Anu asks Helps to Sri's Friend to Patch up them ?‍♀?‍♀?‍♀?‍♀ Episode 1

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{Recap --- Sri shocks & he says to anu - Hey Hey what happened to you are you Mad and then Anu is saying to Sri very sadly that - Bye Sri I'm breaking up with you Sri then Sri is worriedly saying to anu - hey hey what are you talking with me anu then anu cute the call after this oh that means you don't call anu then Sri say- I won't do then Sam says - but you want to know that how she is feeling about you want to know then Sri says - ha I want to know then Sam helps to Sri that - ha Sri I have got one idea for definitely will work out then Sri asks to Sam - then say say then Sam says - if now geeta and anu always in our group always they asks please we will play ludo ludo know then Sri asks to Sam - in which group - u then Sam reply's - having one games group if I get that ludo link means I will forward you then you just enter in any fake id after this anu will say ha we both over break up and I have did blocked then anu friend will ask why anu then anu will say in this lockdown also he is not giving replies, not calling, so only for me angry came and then anu friend will say to anu if Sri is having in 24 hours in house means he was not free know and now she our time schedule also changed know we don't know when we are sleeping and when we are get uping and you maybe wrong time your call or messages your doing I think and you to think anu and his parents are always in his house only and do you know know his father is for Sri so fear know and then anu will say yeah Sri also this like only said me I only not understand him after this then after anu's mom advices her in good way like this - if in your both any type of mutual friend having means then you can contact him or know about him so don't think any type of bad ways and with that mutual friend first you track him and know about Sri what he was thinking about and for me what I think I said after what happens your wish and Guys up ? what I said is still now what happens I just recaped you to read my 3 books and now I'm going to start this RouTEEN Patch Up so please like this stories and read it and I'm starting down ? } Anu Is Standing Outside of Her Room And Calling to Sri's Friend Ram For Help her Like This - Anu Asks help to Ram - Ram can you do 1 help for me plz then Ram say to anu - what what Help you want Anu What Then Anu says to Ram - Ram we both can play PUBG then Ram Shocks and says to anu- what Pubg haa game you asked ha but if my friend Sri played means you shouted on him know then anu said - First Listen To Me Ram that Ram Daily How Like you called to ask for Sri to join in Pubg game to play with you in this game Every like for you not having 4th player And you just Added me has Stranger then this all listen Ram And Ram was totally shocked and confused and he said to anu - OMG ? What is this Undercover Operation's Anu if my Frnd Sri knows this then definitely he will do anything then anu says to Ram - For Sri don't know anything that I Just wanted to know how Sri was And He was Missing me or not I just wanted to know about this Ram then Ram asked - Hey But in game middle your topic why will comes anu Continues in episode 2 **************Story Ended***************
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