
1340 Words
Elsa’s POV I woke up abruptly, sweating profusely, my heart pounding in my chest. “Who was that in my dream? She had saved me from those rogue wolves.” I thought to myself. “But why would a group of rogue wolves be chasing me, and who was that woman that saved me?” All the thoughts were swirling in my head; I was getting a migraine from it. Deciding a good shower was what I needed, I got up immediately, but my legs wobbled and caused me to fall. The soreness in between my legs reminded me that my body hadn't recovered from the activities of last night. Damian Wolf wasn't gentle, which meant he left me all sore and my legs wobbly. I got up carefully this time and wobbled to the bathroom. I stepped into the shower and turned on the water. I let out a sigh of relief as the warm water cascaded over my body, my thoughts drifting to the events of last night. But I had already cried so much that I had no more tears to shed. I just knew I didn't deserve this; if he really didn't want me, then he shouldn't have had s*x with me and taken my virginity. He should have controlled his wolf. I was beyond tired. Willing my mind to drift to a more peaceful place, I remembered the dream I had—the lady that saved me was so beautiful. Her serene voice guided me away from danger. She was so strong that only a flick of her hands brought all the wolves down. “I almost missed that! She had said one final thing to me before she disappeared." I hit my head slightly, almost forgetting. “Do not be scared; be brave. Only good things will happen from now on. When you feel you have to come to a dead end, a miracle will happen for you, my daughter.” I recounted her exact words. I didn't understand what it meant; I wanted to believe it was just a stupid dream, but something within me trusted the woman and caused me to believe it. I left the shower when I got tired of standing there, put on my clothes, and decided to go get something to eat. I hadn't left my room all day, and it was already evening, and I hadn't had anything to eat. Entering the eating area, I see Eve, the strongest female in the pack and head of the female warriors. Also, the girl my mate wants to leave me for. I send a silent prayer to the moon goddess, hoping they don't bully me today. I bent my head and walked quickly but quietly to avoid any attention. The aim is to pick up the food and run back to my room, but once again, life laughs at my face when I hear Eve call out to me. “Hey human!” she shouted, causing her minions to snicker. I stiffen, knowing that the worst is about to happen. Taking only what I had picked, I started rushing back to my room, hoping to avoid a beating today. But I wasn't fast enough. Before I could get to the stairs, two of Eve’s minions got me and started dragging me to Eve. “I am sorry, I am sorry, I am really sorry,” I kept muttering. Tears are pooling in my eyes. I wasn't sure why I was apologizing, but I just didn't want any more problems. “You must be very bold for you to decide to disobey your Luna.” She snarled at me. “You deserve to be punished, don't you?” She said this, holding up my chin and spitting at me. “Beat her up; she needs to learn to be obedient.” She commanded her minions. One of them pushed me to the ground, and they all started delivering kick after kick. I lay there whimpering and groaning. I had to bear it because, over the years, I had come to realise that the beating only got worse when I cried out in pain. They knew I healed fast, which is why they didn't care about how much damage they did. Their words hurt more than the kicks. “How can a werewolf not have a wolf?” “She is just an excuse for a werewolf.” “That must be why her parents abandoned her.” “She is nothing but a mistake; I don't know why the Alpha allowed her into the pack. He should have just left her at the border to die.” “The moon goddess must have made a mistake, making her the Alpha son's mate.” They snickered amongst themselves while making sure I regretted ever being born. I zoned out at some point, wondering why I had to be different. “What do you think you are doing?” A voice growled angrily, causing everyone to stop and bringing me back to the present. “We are sorry; we were only trying to teach her a lesson for disrespecting Eve.” They answered in fear. “Damian, what are you doing right now?” Eve said angrily. “You told me you were going to reject her.” Damian started shaking, his alpha aura filling the air and forcing everyone to their knees. “It's his wolf!” Eve shouted in fear. They all immediately went on their knees and bowed in fear. She knew Damain’s wolf wasn't in love with her like Damian was. So he could hurt her without blinking an eye. Wolves are very possessive of their mates, more so than their human side. They don't like their mates being maltreated. “You are lucky that I do not want to hurt you. Get out right now and never bully my mate again.” He growled. They all got up and ran out of the room in fear. “I'm sorry about this, mate.” He picked me up and carried me to my room. He got clean water and a towel and cleaned my wounds with great care. “I am sorry about the other night; I was supposed to stay and take care of you afterwards, but Damian took back control. Did I hurt you?” I was hurt by the whole experience, but it wasn't really his fault. It was all Damian's fault. “I am fine. It wasn't your fault,” I said to him. “I wish you were Damian; you are the only one who loves me, irrespective of my shortcomings.” His eyes were flickering between the golden and brown colors. Damian was trying to get control. “Thank you for saving me and taking care of me.” I hugged him, knowing Damian would soon take over. He walked out of the room, giving me some space before Damian returned. “He is going to reject me soon. He must be so mad that his wolf claimed me in front of everyone.” I thought to myself. Thinking back to the many years I had spent in this pack, I had no good memory; all I had were memories of getting beaten to the point of death. One time, Eve and her minions beat me until I passed out and locked me inside a drum for days. When they were questioned by the alpha, their only reply was that they thought it would help my wolf come out. They were neither scolded nor punished, and so they continued. With all these in mind, I came to the conclusion that nothing good will come out of staying here any further. “I should get ready to leave once he rejects me. I don't want to spend another minute here. I had nothing much to pack; I just packed my clothes and toiletries. Then I laid down, waiting for what was to come.
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