A New Start

3750 Words
Ayana Chapter 1 Cold. “Why am I so cold? Mama? Daddy?” …I’m scared. A twig snaps on the ground. “Who’s there?... Mama?... Arik?” Another twig snaps and an eerie growl sounds somewhere in the woods. As I turned a pair of glowing red eyes and a stinky smell reaches my nose. “Run!” a voice whispers. Before I can take off its jaws reached out and…… *BEEP* *BEEP* *BEEP*. s**t! My heart is beating frantically as I sit straight up in bed sweat coating my skin making my camisole stick tight to my body. “Ayana!” My bedroom door slams open and I let out a squeak. “Sweet Goddess Janessa! You almost gave me a heart attack!” Holding my hands up to my chest to calm it down again. Goddess I just got my nerves back in check and now I feel like I can’t breathe. Ok. Deep breathes. Closing my eyes I feel a little better after that last deep breath. I glare at my best friend Janessa. “Well I wouldn’t have to scare you if you were up on time. You’re going to be late if you don’t shake a tail feather girlfriend.” Sigh. I rolled my eyes and swung my legs from my bed looking over at the clock. I guess it’s time I brave the world huh. Can’t stay shut in forever. “Hey, are you ok?” Janeesa walks into my room towards my bed and stares at my thigh. I run my fingertips over the ridges and cold raised skin that expands across my thigh towards my hip. The biggest reminder of how I almost lost my life and the source of my repeating nightmare. A scar that forever haunts me. Sitting down on my bed Janessa looks at me worried. “Yana…boo…Look. I know your life hasn’t been…” “Janeesa!” I snap my jaw taunt. I don’t need a reminder of how f****d up my life is right now. I look up at her face and wince. Her face is pinched, and her eyes shine with hurt. What great way to start the day I snapped at my friend for worrying about me. “I’m sorry” I say softly. “I’m fine” Reaching out my hand to her. “You sure?” She asks squeezing my hand gently. I gave her a squeeze back reassuring her with my eyes. “Ok, now that we have reestablished our soul sister lines. Move it or lose it Hunny! You’re gonna be late for your interview.” Janessa yells out walking back into my living room “Oh s**t!” Jumping up I walk into my bathroom turning on my shower. “I got a smoothie for you.” She yells somewhere from my living room. “Thank you!” I shout breezing through my morning routine. I guess I need to pick up my pace if I’m going to make it in time. I take a 5 min shower just to remove the smell of sweat from my skin, dry off and apply my favorite smell good almond oil lotion. Once I feel thoroughly moisturized, I walk to my vanity to apply my makeup. Just a simple natural look, some nude crème lip stick, a little eye shadow and mascara. I don’t want to put on too much I need to look as professional as possible. After applying the last stroke of mascara to my lashes, I walk into my closet to find an outfit that was professional but stylish. I consider myself to be fashionable but damn is it hard to find clothing that fit my body type. Now I’m not self-conscious on my looks in fact thanks to great genes passed down from my parents I am quite beautiful for a big girl. I pull out a pair of high waisted black slacks, a purple blouse to offset my eyes and a black blazer cut to emphasize my curves. I put on my outfit and check myself out in my closet mirror. I look at my beautiful brown skin thanks to my African/Egyptian heritage. I have a heart shaped face a beauty mark gracing my right cheek next to my full pouty lips another perk of my heritage, my nose is regular to me not too big and not too small, its proportionate. Speaking of my nose, I guess I should take out my nose ring. I don’t think my interviewers would appreciate my sense of chic. Last on my appearance are my eyes and to me they are my best feature. They are slightly almond shaped with thick dark lashes that is a blessing. I don’t have to buy fake ones to put on but that’s not why I love them the most. It was the color. My eyes were an unnatural color to everyone, but to me they were a trademark of myself. People often stare at me and call me strange because I was the only one ever born with silver eyes. Not grey, but silver as bright and shiny as the metal sometimes, still beautiful to me. My body was curvy in all the right places with a little extra in the middle. I mean my stomach may not be toned but it’s nothing a