Chapter 4

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Lukas After a long and tiring weekend all Mason's friends returned home and Mason was getting ready for his shift. I decided to prepare something for us to eat before he left. I knew he liked pasta and that was the only thing I had perfected. I was busy preparing food when I felt someone's eyes burning holes in my back, I turned around and saw Mason staring, was that lust I saw in eyes before I could blink it was gone and Mason looked away. "Hey, wanna eat. I made pasta" I said smirking and saw him lick his lips when he smelt the food. "Smells delicious" he said while sitting at the table, I quickly set two plates while we ate in comfortable silence. I noticed Mason staring at me a couple of times but I kind of ignored it. May be I was thinking too much, he is my best friend and he likes women I reminded myself. Mason Work was pretty quiet today with not many calls so the head had asked us to sit through a fire fighting training which was basically looking back at all the cases we handled. I was kind of distracted to this morning, so instead of listening I was day dreaming. I have no idea what's happening but I seem to be staring at Alex a lot, I could not pull my eyes away from his body this morning the way he looked in those shorts without a t-shirt, the perfect curves and abs. Even the previous day when we were exercising he looked extremely attractive and I could not stop staring when he was flexing his muscles. I know he has caught me staring at him but thankfully he has not said a word. I think I need to go out tonight may find a sexy woman and get laid. Yeah that's exactly what I am gonna do, I thought to myself.  I went back home and saw Lukas was all dressed up lying on the sofa watching TV. "Hey you going somewhere?" I asked and he turned around and smiled. "Yeah" he said, "uhhh I thought it would be good to go out, as in give you some time to spend some time with your friends. I know that you are always at home because of me and I am feeling bad". Now I felt miserable, maybe I was acting weird, maybe I should stop acting like a fool, he is my best friend, I thought to myself. "I made coffee for you" Lukas said and I thanked him. Lukas decided to walk to one of the pubs , so after I finished taking a shower I got dressed and decided to head out. Jay, Em and Lukas were chatting so I decided to join them after ordering my drink, I actually felt happy seeing Lukas smile, we met the old Doc and he called Lukas over to discuss a job at the clinic. I was actually happy for my friend. I downed a couple of more drinks and got a little extra tipsy. Lukas helped me get home after we said Bye to our friends. Lukas Mason drank a little too much, so I offered to help him home. I hope he would not have a hangover as he had to go early to work. We entered the house and I walked Mason up the stairs, he was awfully quiet. I was putting his head on the bed when he spoke "You're really hot and I can't seem to take my eyes of you". I blushed, I knew he was drunk and he would not remember anything in the morning but hey who does not like a complement from a hot guy who happens to be your best friend and your crush. "Mason you're drunk, go to sleep now" I said trying to sound stern and he pouted "What do you want?" I asked and that was a big mistake ever because his reply shocked me "A Kiss" he said smiling and I could not resist him anymore. I came close to him the tension started growing between us, I felt so connected to him, slowly I brushed my lips against his. "You're lips are so soft" he said while letting his lips dance with mine. He deepen the kiss and I let him. Suddenly he realised it was me and pushed me away. "What the f**k are you doing?" he asked and I was kind of not expecting that. "I told you to keep your distance from me, fag" he yelled and I just could not say anything. "s**t I think I made a mistake by letting you stay here" he shouted and that hurt really really bad. I walked out without saying a word. Mason I woke up with a terrible headache and went down to the kitchen hoping Lukas made breakfast and coffee like he normally does. Everything was awfully quiet but I had a terrible headache plus I needed to reach work on time, so I made 2 cups of coffee and bacon and eggs for both of us. I left Lukas's breakfast covered on the table and got dressed to leave. It was a pretty hectic day I hardly got a chance to glance at my phone too. It troubled me that I could not remember how I got home last night, so I thought I would ask Lukas when I reached. It was almost 7 in the evening when I got off shift and drove home. The house was pretty dark, "Lukas" I called but got no answer. May be his meeting with the doc was not yet done. I walked in the kitchen to grab a bottle of water when I saw the coffee and breakfast I made for Lukas lying untouched. I panicked, is he okay I asked myself and rushed to his room which was clean and tidy. I noticed Lukas's things were missing. I decided to call him and that's when I saw a message from him on my phone. Lukas : Sorry about last night, I am not sure if you will remember anything that happened, but I did and hence I decided it best if I move away. I found a place to stay on rent and decided to move immediately. I did not wait for you to wake up because I was not sure how you would act, but I promised I never tried to make a move on you ever. Take care friend and I will understand if you don't want to be friends with a fag like me anymore. "What the f**k happened? did I call him a fag?" I tried to remember when suddenly like a flash of lighting everything hit me and I remember asking him to kiss me, then pushing him away like it was his fault and calling him,, calling him a fag... s**t I hate that word, s**t s**t s**t. How could I do this to my best friend. I was about to call him when Jay and Em called me. "Open the door" Jay said we are outside for the last few minutes. I rushed down and let them in, I decided I would call him later and sort out things over dinner with him. I dropped him a quick text, hoping he would read it.  Em wanted to share an important news with us and so we all went to the pub called Temptations. As we walked in we saw Lukas sitting at the corner table, "Lukas" Em called and we all joined him. I felt horrible seeing him, looks like he had cried all night. s**t did I do that to him. "So guys I wanted the two most important men to be here when Jay and I break the news. WE ARE GETTING MARRIED" she whispered yelled and Lukas and I congratulated them. We drank to that and ordered some pizza and burgers too. While Em was discussing her plans I noticed Lukas tried to look happy. Suddenly someone snaked their arms around me, when I turned back I saw a Mel, she had a hot as f**k body, I had slept with her a couple of times before but today I felt uncomfortable for some reason. She pulled me to dance and when I got up I saw Lukas staring at me. If looks could kill I would be dead by now. A slow song came on and she pulled her chest close to mine while grinding her body against me, she smashed her lips on mine which I totally never expected but kissed her back after a second. While kissing her I stole in glance in Lukas's direction and saw he glaring at me with sadness and hurt in his eyes. He turned away quickly to avoid eye contact. Mel grabbed my hand and pulled me towards the table, she sat on my lap while we sipped our drinks. Em and Jay were still dancing and Lukas was staring at his phone. "Hi Lukas" Mel said and gave him a soft smile. "Hi" he replied softly before returning to his phone. Suddenly he got up to leave "Where are you going man?" I asked and he replied to my room. "You're not coming back" I asked and he shook his head. Without saying another word he left. After a while I decided to take Mel home maybe I would be able to think better. As I started my jeep I saw Lukas sitting on a bench our eyes met and immediately he looked away, he stared at Mel for a second before his eyes were back on me. He looked away and I decided to leave not sure what to do.  As we reached home, Mel started kissing and sucking my lips, my neck while unbuttoning my shirt. Usually I would be the one to take the lead but today I felt sad, I could only think of Lukas of how sad he looked when he saw Mel and me together. I pushed Mel against the wall and tore open her shirt buttons, in one swift moment our shirts and trousers were on the floor. She had not worn a bra so I pulled her n****e with my teeth while twisting and rolling the other in my fingers. "Mason baby, f**k me please" she screamed and I submitted to her request I just wanted to f**k her and get her out of my house as soon as possible.
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