Death Did NOT Come For Her (Part 1) - May 5, 2017 1400

1515 Words
“Anara, Jan is asking if you remember the two of you have a dinner appointment tonight?” “Tell him I remember,” I said as I finished cleaning the make-up off my face. “Did he remember to make the reservations?” Mary relayed the question then was nodding her head and writing down information. Her auburn hair kept falling from where she put it as she spoke on the phone. She looked back at me a moment before speaking for the man on the other end of the phone. “He wants to make sure you are formal?” she said as she looks questioning me. I rolled my eyes. Always something with this man. “Tell him I got it,” I said then thought of something to add. “Ask him black or white.” Mary is confused. She knows my wardrobe probably better than I did. She knew I had no plain black or white clothing. I used to. In college, I wore almost exclusively black clothing. I wouldn’t say that I was goth, but it helped me fade into the background. Easier to get an education when people aren’t looking at you like a piece of meat. Finally, Mary asks him. She blinks at the answer he gives her. It takes her a moment before she tells me “Black.” Now it was my turn to blink. In fifteen years of knowing Jan, I’ve never heard him say black to the question. Mary had no idea what the question was. It went all the way back to when we met and chess. “Tell him black is mine,” I said finally overcoming my shock. I was trying to come up with a good response. “He can only have it if he takes it from me.” Mary blinks again. She doesn’t understand the answer. Knowing her, she is thinking it is something s****l and is shocked at my insinuation. I wave my hand as he waits for her response from me. If I wasn’t taking off my make-up, I would be taking the phone call myself. I hate speakerphone. Too many prying ears and eyes in my life already. Finally, she repeats what I said. She seems shocked and confused at his response then she looks at the phone. Watching, I know he hung up. Of course, he did. He wanted the last word as usual. As long as people didn’t start thinking of us as a couple again, I’m sure he is fine with anything. Mary frowned at the phone before she said “He said he knows exactly how to take it from you. Then he hung up. Does he know how rude that is?” I giggled softly before I said “Yes, he knows how rude that is. It’s just him.” “Are you going to explain the black or white conversation to me?” “Maybe one day,” I said finishing putting the lotion on my face. “For now, can you help me get out of this dress? I need to get home and get ready for the meeting with Jan.” “I thought it was a dinner date?” I sighed. She was told that by him I’m sure. I could almost the hope in her start to die.  She was always trying to match me up with someone.  Jan had given her the idea it could be him. “No,” I said, “Jan wants me to look over some projects and possibly a couple of new film ideas.” “Oh,” she said with a look that told me I had crushed her dreams. “So Miki will be there?” “Uhm,” I said as I stepped out of the dress carefully. “No, Miki will not be there. She doesn’t know about this meeting.” “Are you going to tell her about it?” “I don’t know. Miki and I are to meet on Monday to talk about her contract.” “Are you thinking of leaving Miki?” I pressed my lips together in a frown as I finished buttoning up my jeans. I sigh again with Mary watching my expression before I said “You know the issues I have with Miki. I’m not sure I can keep working with her after this last fiasco.” Mary nodded knowing well what I was referring to. “Is Jan going to help you find a new agent? Oh wait, he is a licensed agent still, isn’t he?” “Mary,” I said leveling my eyes on her as I button the kelly green shirt’s gold-colored buttons before fiddling with the collar. “Jan and I are old friends. I value his advice and his assistance, but at no time has there ever been anything more between us.” I saw the growing disappointment show in Mary’s expression as she finishes putting my purse back together. I hate carrying a purse, but it is a necessary evil at times. I wander back to the mirror putting on some sunscreen over my face and exposed arms. Then I put some strawberry lip gloss with sunscreen in it. “Besides, I love strawberries and Jan is allergic to them. It would never work.” “Jan’s allergic to strawberries?” Mary looks surprised as she speaks. “Yep,” I say joining her. “Ok, where do we need to go?” “Anara, your schedule is open for the rest of the day. I didn’t know about the dinner with Jan or I would have scheduled it.” “Wait, you mean we can go home and relax vegging out to movies and snacks?” “Anara, you still have filming tomorrow.” “Hey, that’s tomorrow. Let’s go!” I wasted no time getting us through the gates to my house. We spend the rest of the afternoon just as I described. I think we fell asleep after the last plate of veggie snacks and dressing. I woke to my phone ringing. Luckily, it is right next to me. “Hello,” I said putting the phone to my ear after answering it. “Still no Bluetooth. I swear Anara we need to get you a little more hands-free,” Jan says as I answer and shake my head. “I bet you are calling to make sure I’m coming tonight?” “Well, actually, I wanted to ask if you minded if we got a private booth,” he said. “No, of course not.” “Ok, I just wanted to make sure. We have some great projects to look over. I’m sure you and Miki…” I cut him off by saying “I decide what projects and films I do, not Miki.” Jan was nodding even though I couldn’t see it. I could hear it in his voice after knowing him for so long as he said “You know, typically Miki should be at this meeting tonight.” “Typically yes, but I also know she’s not been exactly working on my behalf.” “You know this. I know this. Most people in your shoes wouldn’t know this and would have no idea anything was wrong,” he said as it was my turn now to nod. “Remember to hold your resolve when you meet with her on Monday.” “Ok, so we have been through this,” I said deciding not to get into this discussion when I need to be getting ready for dinner. “So where are we going?” “Just be ready when I pick you up.” “I thought I was meeting you…” “Nope, I’ll be there to pick you up in about an hour.” “Jan, I can drive myself.” “Yes, you can, but you aren’t. So be ready. Anyway, this looks far less suspicious for us to be meeting for a business dinner than what could be called a date,” he said chuckling. “See you in an hour.” I giggled back as I said “Fine, let me go get ready for you pick me up for our date.” As I hung up the phone, I looked over at Mary. She was curled up on the other couch in a blanket. I figured she had covered me up and moved to let me rest. What I did for an assistant who was a great friend as well, I didn’t know. I smiled. I would make sure to do something for her tomorrow I thought as I got up to go get ready.
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