
658 Words
Word count: 654 Rating: [A] Description: .. Read to find out ❇ Taehyung smiled as he held a gift box in his hand. He had bought for his boyfriend a Rolex watch for their two year anniversary. His boyfriend Jungkook had always made him smile and never seized to surprise him. Taehyung woke up extra early this morning to wish him but the latter hadn't replied. Its actually been that way for a few days now. Taehyung knew that Jungkook was busy so he respected his need for space but he felt slightly upset that Jungkook hadnt bothered to phone him and wish him. But nonetheless, the brunette made his way to his boyfriend's apartment to give him his present. Taehyung had spent weeks making money just so he could buy Jungkook the watch. He saw his boyfriend admiring it the other day and he couldn't help but plan to buy it. He knocked on the front door and took a few steps back waiting for his boyfriend to open. Funny enough, he'd been waiting for five minutes and no one answered. Where could he be? Taehyung bent down and lifted the welcoming mat and smiled once he found the extra key. Lifting it up, he placed it into the keyhole and twisted it. He pushed the door open. Taehyung's eyebrows furrowed as he saw some clothes scattered everywhere. Portraits that hung on the walls were now crooked and he noticed two Pairs of shoes by the door. Instantly Taehyung felt a pang at his heart and something within him was trying to convince that the scene was not what it looks like. He tried hard. He really did. He walked into the living room and his breath hitched when he saw two sets of bowls and cutlery on the coffee table. His hold on the box tightened and soon he was standing in front of Jungkook's room door and his eyes teared up as he heard moans, grunts and please. "Fuck.. Fuck... Kookie! Harder please! Deeper!!" "You like that baby- ah!" "Just like that! Keep going! Angh!" Taehyung's hands were shaking and he bit his lip to suppress a sob. All the memories they shared came flooding back into his head. From the very first time he laid eyes on Jungkook, to when they had their first date... First kiss... First time together... Jungkook was his first love. Nothing hurt worse than this. Nothing hurt more than your first love cheating on you. Taehyung couldn't take it anymore, he needed to see the scene for himself so that it would hurt so bad that love would turn to hate. Taehyung pushed open the door and almost instantly, he felt as if his worst nightmare at come true. Jungkook was naked and f*****g into someone below him. Taehyung gasped so loud that it caught the attention of the two. Jungkook's eyes widened and he quickly pulled out before moving to the side but what hurt even more was 'who' Jungkook was actually fucking.... His best friend, Jimin. Taehyung sadly darted his eyes from both boys, tears already cascading down his cheeks as he backed away. "Taehyung I can exp-" Jungkook was cut off when Taehyung ran out the door and out of the apartment. He didn't know where the hell he was going but he never wanted to be in that place again. His heart squeezed and he felt like he couldn't breathe. So he went to the only person he thought could help him and when the door finally opened. "Yoongi... Please help me." Was the last thing he said before he blacked out from anxiety. ~ 20 unread messages from : Jungkook 45 missed called from : Jungkook Jungkook •Tae baby can we please talk Jungkook •Baby, what you saw was a big mistake Jungkook •please let me explain. Jimin •Tae can we please talk Jimin •Im so sorry, I don't want to ruin our friendship
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