One - The Mysterious Seed

1072 Words
Chapter One: The Mysterious Seed It begins in the picturesque village of Barotsa, nestled amidst rolling hills and vibrant meadows, a young woman named Reyna found solace in the simplicity of her life eating peas, and killing ants… You know peas—ant life? In other words, she’s poor. With flowing auburn locks cascading over her super soft shoulders and captivating emerald eyes that mirrored the beauty of her surroundings, Reyna possessed an ethereal allure that had not gone unnoticed. On a sunny afternoon, Reyna sought refuge from the warmth of the sun in the shade of a towering old oak tree with a yellow ribbon, where she sat with her dearest friend, Presa. Presa, known for her vivacious spirit and wise counsel, often offered advice grounded in tradition and a belief in the power of love. Presa has a generously rounded figure, with soft curves and a plumpness that exudes warmth and comfort. Her cheeks are full and rosy, adding to her inviting and nurturing appearance. Her body has a softness that reflects her love for good food and a joyful approach to life. Despite her size, she carries herself with confidence and grace, radiating an aura of self-assurance and contentment. She is close to being obese. "Presa," Reyna sighed softly, her voice tinged with a mixture of yearning and hesitance. "I can't help but long for something more in my life. The desire to become a mother burns fiercely within me, but circumstances have not aligned to bring a loving partner like Cha Eun Woo, into my life." Presa's eyes sparkled with understanding as she clasped Reyna's hand gently. "Reyna, my dear friend, I believe in the power of love by Celine Dion. True happiness often comes when we find the right person to share our lives with. Don't lose hope. When life gives you lemons, throw them back and demand chocolate instead! And I promise you, the right man will come along, and you will fulfil your dreams of motherhood, period. " Reyna's gaze turned distant, her thoughts consumed by memories of her parents' failed relationship. She remembers how her parents used to engage in plate-throwing battles, with plates, saucers, dishes, pots, and pans flying through the air, back when they were still alive. They came close to killing each other, but that wasn't what caused their death. They ended up getting a mud makeover when they mistook a mud bath for a refreshing dip. Turns out, Mother Earth couldn't resist giving them a big, muddy bear hug! Reyna’s voice trembled as she shared her deepest fear. "Presa, my father left my mother when I was young. Their love was marred by heartache and struggle. I fear that if I open my heart to love, I will only bring pain upon myself and any child I may have." "Reyna, I had a mini heart attack when your parents dove headfirst into that muddy fishpond!" Presa exclaimed between bites of her isicia omentata, which consisted of minced meat mixed with various ingredients and then shaped into patties. Unlike Reyna, the noble Presa can chow down like a champion, anytime and anywhere. “Yes, that’s true, Presa. But my father disappeared during their never-ending battle of the bickering titans. Just as he resurfaced, the grim reaper decided to crash the party and snatch them both away. Talk about timing, even in the afterlife!” Reyna sighed. Presa's expression softened with empathy as she listened attentively. "Reyna, I understand your apprehension, but don't let the past define your future. Love has the power to heal and bring immense joy. Open yourself to the possibility, and you may find that the right man will bring the love and stability you deserve." Presa suddenly had a halo around her head. Reyna's eyes glistened with unshed tears as she clung to her convictions. "Presa, my heart tells me that I can't wait for the right man to come along. I want to take matters into my own hands, to create a family and provide a loving home for a child…” Even if it means treading an unconventional path, Reyna told herself. As Reyna spoke, a gust of wind rustled the leaves of the old oak tree with a yellow ribbon, causing a small, mysterious seed to tumble from its branches and land at her feet. Curiosity sparked within her as she picked up the seed, its texture smooth and its color a vibrant shade of crimson. She wondered if she could eat the seed. Presa's brow furrowed with intrigue as she observed the strange seed in Reyna's hand. "Reyna, where did that seed come from? It seems so out of place here." Reyna examined the seed, a sense of wonder filling her eyes. "I'm not sure, Presa. It appeared as if the tree itself sent it to me, as if it holds a secret message or a hidden meaning." They heard what sounded like angels simultaneously exhaling with a collective, “Haaaah…” Presa's voice quivered with a mixture of excitement and caution. "Perhaps this seed is a symbol, a sign from the universe guiding you towards your dreams. Nature has a way of speaking to us if we are open to its messages." A surge of hope coursed through Reyna's veins as she clutched the mysterious seed tightly. "Presa, I saw the sign and it opened up my eyes. Could this be? A reminder that the power to create life is within me, waiting to bloom like this seed?" Presa's eyes shimmered with encouragement. "Reyna, my dear friend, follow your heart and the path that feels right to you. If this seed holds a message for you, embrace it. Nurture it. Perhaps it will guide you on your journey to becoming a mother." The sun began its descent in the sky, Reyna and Presa sat beneath the sheltering old oak tree with a yellow ribbon, contemplating the mysterious seed and the possibilities it held. With a glimmer of excitement in her eyes, Reyna's mind transformed from confusing to crystal clear. It practically shouted, "Hey, I'm the way to fulfil your mommy dreams!" Armed with nature's subtle hints and her unbreakable spirit. Clutching the enigmatic seed of possibility, she will fearlessly embrace the unconventional route that lay ahead. Ready to plant the seeds of love and watch them sprout into a garden of joy, Reyna was about to give life her best green thumb.
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