Proposal: Wedding Bells

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                                                                                           Xanthus                                                                                   Later that night. 11 pm “Ugh! Going in harder….harder-r-r-r….Ugh!!!!!!”Don't...Don't-t-t even think-kk- of going-g-g-g......slower.....Argh!, moaned Xanthus with his hands clasped around Xeron’s waist which was pushing into his small legs, which were spread out wide enough for his lover to enjoy and pleasure himself. It would be about nine when they abruptly stopped.  Xeron never spoke even during love. He had his own policies of subtle moans when Xanthus would devour his lips with his tongue and when the latter would improvise on caressing his belly slowly, peck after peck, some even creating hickeys.  It wouldn’t be harsh every time but today seemed a little different. The clock went “ Ding, Dong”, saying its midnight but still, Xeron was dressed, in the dorm of Tulisan Hotel making a coffee for his boyfriend who was watching him with dreamy brazen eyes. ‘How long are you gonna stay? “, came his cheerful voice as he put his hands on his crossed legs. The mattress was messy after an exhilarating session. Xeron would just shrug and slowly say in a hoarse manner, “ Anytime.”. Xanthus never asked for more and he knew the hoarse tone wasn’t a sense of resentment but rather the way Xeron’s vocal cords made air escape.  Puberty struck him hard-that is what Xanthus thought. But little did he know it was because he had got himself a vocal surgery after an A-K 47’s bullet struck for his larynx destroying what little remained of his sweet fragile seventeen-year-old sound. “I would like to ask you something, Xero.”.  It was a request rather than an accustomed order but as expected, a yes came as a reply. Two coffee cups on the table and a dressed couple who sat with their hands on their legs, and Xeron with an exception of his right leg swung over the left thigh. Xeron always admired the fashionable way he sat. It brought butterflies in his tummy.  The lights were dim due to the broken bulb and the bathroom diffused a dying man’s odor into the bedroom. However, the glow from the street made it up for the slight darkness making each other’s faces visible. Lack of noise at midnight made things much easier for them, especially when Xeron couldn’t handle them. ‘I want to marry you.” The statement was uttered in the expectation of never a reaction. Xanthus sipped his Americano, which tasted much better than his handmaiden’s, and slowly waited for Xeron's saying. It was a hysteria to see him in shock! Xeron had widened eyes and slumped shoulders. The face enlightened with astonishment, worry, and finally a tinge of pain. The change in countenance made Xanthus feel pitied. He felt as if the refusal after a proposal would hurt him tremendously. Even before Xeron could say anything, he was jabbering what he had expected. “Look, look. I know you want none of this to go out of control. Your expectations of a happy life were unknown- Isn’t that what you told me when we went on our first day?” Xeron said absolutely nothing. “I know. I know. A proposal means bringing two families together. Two lovers together. But aren’t we ready for the impossible? After all, you are always asking me about how lovers finish their love story? It's never finished, Xero. They end it in  something called………..marriage.” Xeron’s face showed that he was shaking! He was having the worst of nightmares now. A knife stabbing through him as he stood in the darkness of someplace he couldn't recognize. And the one holding the knife would be none other than-Xanthus. He envisioned the worst, and for a moment it felt as if those worries were turning true. Xanthus couldn’t tolerate the silence and to make it worse, he was managing not to let those tears fall down. “Let me know what you would think about marriage. What are we then? Are we just some two anonymous guys who end up going to dates and finally the kind to be a “getting to know each other” part? Where is our story going? We want each other like we are more than pleased to cherish other bodies and here you are telling me how less you are interested in what I just proposed as  a great way of being in bed always, no matter what.” Xeron was listening intently. And his gaze was fixed on those eyes. The green eyes which would turn him on any moment he looked at them. He didn’t find words. He was more than excited. Of course, he would marry. But it wouldn’t last. The inevitable truth would damage an insane Xanthus. If