New Teacher

1418 Words
Word count: 1460 Rating: [F] Description: In which Taehyung gets a new English teacher and falls head over heals for him. this book says completed but I will still be updating it so stay tuned ❤ ❇ Taehyung sat in his chair, tapping his pencil aimlessly as he waited for a teacher to come. At the moment, the class was going berzerk and taking this as an opportunity to mess around. Its been approximately a week since the English teacher left. She couldn't handle our class so she left and ever since then, the school has been searching for a replacement. For one week, we had free lessons every day and a bit of Taehyung was extremely grateful. I mean… Who would say no to a free? "Taehyung! Come over here, we're going to be playing spin the bottle!" Zico, one of Taehyung's close friends, gestured him over to the big group of people that had now formed by the empty teachers desk. The brunette nodded his head slowly before making his way over. I mean he had nothing else to do so why not? "Alright! Let's get started." Zico smiled before placing a plastic bottle in the middle of the table and instantly spun it. Taehyung sat next to Irene, the girl whose had a crush on him ever since they started highschool but obviously the brunette wasn't interested. He tried his best to he nice and let her off but she was persistent. Its been a long while since Taehyung dated. Ever since his last relationship with Jimin, who broke his heart, he didn't really find anyone that tickled his interest. After having so many bad relationships in the past, let's just say that Taehyung's standards were pretty high and he hasn't dated anyone for about a year. "Taehyung! Truth or dare?" Taehyung shook his head to clear his day dreaming and he was met with all eyes on him. Before he could even open his mouth to choose, he heard the door open and everyone practically froze in their seats. As soon as the door opened, there was gasps and even squeals from girls. Taehyung had no idea what was happening so he turned to observe the situation himself. Don't tell me the new teacher is here so soon? His question was answered once he was met with a tall raven haired standing proud and tall. Taehyung felt his heart race as he stared at the man who demanded a rooms attention just by his presence. His hair jet black and pushed up in a fancy style, a tight fitting black formal pants and an over tight dress shirt that squeezed his muscles in all the right places. And just to finished the deal, a black tie occupied his collar that made his complexion pop. Taehyung almost drooled, his heart was beating a hundred times faster. The raven head smiled at everyone as he walked to the desk, placing his books down and officially facing the class. By then, Taehyung and his friends had scurried back to their seats in order to give the gorgeous man his space. "Afternoon class, my name is Mr. Jeon. I'm your new English teacher for year three of Highschool. I'm new to Seoul as well so... Let's hope you guys go easy on me." Mr. Jeon shows off his adorable bunny smile as he clasps his hands together. Taehyung was paying extra attention, his eyes roaming over the teacher in pure admiration. If Taehyung hadn't believed in love at first sight, then he sure as hell does now. ❇ Its been three months since Mr. Jeon had arrived and let's just say that Taehyung has now found a reason to wake up every morning and come to school. Just to see that gorgeous mans face. That was his goal everyday; see Mr. Jeon's face and hear his gorgeous voice. Luckily it was the fourth period and Taehyung was seated at his normal desk, right at the back of the English class. He liked it there because watching Mr. Jeon was easier and that no one would catch him eye boggling him. Mr. Jeon was currently reading a love novel known as 'Love birds', a story about a man who fell in love with the same s*x, shunned but eventually dies in his lovers arms. Taehyung, for once in his life, actually payed attention in class... All because of that sexy teacher. Maybe that's why he was getting such great marks on his papers. "My heart felt like it would explode into a million pieces if I didn't touch him... So close, yet so far.." Taehyung hummed silently at Mr. Jeon's sexy and luscious voice that never failed to get his mouth drooling and his heart palpitating. Oh what he would do to hear that voice whisper sweet nothing's into his ear every night and morning. "My mind was a mess, how could I feel this way for him? A man? A male? Had I gone mad?" Mr. Jeon walked around the class slowly as he read from his novel. The only reason he did this was to keep an eye on his students and make sure they weren't fooling around in his lessons. Though, there was also another reason... To be close to a certain student that caught his attention from day one. "Why does he look at me so? He makes this so hard." As soon as those left his lips, Taehyung looked up from his own novel in his hands and noticed Mr. Jeon looking at him admirably. His cheeks flushed as he had linked the action to the line of the novel. Could he perhaps be... Communicating through the words in the book? "He makes me fuzzy, I walked closer to him. Just to get a better view of him, I'd always do this everyday because seeing his angel like features were as if god himself had given me a taste of heaven on earth," Mr. Jeon smiled genuinely as he slowly approached Taehyung's desk. No one seemed to notice as they were too engrossed in their books. Taehyung felt his palms get sweaty as he watched the gorgeous god approach him. Mr. Jeon had worn that tight white dress shirt again, with formal pants and shoes. What Taehyung loved the most about this dress code is that Mr. Jeon always foldered up his sleeves till his elbows and exposed his muscular arm, littered in protruding veins that begs to be licked or touched. "Yes! I am so close! So close yet so far! I need to touch him!" Taehyung's breath hitched when he noticed his teacher right beside his desk, though not facing him. His attention was faced toward the front of the class. Taehyung bit his lip once he noticed Mr. Jeon placing one of his thighs on 'his' desk to take a seat as the other dangled over. While Taehyung gulped profusely, Mr. Jeon continued, "Please let me touch him! Please touch me Erin! Touch me." Mr. Jeon's voice and tone was filled with desperation. As if mimicking the characters own desire to be touched. His words were so strong that it riled a fire in Taehyung. His eyes roaming over his teachers body and side profile like he was a masterpiece. Just then, without thinking, he touched Mr. Jeon. His teacher gasped softly, softly enough for only Taehyung to hear and at that moment, Taehyung felt butterflies. He ran his finger down his teacher's arm, tracing his veins as if they were some kind of art that held a deeper meaning within. Mr. Jeon's skin erupted with goosebumps and his breathing seemed to increase. Taehyung could somehow feel the way the older's pulse increased rapidly just by touching his veins. His skin was smooth and soft, Taehyung leaned forward slowly and without thinking... He placed a soft kiss onto the elders hand. Mr. Jeon's head snapped to the side to look at Taehyung for a few seconds, his eyes unreadable behind the dark charcoaly eyeliner before going back to the novel and continuing on as if nothing happened. Taehyung continued his assault, his finger running down the older's arm, using the vein as train tracks until finally his fingers found the latter's and with one push of confidence, he had intertwined their fingers. It felt so beautiful... Mr. Jeon's large warm hands wrapped around small cold ones and for once in Taehyung's life.. He felt so... Protected by his king. -
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