Samuels sense

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POV Samuel I could sense when Macy slept, it would always start off with smoke then drifting into the images of her day. I was like a back seat rider of her subconscious. In her dreams was one of most peaceful places I have been. I have been sensing her for close to a year. I don't know why I had this gift. My grandmother used to tell me stories about our family as a child. They all seemed so surreal to me. I started intercepting people's dreams and seeing their past life's play out in my mind. I did not know the full extent of my gift, all I knew is her mind dragged me right to her. I could tell you just about anything about her. Her crazy red hair that was long and curly. Amazing big blue eyes with a touch gold speckled through them. She had curves that most girls would go under surgery for. I've never even said hello to her. I almost build up the balls to say something to her when she walked past me in the street but what would she think of me? I could pretend I had never seen her before like any other man would have I just didn't want to lie ever to her. She was the most beautiful person I have ever laid eyes on. She was a Queen and she didn't even know it. The question always remained Why was her mind pulling me closer to her? I knew I loved her. Its so strange having this ability, to be completely in love with someone and not even meeting them. I knew deep down she deserved better then me, I Had slept around I did at one stage find women as playthings to keep my mind occupied from what I like to call my demon that rages in my brain. once I started dream drifting it would be like I would take on every single person problems or emotions without feeling like I had Slept at all , the booze and even the drugs numbed me for a while. She pulled me out of it all and she had no idea, She made me a better man a better person. " She gave me purpose without even smiling my way. I started getting into my routine of getting ready to dream Drift, As I sensed She was pulling me into her Drift. Gran always stated a peaceful surrounding always made for a clear drift. I played soft meditation music, made sure I had clean sheets, the smell of clean sheets always relaxed me. As I laid down it felt like a vortex took over and I was being pulled half way through out world and the dream world. This dream was absent of all light, faint and gloomy. A nightmare perhaps. Her nightmares seemed to have become more frequent as the weeks rolled on. Tonight was particular. She was laying on a couch trying to move, struggling to get momentum. Around her was pictures of her mum Pam, her grandmother Edna. They all had this disobedient Auburn hair. There was a lot if other people in pictures just starting at her. One picture had a man who could have looked related in a distant way, he didn't look from this time. He was mouthing something, I moved closer as I did his eyes shot at me and mouthed "protect her Samuel". I jumped back in disbelief. I looked around me all the people eyes stared at me for what seemed like forever until they looked straight back to Macy. I stood back observing this nightmare, I felt anxious and panicked. I looked pasted Macy, a dark fog, a mist even in the shape of a person was coming closer to her. My anxiety got worse I never felt like this before in any of her dreams, she was in danger I could feel it. Her mouth hardened "who are you?" she screamed I could sense her panic, almost like a whisper from the mist "Samuel". It sounded like it travelled though the breeze "you can't save her". I ran closer to her I didn't even know if she could see me or hear me I never tried to interact with her before. "Macy take my hand" the dark mist started to come into view it was a she. She held a staff with a black stone that looked rather like my Grans. "Take my hand Macy" she grabbed my hand. Her touch was soft almost blissful. As I grabbed Macy the Hag grabbed staff to hit Macy just slighgtly scraped across her neck. I got so angry it boiled up inside of me. How dare she hurt her. I pointed my palm at the female to protect Macy from her wrath a ball of fire shot out. An explosive sound ruptured our ears. It didn't take long till it hit this vial female across the room. I turned and smirked at the female then all faded. As soon as the light shot out of my hand my room came back into view. I stared down at my palm the glowing red was disappearing as quick as the Fire shot out to start with. This wasn't possible. At least I didn't think it was. I knew what I had to do I needed to speak to gran now. "Gran I need to see you. Something happened I cannot explain". I blurted it all out without taking a breath. "Okay love, I will put the kettle on come on over"
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