Chapter One

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It's the year 2020 when Earth starts to fall apart. A virus that claimed countless of lives finally had a cure and vaccine before the year ended. Everybody celebrated a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Natural disasters and punishments of nature are also due to the negligence and exploitation of the mankind. But instead of changing, they are just getting worse and it enticed the others to take over their world by spreading evilness and creating diseases. But what they do not know is that there will be something bigger and more frightening happenings that they will go through. An event in which only a few will make it and those who will be left will be enslaved and haunted by demons taking over their world.Creatures that came from a parallel world called Ozryn. Ozryn is a world where supernaturals live. If God created the Earth for his Angels, his humans and ghosts. The Source created Ozryn for the other creatures most humans heard of but never encounters. There lives three strongest clans, including the Werewolves, and their clan is called Mistclaw. Demons whose clan is called Orburn, where skilled the soul-eaters live. The Reddust, land of skilled assassin and hunter vampires. And the two weak clans are the Meadowcast where the elves and fairies are located, they are known as great doctors and nurses, and the Outcasts where the half-bloods or offsprsings of the runaways who fornicated with humans can be found. The outcasts are seen and treated lowly by the stronger clans and they can be nothing but slaves or knights. Back then, the Mistclaw was the most powerful clan out of the five clans, but this changed when they were attacked by Orburn and Reddust where King Abacia took the lead along with the vampire Queen Wayanka. They succeeded in crippling the werewolves' strong defense and killed King of all Kings Janos Thanatos. In front of his family, he was mercilessly killed by beheading him. This caused their clan to collapse and weaken. This also caused Abacia to gain the title 'King of the Kings' from King Jaos. Now, the once feared and strongest Mistclaw is being laughed at and ridiculed. From its top position, it fell to third and weakest of the top three strongest clans. Because when their great and brave King died, his eldest son Hannibal Thanatos succeeded the throne. Hannibal is seen as a strong and wise King despite being cursed by the Source by having been born without a wolf. At the age of eighteen, he sat on the throne. He could have done nothing but lead the thousands of werewolves who relied on him. But everything is set to change when the source is finally ready to intervene to restore peace to Ozryn. But the source just will never make it easy for their subjects. They just had to pass the burden to a weak human. They have given her the great responsibility to change the future. The earth's futute is now in her hands. The Oracle of Orburn foresee the future and saw a woman who would kill their King Abacia. At first, he just laughed out loud as if hearing a funny joke. But it was short-lived when he saw his Oracle's serious face. Abacia only ever listens to himself but he highly believes in his Oracle so he couldn't help but feel nervous. But, how? How could a weak human kill him? A creature inferior to them? The strongest King in Ozryn? He cursed the source for interfering with his plan to relocate his kingdom in the world of humans by killing them. Humans are easy to kill, but they are like ants, they keep on multiplying every single day and it's infuriating him. The Source never interfered before, why now? Abacia then promised himself. He will capture the said human, he will present their head to the source and proceed with his plan. The Source does not frighten him. They can kiss his ass for all he cares. Just to make sure that this will not happen, he commands three demons to go to Earth with the assistance of his sorceress, who opens their eyes to see Earth and the humans who live among them. And that's when Reina came into the picture. The seer is tasked with protecting the future Queen until the proper time. Reina sips her tea as she watches how the supposed King of the Kings loses his calm and kill anyone in sight when the news of his demons' failure reaches him. "Find her! Catch her alive and I'll be the one to kill her. I'm almost done conquering Earth, I won't accept a mere human messing up with my plan." Abacia said using his booming voice. Every demon around him even his Queen Lilith are quivering in fear. While Reina just chuckled and waved her hand, the vision disappearing from her view. Speaking of her, the day she rescued Mireya, Reina left it in front of a door. She looked down at the baby with a written name, she or anyone does not have any right of changing what her Mother has gifted her. She cast a spell on her, a spell that will conceal her beauty from the others. A beauty that only one man has the right to stare at. A beauty that can capture every man's heart. "Our dear Mireya, life will not be easy for you. You will go through a lot of pain and obstacles, but you will have to persevere. Do not worry because in time of danger, you can expect me to save you. Goodbye, little one. " Mireya was adopted by a good lady named Martha Pericles and her drunken husband, Bobby Pericles. The couple has a five-year-old daughter, Jessica Pericles. Jessica grew up resenting and jealous of the ugly child because of her, her Mother's love and care were robbed from her. For Martha, it is a blessing that Mireya came into their lives because they cannot bear another child because of her frail heart. Over time, Mireya