it did, then it wouldn't be a happy love story. Not when he is a spy who betrayed fragile wonderful emotions. The deal came crashing into his mind leaving him dumbfounded. Of course, the deal was going to be his responsibility and his dad will be on the high levels of expectations of being a billionaire soon enough. Xeron thought about those good days when he used to lie to his dad saying he had ended up spending too much time with his victim studying him when he had actually been flexing his hip muscles harder as he entered into his Xanthus. The days when he saw nothing but the embracing feelings for Xanthus in his dreams. The day he missed sword class once despite those being his favorite because Xanthus had insisted they go for an outing to the beach where past the lanes, his mother was buried beneath a maple tree.  The days he would just learn so much about how an extra tip to a waiter would make them ecstatic or a fun conversation with a taxi driver would leave them appreciating the passengers, for hiring their cab. Some small and of course, very small deeds made a person’s day-Xanthus was of course the perfect explanation for that. But it wouldn’t be long before Xanthus would come crashing down when he noticed how Xeron was cheating. When he saw him giving private information about him to his gang, stealing his privacy, sending recorded tapes of his daily life.  How desponding!  It would completely shatter his life making him go insane. The loss of his mother had been a big pushover in his life. How could Xeron be a reason for another of those? “Xero..? Are you alright?”, came the slightly worried voice of his lover. His sitting posture had changed from sexy to confused. His face was leaning towards Xeron, trying to make out with the creased forehead and his lifted head whether Xeron was going through a sudden fit.  The fits which arose whenever he would recollect something of his past. It would leave him paralyzed and dull for about a whole ten minutes when the melancholic Xanthus would hug him onto his chest while he massaged his forehead whispering what he could make out as comfort,” It's okay. Xanthus is here for you…Shush….It's okay.” “Xero?....... Are you…Should I bring some-e-e water-r-r?”, stammered Xanthus as he pulled his chair to Xeron’s side in a hurry on seeing a dumbstruck Xeron. He then slowly put an arm around his shoulder and patted his head, “ Look is that those fits ?.... Is it fits?.....I am sorry-y-y- to have caused that-t-t”, came his worried voice which was miserable and guilty.  Xeron just turned his face to look at him. The moment he laid eyes on him, he couldn’t resist the need to kiss those plump lips which he had devoured moments before but felt as irresistible now that he was moaning in pain. The proximity closed and Xeron jumped in for a kiss. Xanthus showed astonishment but he never pulled away. What shocked him was the fact of how Xeron kissed him. He never vowed to lend in first. It was always the him-the younger boy who tended to get some skinship and be touchy often. But here was his sullen straightforward boyfriend who all his friends referred to as crazy, going head over heels with his kiss. It was long enough and Xeron’s arms had wrapped around Xanthus’s neck pulling him closer. Xanthus gave back what was asked and to be honest, he was enjoying it. Xeron bit his lip and he moaned. Slowly, he felt himself being lifted by the legs, and as expected, his lover was kissing him in the air with his legs wrapped around his legs.  Xanthus wanted to ask about the hurry but he refused to withdraw the went longer than ever and it stopped for some breath when Xanthus was slowly put to the bed by the heavy hefty arms of his mate. Xeron was looking at Xanthus and the close proximity along with the ponderous silence except for ragged breathing of the two left them blushing hard. Xeron didn’t remove any clothes nor did he ask for more pleasure. He just said what he wanted to, “Yes to the wedding bells” Xanthus smiled widely and he started to pout when Xeron stopped the session suddenly after a peck. Soft and relishing. The saliva sticking them together broke like a thin thread. Xanthus got up and he sat on the bed. He however didn’t find himself beaming. For there was Xeron holding the handle to the door of the dorm, leaving. And he looked deprived of thoughts. Except what remained was one emotion that Xanthus could clearly make out, just because Xeron didn’t want to conceal it again. Never in his life would hide it when it is no longer confidential with your husband. Culpability.
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