Two - The Silent Seed of Motherhood

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Chapter Two: The Silent Seed of Motherhood Driven by an unwavering desire to become a mother, Reyna made the decision to seek alternative means of conception, hidden to her best friend Presa. Determined to keep her plans private, she sought the guidance of a trusted doctor at a discreet medical facility in a nearby town. Nervousness tinged with excitement coursed through Reyna’s veins as she entered the clinic’s serene waiting room. The surroundings smell of incense. There is a smoky aroma in the air, and it appears that the doctor is boiling water for some purpose. The unusual music of Elton John's song can be heard in the surroundings. Reyna thought of the song's title, 'Blessed,' which was fitting for the occasion she came for that day. The doctor, a kind and empathetic soul, greeted her warmly, sensing the importance of the journey she was about to embark upon. “Welcome, Ms. Reyna Starglow,” the doctor said, a gentle smile on his face. He is adorned with a crimson ribbon tied around his head, accompanied by a pair of substantial glasses. His upper garments share the same fiery hue, while snug red leggings complete his vibrant ensemble. Like he’s about to attend a Yoga Valentines Day party. “I’m Doctor Maximo Quackeroats,” he said. “I understand that you have come seeking an alternative means to conceive. You are not alone in this journey, and we are here to guide and support you every step of the way.” Reyna nodded, her voice a soft whisper. “Thank you, doctor. This is a deeply personal choice for me, and I appreciate your understanding. I long to be a mother, and I am willing to explore every option available to make that dream a reality.” Doctor Maximo Quackeroats explained the process to Reyna in great detail, ensuring she understood the various steps and implications involved. A comprehensive medical evaluation was required —they conducted a tummy test to determine if she had any signs of diarrhea. Following that, they meticulously examined the smoothness of her underarms, assessing the quality of her skin. And for a rather peculiar step, they resorted to using a chamber pot for a urine sample, aiming to ensure the likelihood of pregnancy. All her physical and emotional well-being was covered, to ensure that she was ready for the journey ahead. She even took a Psychological test. Reyna’s nervousness transformed into a quiet determination. She listened intently as Doctor Maximo Quackeroats outline the procedures, explaining the intricacies of fertility treatments and the role of assisted reproductive technologies. “In your case, Reyna,” Doctor Maximo Quackeroats continued, his voice gentle yet informative, “we can explore the option of artificial insemination using donor sperm. Our clinic has a carefully selected pool of anonymous donors, each thoroughly screened and tested for genetic disorders and other factors. Your anonymity and privacy will be protected throughout the process.” Reyna’s heart swelled with gratitude for the Doctor Maximo Quackeroats’ expertise and compassion. She signed the necessary documents, including a contract that outlined the terms and conditions of the procedure, ensuring clarity and consent. She also signed a contract stating that she should make payments until the end of that month. If not, Doctor Maximo Quackeroats will remove what he’s going to place in her womb. A mix of emotions enveloped Reyna when she left the clinic that day. She carried a secret within her, a quiet determination to become a mother on her own terms. She went to the stores for children's clothing and saw a white dress that would surely be perfect for her future daughter. She also noticed a cute blue outfit for a little boy. In her thoughts, she realized that the child would be her own source of hope and companionship in life. She didn't need anyone handsome like Cha Eun Woo to father her child. Having a child was enough, and her personal choices would remain untouched. Her ‘flower’ will remain intact. She won't give away her ‘flower’ until she bites the dust. She knew she had made a decision that would forever change her life. Reyna once again held the seed of hope close to her heart. With the contract signed and the journey set in motion, she would steer the path ahead, guided by her unwavering desire and the strength that burned within her. The support and understanding of her obese best friend, Presa, would come in due time, as Reyna prepared to undertake this deeply personal journey of motherhood period, hidden in the depths of her heart.
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