The Beginning

203 Words
A bright and horrible day at the palace, a beautiful girl baby was born, she had beautiful black hair , her face was  A color of chocolate . This baby girl was named Simmona , named after her mother (The queen)  and not knowing what her future has in stored for her.  Sametime she was born a terrifying chaos  (monsters were taking over there homeland) was taken over her home, their home name is valdoria . In the same chaos she wouldn't know but she had lost her beloved father ( The King) in the invasion. Her mother then took simmona away from valdoria has possible , sametime she saw a man and a woman which calls themselves Sarah and Samuel. After all that had happened Baby simmona had also lost her mother , But Simmona have a strong Destiny ahead of her. She would be a black beautiful princess. She will also rule with dignity , hope and courage. Simmona wouldn't keep friends she would keep alias , she would grow up trusting noone and she wouldn't know how her parents died or what her future has in stored either. She will then grow and find the necessary guidelines towards the truth.

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