good shaper wouldn’t help to smooth it down some. I still look good regardless of the fat shamers that pop up and like to comment on the weight of all curvy plus size women. There is always a hater somewhere. I move down the line to my heel selection looking for something that will give me some height. I’m 5’4 and if I want to at least be chest level to people I need at least a five-inch heel. Damn Giants. Grabbing my favorite pair of black Manolo Blahnik pumps from the closet, I put them on to complete my ensemble. Taking one last look at myself I give a spin, I look good. Turning out my lights in my bedroom I shut the door and rush out the room to grab my smoothie Nessa left for me. “Lunch?” I hear as I grab my keys. “Yes! Our spot?” “You know it!” “Ok, Love you, Bye!” I rush down to the elevator praying to the gods its working again. Walking down the stairs in these pumps is a no-no for me. Thankfully, its working as I push the button to take it down to the ground floor. The door of the elevator opens to the parking garage and I walk to my Lexus RC 350 getting in to take off towards a new beginning. As I pull off the nightmare from last night still lingers in my mind. Nessa was right, my life hasn’t been particularly easy. I mean yes, I live comfortably... for now. My parents aren’t too thrilled to have a daughter like me. I guess I should just go ahead and say it or better yet introduce myself. My name is Ayana Deveraux or if I was being announced it is, Ayana Serintẻ Omiqủe Deveraux Princess to the Norvada Pack. Yeah, crazy right? Wait…. There’s more. The Norvada pack basically dominates over 65% of the Northern region of America and I am a princess of that 65%. The world has been quite a doozy since the Dark Awakening. Over a century ago a dark mage ousted all supernatural beings and began a war that devastated the whole world. Humans, Lycans, vampires, Dhamphirs, Nephilium, Fae…all super naturals were wrapped up in an insane battle of life and death. Which lead to a literal apocalypse that shifted the world order around. It was not until the Council of Selph, which appointed a member from each race that we were able to ban together to defeat the mage and his thirst for power. Destroying him and his followers so that we all could be at peace. After that war was over another war broke out over who would be the dominant species to reign on earth. Believe it or not humans did not like the fact that all they read about in stories was real. Sigh. Thankfully that was all rectified when more dimensions began to open, and everyone was able to choose where they wanted to live in peace. If you didn’t like one species, then you could go to this dimension or if you found love in that one then you could move there but it was long process. *Honk* “Move out of the way you Fat b***h!” A red convertible moves past me switching lanes to get by. Rolling my eyes, I focus on driving to the Titan building. It’s 8 AM and the haters are working early to appease their self-esteem by shaming others. Typical. I drive down Titan Avenue and enter an underground parking lot of the building. You would think they would have more originality of their street names but being that I am in the Titan pack’s territory I can’t really speak on their obnoxiousness. Why am I in a territory that is not my families? Well details to follow but for now I need to hightail it to the common room to ensure I get this job. As I get out my car I look over and notice the red convertible that flew past me on the way here. Great. Not only am I in an unfamiliar territory but the red convertible hater either works here or in the interview process with me. “Whoopee,” I say to myself rolling my eyes. Goddess I really need to stop rolling them before they get stuck. Ok, here we go. Deep breath and remember to be yourself. I get out my car and walk to the elevator pushing in the floor number of HR and prayed to the Goddess. As I get to the floor the door opens and over 50 women turn to stare at me. Well this should be pleasant. Each woman then smirks and begin gossiping looking at me like they couldn’t believe I was there. Rolling my eyes, I take a seat by the door and reach down into my bag to grab my portfolio. A little information about the job I am applying for. Titan Inc is a world renown jewelry company. Their jewelry is astounding with beautiful gems that are rare and extremely sought