out at any second. “Both of us.” A demonic voice said. The room shook with power and anger. “look you two need to work together your hurting my daughter.” I heard them growl at me and some pictures fell off the wall. “I want to speak to Amdis.” Lilith commanded and our daughters face snapped her way. “You need to be nice to Adria and work together or you both will not survive and if you hurt my daughter ill be telling the Dark Goddess.” Dawn said, Dawn was Lilith’s vampire that took control. “You wouldn’t dare tell mommy dearest.” Amdis said with worry. “As your bodyguard and personal trainer yes, I would if you don’t keep this alliance between the Dark Goddess and Moon Goddess, she will never let you out again.” Dawn warned. “Fine.” Amdis said and left. Our daughter turned into a full wolf then, she was three times bigger then she was supposed to be. I have my best people researching on what this could mean, but they still have not found anything. I let Duncan take over because he was pushing my limit. “You should no better Adria for teasing and being mean to Amdis you two have to live together inside Amira it was part of the peace treaty.” “Why do I have to be the one stuck here with this…this dark blood sucking creature.” “I command you to do so I am your father after all!!” She whined and then bowed in surrender. That is when Duncan let me have control and we both shifted. I caught my daughter as she passed out from exhaustion. When using both wolf and vampire it puts a toll on her but soon it will be easier for her. “I hope they can be friends now.” Lilith said in a worry tone. I gently laid Amira down on her bed and turned to Lilith. “I have a peace treaty with the Royal Wolf King tomorrow.” I told her. “Good just please keep us a secret I have heard rumors that come from people that are around the Royals and they despise vampires.” She warned me. “I’ll mask yours and Amira’s presence so he wouldn’t expect a thing.” I kissed her on the forehead, and we left the room.           Amira prov. I was training in my vampire form with mom when I saw daddy appear through the trees. “Daddy!!” I shouted and ran vampire speed to him. He laughed and hugged me, “Sounds like you are feeling much better princess.” I just nodded my head and he cared me to mother. I lay my head on his shoulders and he mind linked me, ‘Rest and then its our turn to train then you’re going hunting with your chosen beta and third. You will hunt both in vampire and wolf combined then tomorrow we will do one at a time.’ ‘Yes, daddy.’ I said closing the link. I then was squashed in between my mommy and daddy. We all laughed and then we went inside and rested a little. “Alright Amira are you ready?” my dad said. I shifted into my wolf she was pure white with a Royal Crest that was black fur on my forehead. In my vampire form the crest is on the back of my left leg. My wolf crest is a wolf that looked like flames with a queens crown on top of its head. My vampire crest is a vampire sitting on a thrown on the back of my left leg. When I am in human form a vampire is standing next to a wolf and each of them where wearing crowns it covers my whole back. when I become both the vampire and wolf all crests show up on my body. If I am just one form only one shows if I switch from vampire to wolf the vampire crest disappears and the wolf crest appears. My dad shifted to his wolf which was black with a white Royal crest. On the side of his left rib cage. We trained for two hours and then my life-long friends show up. My beta is Blade he is taller than I am, and he is a vampire. His overprotective of me so when something happens, he lets Orpheus take over. My third is Brielle she is also overprotective of me, but she is a wolf.  Her wolfs name is Ylfa she is more of a wild card then Blade, but I love them equally. My dad made sure when we could walk, we were training with the adults and my mother and father seven days a week for half the day. He turned and saw them watching and shifted, when we shift, we shift with clothes on I thought I would just through that out there. our first time shifting was always advanced them all of the vampires and wolves. Our whole pack ends up having our first shift at the age of two, “Be back in one hour stay in the territory and never go to the north side.” “Yes alpha!” They both said in unison and then bowed.   He soon left and I shifted to half vampire half wolf. “Lets go.” I said in my normal voice sense I was in control. We headed for the south side of the territory sense there was more woods in there any way. I let both Amdis and Adria take control because if I practice this, I would not be so weak. “Lets hunt.” A demonic voice came from my mouth it shook that ground around me, but my friend knew they would not hurt them. We hunted for the whole hour and was back in the back yard just before the tree line. I was tiered but better then when my ceremony was. “Your getting better Amira.” Blade said after we shifted into our human form. “Yea I’m glade your our Alpha.” Brielle said I smiled and hugged them both and we ran to the pack house. The next day was  the same as yesterday until it was in the afternoon one of our warriors rushed to my father who was training me. ‘GET INSIDE THE PACK HOUSE NOW!!’ He minds linked me. I heard some screams and growls I panicked I could not find my beta and third, so I did as I was told and ran to the pack house with my vampire speed. I rushed into the living room I covered my ears because all I could here where screams and cries.                    Walters Prov. We were being attack by the royals but for what, our peace treaty was in place so why betray me and my pack. I saw the Royal King and Queen, so I linked my wife to come with me. “What is this about Dustin?” I asked with pure anger. “You betrayed us by forming an alliance with the Royal Vampires.” He said growling. “The vampire princess is my mate which makes her the Luna and Queen of this pack.” “About that there can only be one King and Queen in this area and that is us sense you where not born here as for your blood sucking b***h of a mate well that Royal blood is not allowed near my territory.” Fallon growled at us. Dustin’s Prov. “ATTACK” Walter commanded with his alpha voice. “Walter, we had a pack treaty!” I yelled and then I let Duncan take over. “That treaty is no longer in place sense I found out you are working with these blood sucking monsters.” Rainer, Walter’s wolf growled. “What was I supposed to do reject my mate because she is vampire not only that, but do you understand who her father is?!?!? If my mate dies her father will kill our little girl!!!” “Good it would be better that way in the long run.” Rainer snarled. “I will not let you lay a hand on anyone I don’t care if you’re the Royal King or not Rainer.” My wife Lilith said, and she let Dawn take over. She was a royal vampire I met her when I transferred to her school across from my own families pack. She attacked Rainer but Ulva headbutted her before she could touch him. Ulva is  the wolf of Fallon, Walters wife also the Queen. While the two females were fighting, I fought my best friend. He has been my best friend ever sense I bought the land that was next to his to start my family and pack. I came from a different part of the country where I was raised where all creatures are peaceful with each other even the human where aware that we exist. However over here it is different. “Say goodbye to everyone Dustin.” Rainer said and he quickly ran towards me and I dodged but he turned sharp and bit my neck.             Lilith’s prov. I heard a yelp and then whining then all of a sudden, my bond with my husband was severed I looked toward where he was fighting and as I saw his lifeless wolf body Fallon grabbed my head in between her sharp teeth. Walter’s prov. I saw my wife bit that blood sucking creatures head and snapped it completely off her neck. I looked around and all of their pack was dead I shifted, “Let’s go check the house really quick then let’s leave before anyone shows up and sees us here.” I said looking at Fallon. She nodded and we entered the main pack house, “Hey, I found this little girl!” she yelled at me. I ran up to the second floor and I could smell that it was Walters and his wife’s only child. I looked at the scared girl with hate and discussed she had one blood red eye on the left and on the right her eye was half sea green and half blue, “Just leave her here either someone will killer her or she will die from starvation. Let us go before anyone catches us here.” I told her. She pushed the girl to the floor, and we left.                    Amira prov. A woman pushed me hard on the floor and they soon left when I felt like it was safe I walked out of the pack house only to find my whole pack murdered I knew who they were because I overheard daddy talk to them it was the Royal King and Queen of this side of the country. I screamed and cried as I saw my beta, third, my mommy and daddy’s lifeless body’s blooded and torn to shreds. Present day I screamed awake from that god-awful nightmare I got up and went in the kitchen. I was 18 and I lived in the same pack house that I grew up in. I grew hatred in my heart for the royals, but I have not seen any yet. My grandfather wants to kill me, he told me personally a few days ago. I grabbed me a bottled water and chugged it down I looked at the clock and it was only 3am so I went out for a run to clear my head. I kept everything into its peak instead of the letting everything go. The Royal’s territory is in the north it grew and moved to the south and the other half is rouge territory while my territory is in between them, but I sensed the rouges are looking to take it. I keep the peace with the citizens of the Royals because they did not do anything to my pack it was the King and Queen. Some of them wonder into my territory I greet them, and they look at me strangely. I cover my vampire eye with a patch so they would not think of anything. As I grew older my vampire eye started to change when I am not in vampire form its just red but when I am in vampire form, whether its half or not, it turns into a swirl of orange, yellow and red. The swirls move around like flames from a fire my other eye is half bright blue and half sea green. The two colors mix together on the top and bottom of the eye. I have dark black hair with red highlights.     