CHAPTER-3 Dinner Plans

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Tessa’s POV: ‘I so knew she would tell that guy about what happened. Good that I overhead them talking and this stupid fellow thought I would just let Henry use my sisters innocence then well he has gotten it wrong. I wouldn’t have thought of it until he spoke to Fiona about Henry. But now I don’t understand why Henry wanted to get into a relationship with my sister when I proposed about the same to him. Is it just the infatuation by seeing her pictures or does it have more to it? Bug I do know that he will take care of her well. He would not cheat my sister because I’m his best friend and my sister should be lucky that she will be in a relationship with the Billionaire’s son and not crib over it. I guess it’s high time that I barge in before Sam brainwashes her and stops her from getting into this relationship I have proposed.’ “Sam may I know what you were telling Fiona about Henry?” I gritted my teeth not wanting to show my anger to him. “It’s nothing Tessa. We were just um. W-we were –Jjust talking about the football match?” Ugh this stuttering behavior is annoying the s**t out of me right now. “So from what I heard I guess you were saying that he is a scum bag and… would you like to continue the rest or get jailed like my sister? It wouldn’t take me few minutes to turn the table against you Sam. So blurt it out before I lose my patience. You’re just testing me and there is a thin line in between patience and punishment. If you still want me to lose it them I’m okay with it.” I replied to Sam quite annoyed of his lies. He better learn to behave with me else he is going to face it with Fiona. “Since you have heard it Tessa, I just want to let you know that you don’t deserve to be Fiona’s sister and she is facing so many problems only because of you. And not to forget yes, Henry is a scum bag also he uses people for their innocence and just to get fame. If you didn’t know he is a person who would make up stories for people to sympathize on him. I have myself heard stories of how is father and mother are not liking being together. Why would you want your sister to get into a relationship with a useless moron who just doesn’t reciprocate others feelings? Also to remind you Fiona is already committed with Watson. Why do you want her to end her relationship just because of that stupid moron? I have met Watson and he is a very nice person indeed better than Henry. You better give me a proper response on this. Also don’t blackmail me because I don’t bother about you turning the table against me because I’m ready to help my best friend from this stupid trap of yours. So go on and give me an explanation.” Sam spat. ‘This guy so confuses my sibling and I wonder why she has such strong friends but still cannot learn to face her own problems becoming more dependent.’ “Sam since you asked for it, Henry is my good friend and will definitely not cheat on my sister because he loves her and doesn’t care about her past & he has also promised me that he wouldn’t let her down for any one. So stop blabbering and brainwashing FIo. Its good if you better leave from here because I don’t want Henry to see you with Fio as he is coming over for dinner.” I replied avoiding his burning gaze on me. “Don’t tell me you’re pairing Fio up in your own god damn house and that shameless scum bag is setting his foot into my best friend’s life. He will so get it from me if he touches Fio. I wouldn’t bother to let your parents know about the cheap stuff you’re doing behind their back.” Sam yelled. “Don’t worry about Fio too much little one. She is much more safer with Henry than with any of us and learn to accept the truth. So get out now.” I spat and banged the door of Fio’s room to get ready for the dinner. ‘I hope Henry would impress Fio so that she automatically breaks up with Watson. But I wonder why he had to come for dinner. Is that any plan he has to take Fio for a date to convince her? Hmm. But I think it’s better they start going out so that people realize that he is already in a relationship.’   Fiona’s POV: “Sam please don’t leave I don’t want to go for the dinner with him. Please help me Sam please don’t let me go please.” I cried to Sam who was consoling me. “Fio just take it easy. I’m going to be here for you. Just go for dinner and try telling him you are not interested in him and you are just being forced into this relationship. I am sure he would not force you because as far as I have heard he doesn’t force his women but rather will convince them. So try talking to him about this. You will be fine Fio trust me.” Sam told me truthfully. “But Sam what if he convinces me also and brainwashes me? What should I do then? Will he hurt me or slap me like Tessa when I tell him that I’m not interested?” I questioned Sam not knowing how the dinner will be. “Fio don’t listen to what he is saying please don’t take anything to your heart! He will make up stories which will make you fall for him but remember you have Watson and don’t allow him to get anywhere next to you. Please don’t sympathize on him Fio he is very good at that. So just don’t allow his words to enter your brain or heart. Maybe you could just tell him that you are not feeling too well so that you could just tell him your answer and get back home before he makes any attempt to hit on you.” Sam told me giving me a happy smile. “Yes that sounds like a good idea Sam. Maybe I should just go on and be strong for my Watson and tell Henry that I was forced into the relationship which I’m not ready to accept. Thank you so much for this help Sam. I will update you once I am done with the dinner. Bye Sam.” I waved out to Sam before locking the door to get ready for the dinner. ‘I wonder why Henry would create such sympathetic stories just to make Women fall for him. I am so not going to listen to his stories but will rather stay strong for my Watson and tell Henry that I am not interested in him. Thank you Sam, if not for you I don’t think I would ever be strong enough to face Henry and his plans. I hope Tessa is not aware of this plan so that I could be happy with Watson and not bother about Tessa and her blackmails.’
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