grew to be an optimistic child. She is naturally curious about matters and always so eager to discover new things. The people around her even her Step-father and sister saw Mireya as an ugly young woman but not Reina. Because with each passing year, the beauty of the Future Queen blooms, even Reina is shocked. At the age of fifteen, her beauty is noticeable. From her long black hair that runs down her waist, her heart-shaped face, brown hazel eyes that seem to be carved in almond. She's gifted with a pair of medium arch eyebrows, her nose has an attractive bulbous tip. Pearli que lips that will surely drive his future mate crazy. She is not yet a teenager, but her physical structure was already in perfect hourglass shape. But for the eyes of others, Mireya is ugly because of her horse teeth, face full of freckles, pointed nose that can be compared to a witch, and a curly hair that passes that just below her shoulder. To everyone else's eyes, Mireya is ugly. But for Reina, Mireya's beauty is out of this world. Mireya became a target of bullies, her appearance caused others to insult her and stay away. Reina felt guilty somehow, but that was what she saw as a good way to distance her from other adult males who might be attracted to her beauty. But young Mireya was not affected because she was still a friendly and talkative child. Reina knew this well because she is approaching Mireya in the form of a crazy old woman. Most people look at her and see her as a mad woman, but what they do not know is that she is actually talking to someone. Reina will talk to a passing fairy or elves every now and then. They are visible in her eyes and hidden in the human's eyes. They do not see what Reina sees, they do not see the zooming cars, the large billboards, the tall buildings. For humans, it looks cool and modern but Reina is sad to see how humans destroy what their God has given them. They have ruined everything natural for something unreal. Far from what Ozryn looks like. Ozryn embraced the old living. In a way, Reina salutes King Janos for not allowing Earth's things to enter their world. Humans see her an old woman from her original appearance of possessing a golden braided hair and down to the shoulders, straight brows, deep-set of eyes, pointed nose and full lips. The future Queen grew up to be a wonderful girl and Reina is certain that she will be a great Queen of Ozryn someday.  The ordeal and trial of Mireya's life began when her adopted Mother had an accident. Mireya was happily waiting in their yard like always when the police came and told her that her dear Mother was gone. At first, Mireya refused to to believe, but when she saw Martha's cold corpse, her world crumbled. Until the day of Martha's funeral, Mireya is like a robotic figure who stares at nothing in particular. She hears words of sympathy but does not answer them. Her eyes that had run out of tears were merely focused on the coffin that was slowly being lowered, away from her sight. Away from them. Away from their lives. No matter how much she wants to scream and beg them not to bury her Mother, her mouth refuses to open. Mireya's afraid that if she starts crying now, she won't stop until she dies.She endured the insults from other people, she was deaf and blind to other people's words to wound her. Despite everything, she's still smiling. But not now. Because she could not smile, nor could she talk. For days, Mireya sat in front of her Mother's grave. Her father became increasingly addicted to alcohol and drugs. While Jessica goes with different men every day. "Mom, everything's changed. Everything just doesn't make sense without you any longer. You are the light and hope in our house, but now that you are gone. The light has deemed, our home no longer feels like home. I wish you were still here with us." A tear fell from her right eye and Mireya smiled in sadness. "Why did you have to leave us so soon?" "Because she's done her purpose." Mireya looked up and saw the old woman she often sees and talks to when she was still a child. Most people look at her and call her crazy because she's often seen speaking alone as if she were speaking to someone. But for Mireya, she was a kind woman. Because at times when she was shunned and laughed at by others, she was the only one who patiently spoke to her. Her Mommy, the old woman, and her only friend at school Irish were the only people who accepted her. "And that is?" she asked the old woman with tears in her eyes. Tears that are threatening to fall like a river. "To raise and love you dearly." Reina raised her hand and gently stroked Mireya's long hair. "That doesn't make sense. I didn't even get to say goodbye. I didn't get to tell her I love her and thank her for raising me as her daughter. It's so unfair." And just like that, Mireya cried a river. Tears just couldn't stop flowing down her face, soaking her plain yellow tee shirt Martha gave her. Drenching the grass she's sitting on. "Do you want to meet her for the last time?" Reina asked her softly. "Yes. Even for only a second." Reina held out her hand to Mireya, by the time she took it, she would lose consciousness and fall in a deep sleep. Since it's still less than forty days, she could still call Martha's soul because Reina is sure he is still roaming around. But their time will be limited. Mireya did not hesitate, because of the desire to see Mother again, even though it was futile, she accepted the old woman's hand. Reina caught Mireya before she can even fall down and gently lay her down on the grass. "I'm sorry I can't change your second Mother's fate, but I can at least do this for you."
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