Chapter 4.

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"Cherry. Hey!! You should be back from work now? How about dinner this night?" Jamie asked and her heart skipped a beat. She didn't know he was so serious about it. It had been a few days since the wedding and she didn't expect him to really mean it about dinner. "Sure. I would love to."  She replied with her voice a little chirpy than normal. "Cool. I will pick you up at eight. Wear something casual." He said before ending the call. What did he mean by wear something casual? She asked herself as she didn't quite understand that. She decided that whatever word Jamie used didn't matter since he was at least asking her out on a date, Cherry had not gone for a date in a long time, so she didn't mind that she had to dress casual for a date. Besides, she and her ex boyfriend Henry rarely went on dates, Henry's idea for a date was not only Netflix and chill, but also a day out in the park. So it was nice going to somewhere else with someone else for a change. She had a brief shower after that she rummaged through her closet in search for the most 'casual' attire she could find. She really had no idea what to wear. But in the end she settled for a dark jeans and a peach cashmere sweater and white sneakers. She combed her hair as it fell into its natural waves and since she rarely used makeup she went for a mango flavoured shimmery lip gloss and mascara. Cherry really didn't learn how to do much of makeup while growing up because her parents were always against it. Apple was the rebel who tended to do makeup regardless of the fact that their parents hated it. She was ready way before Jamie arrived. So ready she was scared and started to chip off her nails already until she heard the knock on the door. "Hey" he said as he flashed her his bright million dollar smile and she couldn't help but think how it was such a blessing beautiful people like him graced the earth. He towered over her door in dark ripped jeans, a tight white shirt and a very hot leather jacket. "Hi Jamie" she replied with a small wave. Jamie's eyes roamed all over her and she couldn't help it as a blush crept in. "You look very pretty. I'm glad to see you took my advice about dressing casual. We'll be walking a while" "Where are we going?" Jamie's eyes lit up as he grinned once again. "One of my favourite places in New York City." "Are you coming?" he added as he extended a hand towards Cherry. "I am." "Yes. We are taking the subway." Jamie said again thirty minutes later after they walked to the subway. She knew as he already told her that they were going somewhere casual but she couldn't help but think about where exactly it could be that they were going, from the subway they were taking, it looked like they were going to Greenwich village, a place that Cherry had very little experience visiting. Although Jamie did mention that it was one of his favourite place in New York, she found it very hard to believe as James didn't even look like someone who even took the subway frequently. But he surprised her and throughout their trip, he kept surprising her. She was even surprised he knew his way around the subway. "I gotta admit. I never had this scenario in my head when I pictured dinner with you" she admitted as they both sit crammed together in their last Subway train to Greenwich Village. Jamie chuckled. "Well I aim to surprise. I like the whole fancy dinner stuff and in fact I do it a lot more often than normal but I just felt like taking you a place that was more me." "Do you understand?" Jamie asked as he stared at her intently. "Sure.  I think I do." "Next time you'll pick the place if you don't like it" Jamie said quickly and Cherry's eyes widened thinking that Jamie was already thinking of a second date when they weren't even done with the first. "I hope you like pizza though?" Jamie asked suddenly worried. Cherry felt he looked cute with his face scrunched together in concentration. "Yes. I love pizza. Pepperoni to be exact" "Wow. I never pegged you for the plain type. When we get to this place I'm telling you about, I'm pretty sure you'll have a new favourite." "Come on Jamie. I've had a lot of pizzas. It can't be that amazing"  she replied with a roll of my eyes. Jamie's eyes widened and he chuckled. "You're going to be in for a rude awakening." he whispered into her ear and this sent the hair on her neck tingling. After getting off the subway, they spend most of their time walking and talking along the streets of Greenwich village. The streets were alive and it was buzzing with people despite it being at night. The night air suddenly felt a lot chillier than usual and Cherry's  cashmere sweater was too light for the breezy midnight air. She rubbed her hands slowly as she hugged herself. The sooner they got to where they were going, the better. "So why do you like it here?" she finally asked Jamie who had insisted they stopped to get an appetiser, Chocolate covered pretzels. "I don't know. It's not my normal scene and I love it." He handed Cherry her pretzel. "It's like a different world and sometimes, I like to imagine being here and being one of these ordinary people or tourists who just come here to admire the night life of the village and enjoy great food. The moment I saw you, I knew you were the perfect person to bring here." Cherry looked around again. It was truly beautiful. The tiny village had little lights that seemed to brighten up the whole streets and everyone on the street looked happy and content and the different smell and aromas wafting from the street food carts was amazing. Everyone seemed to be happy and enjoying themselves. "How did you know I was the perfect person to bring here? What if I don't like pizza?" Jamie stared. "I don't know. I think I just know. So wanna come along and try Grimaldi's famous pizza or you aren't hungry yet?" "Alright. Let's try the pizza. But it better be good." "If you don't like it,  I get a do over. You get to pick the venue and when our next date will be." "What if it's horrible enough for me not to want another date?" She teased. Although she highly doubted it, she was already enjoying her time with Jamie. Jamie turned to look at her smiling. "I'll make you want a date with me" he replied huskily with a mischievous glint in his eyes. Cherry's temperature sky rocketed and for a brief second, she could no longer feel the cold. Grimaldi's was fully packed. She was even more surprised to find out that it was a tiny pizza shop tucked in two larger buildings and there was an actual line to get pizza. She look up at Jamie worried that they would have to wait for maybe an hour in the biting cold. "Don't worry Sweet Cherry. I've got it all planned out." Jamie took her hand in his as he led me through a maze of street until they finally got to the backdoor of Grimaldi's and he called out for the owner. The Old man named Luigi was a short and round old man. "You're here already!  Finally. Your table has been waiting." "Thank you so much Luigi" Jamie said as he gave the small man a brief hug. The old man turned to her. "This must be the pretty lady you told me about. Haaa!!! She is truly beautiful. Welcome senorita" He came over and planted a small kiss on her hand. "Nice to meet you too Mr Luigi" Mr Luigi ushered them in to their private table in the cramped pizza shop. It was simply a table at the far end of the room separated from the rest of the room by a dark curtain. The place was beautiful, almost like sitting in a little piece of Italy. "It looks pretty nice. And it smells divine" Cherry said as she took another whiff of the wonderful aroma wafting from the pizzas. "I know right. You're already liking it. Why don't you order" Jamie said as he pushed the menu to her. She looked over at the menu at it was long and nearly incomprehensible as it seemed to have been written in Italian. "Will you help me order?" She asked him and he nodded happily. "I thought you'd never ask. I'll have the usual."  he said as he handed over the menu to the waiter. "You come here a lot?" She asked. Jamie shrugged. "Once in two weeks to unwind a little" Shortly their pizza arrived with Mr Luigi himself serving it. "I knew you were going to ask for the usual. So I had it pre-made for you" Luigi said as he set down the massive pizza. It smelled absolutely like heaven and she really couldn't wait to dig in. "Ladies first" Jamie said and Cherry took a slice. Words could not describe the flavours that burst into her mouth. It was amazing!!!! The best pizza ever. The pepperoni, olives, the slightly sweet sauce, roasted peppers, pargmeggiano cheese etc all set the perfect pizza as she moaned taking another bite. Ohhhh Cherry was in pizza heaven!!!
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