After my run it was only 4am and I went back inside I grabbed four plates of food and took off my eye patch and sat it on the dinning table then walked to the dungeon where I had four rouges imprisoned. “Food.” I growled and slide each of them a plate. They plowed through the food and slide the plates back. “Thank you, Queen Amira.” They said ,not really in unison. I grabbed the plates and then came back with a key, “Okay you now what it is time for, you four get to decide on who will earn their freedom.” I said. I lied to them of course but I did not let them know that. What I do when I catch rouges is I let them fight each other for a while and when there is only one standing I let him or her go for about an hour and then I hunt them down and kill them it was the only way I could pack their blood for Amdis so she wouldn’t be a b***h besides the hunt was for my entertainment. As for Adria she like animals like rabbits and squirrels or human food, so she was easy to take care of. The four men fought for a bit until on rouge knocked three of his brethren down, I opened up the cage they where in and roughly pushed him out. I guided him the front porch and un-cuffed his wrists. “Your free to go.” I said to him and waited for him to run for it but he just look out into the front yard and then back at me then I spoke again, “What would you rather me choose on of your brothers to be free?” He violently shook his head no and then ran towards the Royal side of the woods. I waited an hour for him to have a head start and I took off hunting him down. I pick up his trail easily when I heard a scream I shifted into my wolf form and let Adria take over. I was the size of a momma grizzly bear and ran straight into the woods. I came to the edge of the woods and saw rouges attacking the citizens and when I saw a rouge going for a group of kids I ran and bit down at his throat. I snapped it and his body collapsed. The children screamed in terror and I laid down whining letting them know I was not going to hurt them. I then backed away and turned to look at the battlefield the citizens where loosing badly. So, I used my powerful growl, and the fighting stopped. I continued growling and snapping at the rouges and they backed away barely out of reach from my jaws. Soon they split in half the citizens where behind me and the rouges where in front of me. I sat down and I looked at them with a cold dead eye until I found the rouge, I was hunting for I quickly went for him and killed him, and the rest of the rouges ran off fleeing for their lives. I shifted and quickly put a patch on my vampire eye and picked up the rouge body I killed. “Thank you for rescuing us ma’am are you one of the royal’s I saw the crest, but it looked different then what the Kings have.” “No, I’m just a lone wolf I live in the territory no one wants.” I told him in a low tone. “Ma’am that land is hunted by bad blood evil use to live there.” The man said. I got angry because I knew the Royals where spitting lies about my pack. “YOU KNOW NOTHING!!” I growled deeply using my alpha voice.  They all stepped back, and I cooled off quickly seeing the fear in people’s eyes I feel like a monster. “I’m sorry I’m short-tempered on some things.” I said and left. “Hey before you go you should come with me to the castle, I want to at least pay you for what you did, and I want the royals to know what you did.” The man spoke up before I entered the tree line. “No thanks I don’t deal with the royal back stabbers.” Then left. I went back to my house and went to the second office that I turned into a mortuary to drain the blood and package it. I then put it in the refrigerator that was in there and took one of the old ones. I let Amdis have control and she devoured it within seconds and then she let me have control afterwards. I cleaned up and then I smelled an intruder I put my eye patch on and went to the door opening it with so much force that I broke it off its hinges, I really need to stop doing that because I cant keep fixing it. I growled, “ What do you want.” The wolf shifted and spoke, “I am not here to cause trouble ma’am I’m only here to give you a message from the Royal’s. They want me to thank you for saving the citizens that was being attack also here is some gold as a reward.” “Keep that blood-stained gold and tell them it was only because I was hunting some rouges that where in my territory and couldn’t just stand there watching them kill innocent people. Now LEAVE!” I growled and he left scared out of his mind.
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