chapter 0

183 Words
"sorry about that," a hooded boy quickly apologizes, picking up the fallen items. the girl in front of him who he almost tackled, knelt down and began to pick up the items as well. almost all of them were instant noodles. "thanks," he said, picking up the last cup. the girl slightly smiled at him and watched him leave her. as soon as she couldn't see the all-black hooded person, she exposed her left arm from her back. and there in her hand, was the actual last cup of noodles. -- the girl stared at the instant noodles for a moment and shook it. rattling noises from the dry noodles were heard inside. "strange on how he bought almost 7 of these," she said, observing the colors of red and black on the cup. she continued to walk to her home, the noodles in her hand. people sometimes stared at her with curiosity, other times with fear. she didn't blame them, considering what she looked like, people should run with fear. after all, she was just plain bones. after all, she was anorexic.
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