Chapter 1

564 Words
"Nervous?".Shaw asked after seeing my hands visibly shaking. I shook my head with no words. "Don't be I'll be coming to school with you mate". He patted my back and I let a small smile formed on my lips.Shaw was my best friend,he's been since we were like four.Our parents grew up together and they were very close. His parent and my parents move next door to each other after what happened at the old school now we're starting our new school on Monday and I'm bloody nervous. "I know but what if the kids here are just like the ones in england?". "I doubt that beside I'm here.....always". I grinned because I knew it was true.Shaw never let anyone down. We were at the mall buying a whole bunch of clothes I will be wearing but for shaw he just likes to spend.Every thing I bought was darked colored and new lip rings and tongue rings.Yep tongue rings.I pierced my tongue on my sixteenth birthday and shaw was obsess with it and guess what? he did it.He would literally stare in my mouth when I talk. He had a few piercing of his own.He had snake bites and his left eyebrow was pierced as well and had his parents initial tattooed on his wrists to go with it "Ready to go?" I asked him. "Yep but after we get something to eat I'm starving". I chuckled and nodded.We walk to the food court and ate in comfortable silents until my phone beeped. A message from my mom saying I should come home and finish unpacking. We got up and drove home with the music blasting through our ears and us bouncing on the seats to the beat and the back seat packed with shopping bags. I drove up the drive ways and shaw went home.He too have a lot of unpacking to do. "Mum?dad?Katie?" "In here love!" I walked to the kitchen to see my mum and dad unpacking plates and glasses into the cupboard and Katie my little sister sitting on the counter tapping on her phone screen viciously. "Have fun at the mall?" dad asked. "Yea I bought like a new closet of clothes". "Meet any cute boys?". Katie asked and my mum turned her attention to me.She loved when I talk about boys.My parents were the second person I came out to as gay,Shaw was the first and katie found out on her own she was very smart for a 14 year old and observe people carefully. They all took it surprisingly good. "No.I wasn't looking anyways." I said and katie frown. "Oh come on not one?" I shook my head "Honey leave Wel alone he might be tired". Mom said. "I am, can I go take a nap before I finish unpacking?" I asked and they nodded. I made my way up to my new room. My walls were light green with white ceilings and white curtains.My bed was in the far corner of the room and a flat screen in front of it on the wall and my play station and dresser somewhere close.The air-conditioning beside the builted in closet. I kick off my shoes took of my shirt and wrist band and turn my head to the guitar shaped clock and it was 7:00. I crawled into bed and let my self fall into a peaceful sleep.
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