Chapter 3

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Eliot's POV Oh My God!! Julian's kissing ME!!. As reality came crashing in, I pushed him away. "Wait. Your dating my sister". "So" he replied sounding out of breath. So, I did something that I thought I would never do. I grabbed his shirt towards me, and kissed him back. And Oh My God, it felt great. Julian's POV Oh my God! I have been waiting for this, forever. I know what you're thinking, I'm kissing my girlfriend's brother. But the truth is I am only dating her to spy on her family. Especially to see if Louisa makes contact or not. Eliot POV "Okay, times up lovebirds" someone said. I instinctively pushed him away, and turned to see the girl he was talking to before. "Serioulsy Mei, your cockblocking me right now" Julian groaned out. I quickly gave him a glare and grumbled out a shuttup. "Whatever Jules. We have to go NOW. Boss called" she said. I saw Julian gave her a look of annoyance before he looked at me. He walked towards me and caressed my face. I looked up and stared at his beautiful eyes. So Blue. I felt like I was looking at the ocean. "Look babe, I'm gonna drop you at your house, okay?" he asked. All I could do was nod my head. I was lost staring in his eyes. He let go of my face, held my hands and we walked to this parked car, that I'm just realizing about. He let go of hand to open the door for me, "After you love". I blushed and got inside. It was a sleek black jeep. The interior was also black too. I was gawking at the car that I didn't realize him going in after me, Mei getting in the passenger seat, the car starting, or the fact that someone else was in the car. *1 hour later* "-li". "Eli". Ugh who was calling my name. I opened my eyes to realize I was sleeping on Julian's lap and he was the one who was calling my name. He was playing with my hair and staring at me with this strange look in his eyes. Could it be love?"U-Ugh yeah"? I asked him. He gave me a smile and said, "We're at your house". "Oh". With a blush, I got off his lap. He opened the door and I followed behind him. He walked me to the front of my house, up to the porch. We stopped by the door when I asked him for my phone. "Oh sure. Here you go". I took it to see it was 12:05 AM. Crap. Hope Violette didn't stay up for me. "Okay. I guess this is goodbye". "Yeah" he said while looking down. I turned to open the door, when he grabbed my arm, pulled me towards him and he kissed me for the second time. And like the last time, I felt amazing. He then stopped and looked me in the eye and said "I'll see you at school mi amor". He walked away to his car and drove away. I was so mesmerized that I didn't realized that the door was opened, or that my sister was the one who opened it. I heard a faint gasp and I turned around quickly to see her running away with a broken face. Oh Crap. What Have I done. *The Next Morning* Beep Beep Beep Beep Ughhh! Stupid alarm clock. I woke up with a groaned and turned off my alarm clock. I stretched and made my way to my bathroom. I got in and jumped into the shower. *30 minutes later* I got out of the shower and brushed my teeth. When I was done, I made way to my walk-in closet. I decided to wear a navy blue shirt that says I love it, light blue jeans, and all black vans. After getting ready, I sprayed some cologne on and made my way back to the bathroom to style my hair. After I was finished, I grabbed my bags and phone and made my way downstairs to the kitchen. I checked the time, 7:45 AM. I still got time. I made my into the kitchen to see Esmeralda, is our family's maid and caretaker. She's been taking care of me since I was eight, ever since my mother died, cooking breakfast, my dad drinking his coffee and reading over his papers, and my sister was nowhere to be seen. "Hey Dad, Where's Vi". It took him 5 minutes to reply before saying, "She's visiting that boyfriend of hers". The way he said boyfriend was very weird. He got very tense. "Okay". I sat down and Esmeralda gave me my plate of food. It was bacon, an omelette, and pancakes. "Thank you Meralda". "No problem sweetie" she said while giving me a smile. As I was eating, I saw Meralda giving my dad a plate of food. It was like mine and instead of bacon it was ham. He gave her a short nod of acknowledgement and he began eating. Then a slam of door caught our attention. I looked up to see Violette storming in, and behind her was Julian. OMG Julian's here. I quickly turned away and looked at my food. "Darling what's the problem" my dad asked. He got up and went to give her a hug. The minute he hugged her, her faced quickly changed from angry to sad. She started to cry wailing" Julian cheated on me". I looked to see him standing there arms folded rolling his eyes at her statement. He was wearing all black. A tight black shirt that showed off his muscles and abs, black ripped skinny jeans and black boots. SOO Hot!!. I quickly looked away before he or anyone realizes I was drooling at him, but I was too late because he noticed and he had a little smirk on his face. "What is the meaning of this" my dad growled out. "Did you cheated on her". "No, I kissed someone else" he said nonchalantly. "That's the same thing. And the worst part was it was with you" she spited with so much venom towards me. I looked at her with shock and fear. "WHAT" my father screamed. I felt my heart just stopped. My father was screaming and cursing but I just tuned him out. I just couldn't believe Violette would do this to me. I tuned back to reality when Violette said the words that really broke me, "I can't believe Mom kidnapped you of all people. And because of you she died" she screamed at me. She realized what she said and looked at dad. With tears in my eyes I asked, "Is it true"? "Yes" he said all emotion gone from his face. Julian looked at me with sadness and guilt. So he knew this whole time. I turned around to see Esmeralda was crying too. And she knew. I felt my whole world was crashing down and I was drowning. Everyone knew that I was kidnapped, but stood their and said nothing. I looked at Violette and saw her true colors. She was happy that my world was over. I stood up, leaving my bags, and I ran. I had no idea where I was going, I just ran. In the background I heard Julian calling out my name, but I don't turn around. I just kept running. Unknown person #1 POV "Alright boss, we just got word that the boy knows the truth. What shall we do" said my loyal subject. "Ugh. No one can do anything right" I said with a groan. I got up from my couch and made way to the top deck of my yacht. I looked over the vast seas and said toe everyone "It's time I clean up this mess". Unknown person #2 POV "Mr. and Mrs. du Le Grand, we have finally located your son". "His name is now Eliot Carter and he is 17 years old. We have officers waiting for my signal to bring him to you" said Detective Lance. I looked at my parents to see my mother with tears in her eyes and my father with a big smile on his face. We will soon be reunited little brother. I promise. Hey guys hoped you enjoy this chapter. As you can see a lot has went down. We have mysterious new people coming into this story. Please comment your opinions on who you think these new characters are. XOXO, Serena

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