
411 Words
Sitting on the cold metal chair of the airport that’s buzzing with noises more than ever as holidays approach, Abel Hudson cannot help but tap his foot on tiles anxiously, gathering unpleasant stares from passersby. A sudden loud ringing of the cell phone stopped his anxiety-induced leg bouncing. Upon seeing his secretary’s name on the screen he composed himself quickly and answered.  “Ms. Davis, any information on Klaperstein's meeting” with the clipped greeting he came straight to the point, Abel believes in no nonsense talk. “Good afternoon Sir, the Klaperstein’s had postponed the meeting for Friday and apologized for such sudden change of plans” the woman in her early 20s replied courteously already familiar with his boss’s antics. “Thank you for informing, reply to them with affirmation” and with that he hangs up, usually he would’ve waited for a reply at least, so as not to seem rude but being worried about the meeting had him tired. He got up from the chair and stretched out his sore muscles, now that he was relaxed his stomach growled, reminding him of lunch. Spotting a fast food chain nearby he went for some greasy comfort food. Sitting down with coffee in his hands and stomach full of greasy-goodness, there’s still a solid hour before they start boarding for his initially delayed flight. Now with all this time in his hands to pass, for the first time since he arrived he took a look around the airport. Since the holidays are close, the airport was full of young people travelling to meet their family or travelling with their family. All of this reminded him of his own family. Thankfully this year they are celebrating Christmas with his parents’. Just then someone crashed into one of the seats, a few seats over. He looked over to see a teenage girl huffing, her face red with huge glasses over her nose.  “Nerd” a guy her age ruffles her hairs which seems to irritate her.  As she slapped his hand away from her hairs, he caught both of her hands with one of his and started kissing her. As the kiss goes on she melts more into it. Abel looked away feeling like a creep, even if they were in public it felt like they were in their own happy little world.  Their youthful carelessness reminded him of his own high school days and just like that in the middle of a crowded airport, Abel Hudson was back in his high school days.  
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