3 : Mr Jerkface

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Nirvana's day had simply gone from a literal walk to the park, to having to save a patient that she was going to meet tomorrow, then and there. We are off to a great start. Getting out of the OR clean and fresh, she met up with Connor in the hallways. "I always knew you had it in you Niv", saying this she felt Connor going in for a hug and she complied. "Did you just offer no resistance, ma'am? For I remember you being very ann- Argh!" Before he had the chance to finish his words, Nirvana had already landed a jab to his side. "Still as sneaky as ever, eh, Connor?" "Still a fighter, I see Niv!" Their short staredown ended only with them laughing their guts out. Connor had been Nirvanas colleague back in medical school before she had transferred to Hopkins, or a more likely scenario being Hopkins having snatched the wonderful and talented Nirvana away. They were always close before and when Nirvana wanted a change from her previous workplace, Connor was all ears about this new place and wasn't he right. This hospital was so big and spacey that it made her comparison kind of intimidating, but she had quickly shrugged that feeling off. "So, Con's what is the procedure now?" teased Nirvana with her commander's voice. "I always hated it when everybody called me that, but you Nirvana have always been an exception! Anyways, right now we have to get to a head of department meeting and, of course, you will be going with me", saying this he smiled. Connor's smile had always been kind of like of golden retrievers especially with that golden hair of his. Oh, how I missed this. The elevator to the conference was just straight up ahead and in just a few minutes they were there. Connor brisk checked the window and peeked in. "Guess everyone's already here but us." "Then what are we waiting for?" As soon as they entered, all eyes fell on Nirvana. News of the surgery had spread fast and everybody wanted to catch a glimpse of the brilliance that this mysterious woman had just brought to their hospital. There were two empty chairs and that was where Connor was headed so, of course, Nirvana had to do so too. The meeting consisted of nearly 12 people including the man whose eyes she had met earlier. To say that he was not attractive would be a lie, as she could swear that in the room full of people, he was the one with the most alluring aura. Everything about him just screamed dominance. When it started the paperwork and the guidelines were all decided and then finally after 20 minutes the meeting had come to an end. But the weirdest thing was that the whole time Nirvana had felt that strange man's eyes on her and she was getting slightly annoyed due to the fact that he was not even trying to hide the fact that he was staring at her. During the whole meeting, he was the only one who had not uttered a word and that made her curious. She leaned in and whispered, "Conner who is that man over there?" Connor looked to the direction she was looking at "That's the boss Niv. The heir of the whole Villin Med Corps. Don't tell me you did not know? Just don't get involved with him and I know with that attitude of your-" "The meeting hence ends. And I would like to show you around the hospital if I can Dr Nirvana. That's the least I can do to welcome the newest doctor to our hospital right?" saying this he flashed a dashing smile at Nirvana and she was sure that if it had been the old her she would have wobbled down, but she'd gotten used to this, but nevertheless, she felt weird. The last thing she heard before leaving with him was Connor whispering "f**k" and his eyes filled with prayers. Just how bad is this guy? she thought but then shrugged it off, after all, she wasn't any less too. Zachariah and Nirvana had been walking for about a minute and the whole time Nirvana had a strange feeling in her heart. "So.. Dr Delaney is there any reason that you chose this specific workplace?" Zachariah asked. He wanted to know more about her, heck he wanted to just know everything about her. "Let's just say that the benefits of this workplace attracted me, sir," she replied. The reply was curt, leaving no more room for any discussion, but this made Zach feel ticked off. Here he was talking to a doctor that he had just met a few hours before, and moreover it was his first time that he had ever tried to do something with anyone else than himself. It had not even been a day yet and this girl was already making him so restless. "Any boyfriend's that you have that I might be aware of?" Zach knew this was a very invasive question to ask but this girl was making him go all crazy on his reigns. Nirvana hesitated for a moment and then turned to glare at her boss. All the time, she had not been keen on keeping eye contact but this guy was getting way too sneaky with her "None that follow as your business Dr Villin. I would like it if the tour would be a little faster though, I would love to get on observing my duties that I will take over from tomorrow." Zach felt captivated by her dark brown eyes and did not feel any obligation to break it off, instead, he was enjoying her gaze on him, even though it was out of sheer annoyance. Slightly uncomfortable, Nirvana broke off eye contact with him. She just was not up for getting to the creepy gaze of his that looked like he knew everything about her. Feisty Zachariah smirked. His muse was not someone who let go without a fight. She huffed in annoyance. "I loved the tour but I am afraid we have run out of precious time sir. I will be getting back to my r-" All of a sudden her boss grabbed her hand and then brought it closer to his lips to kiss it "It's a pleasure Nirvana. We'll be seeing each other very often now." She snatched her hands away from the ruffian's grip and snarled "I do not like necessary talks and actions, Mr Villin," and then hurriedly walked past him to get to her duties. Her hand was tingly at the place he had kissed, so feeling disgusted, she vigorously rubbed her hands on that white coat of hers and applied some sanitizer. Zachariah was still there behind her and had seen the way she had reacted to his touch. Chuckling, he said, "I think we have a long way to go Miss Delaney." He had his eyes set on her and there was no way in eternity that he would now let her go. Nirvana Delaney still had a lot to unveil and he would enjoy every single moment of that.
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