after. The Titan pack own one of the most illustrious mines where all the gems are cultivated into priceless works of art. Anyone who is anyone buys the jewels in troves and only a lucky and talented few get the opportunity to design and work at Titan, Inc. However, currently they are looking for a new top jewelry designer and I hope that my designs are worthy enough for their new showcase. “Olivia Monroe” the HR rep walks in with a clipboard and looks around. A tall redhead with a short emerald green dress gets up and pushes up her boobs smirking as she walks through the door the rep had open. After the door closed, I look around and notice that a lot of the women are wearing outfits more suitable for the club than the office. *Sigh* Of course they weren’t here to apply for the job but to bask in the presence of Jaxon Edwards, the CEO of Titan Inc and Titan’s next Alpha. Jaxson Edwards is every walking wet dream imaginable. He’s 6’4, tan skin, brown hair and has beautiful hazel eyes, according to some people his picture in the magazines don’t do them justice. However, I beg to differ I think they showcase his arrogance very well. Boom! The door crashes open. “You don’t know what you’re missing Jaxson Edwards! I am the woman of your dreams!” The redhead screams out as security drags her from the room. Well I said this was going to be pleasant. *Throat clears* “Now that the barmy person has been removed” Gasping springs up from the group as Jaxson walks in wiping lipstick from his face with his handkerchief. “I assume that most of you are here to try and win the role of Mrs. Edwards by the state of how you are dressed. If so…I think you should all reconsider a change of venue and not getting on my bad side because once you’re on it not even Clementia can save you.” His hazel eyes harden as he stares coldly around the group, 46 of the women get up and rush to the elevator. Only 3 women including myself remain. “Well then” Turning to the HR rep Jaxson nods his head and walks back into the room. “Proceed Ms. Winters.” The HR rep or Ms. Winters looks at all four of us, “I hope that you are all serious in your pursuit of this profession.” All of us nod our heads towards her. “Good, Veronica Stanton proceed inside with me.” A brunette with a short sling bob gets up and walks to the rep and steps inside. As soon as the door closed, we all start breathing again. I knew it, Jaxson Edwards is not a man to be played with and it shows. Damn if I didn’t get wet though when he spoke with that British accent and the way he dominates the room has my n*****s harder than the gems Titan sells. Good Goddess, not to mention that the man smells good! I wonder if this is how good Idris Elba or Ian Somehalder smell when I watch them on TV, I don’t discriminate hot is hot. I mean is it written somewhere that all hot men must smell like Gods of s*x? Gracious Goddess, now I must make sure I don’t look turned on when I get interviewed. After 10 mins go by Veronica walks out the door and shakes Ms. Winters hands. She walks confidently to the exit and leaves the room. Did she get the job already? “Ayana Deveraux, please come inside.” Ms. Winters asks me. Guess not. Getting up I straighten my clothes making sure my clothes are still presentable sending a silent prayer up once again I walk towards Ms. Winters. As I’ walking I wonder if this is how nervous many people feel when they get their first interview. And yes, it is my very first interview. It wasn’t that long ago that I graduated from Halston’s School of Design, a meticulous college that is on par to Julliard. I hope that my experience there showcases my skills in my drawings. “Ms. Ayana, step into the room please.” Ms. Winters gestures to me kindly. “Oh, right, yes.” Goddess be with me. I walk inside the room and look around pausing as my body stiffens. Jaxson sits in the middle of the room at a table his eyes watch me coldly as I go to take a seat across from him. “Ms. Deveraux, I presume?” “Yes.” I say timidly. “Why are you here?” Is this a trick question? “Well let me jus…” “Did I say you could sit down?” Stopping my move to sit I stand up confused, my hands clasped in front of me. Shouldn’t I take a seat? Does he want me to stand like I’m at an assembly? Dazed I glance at Ms. Winters as she silently assesses our interaction. “Umm… I just assumed that since...” “So, you assumed? Are you allowed to assume here?” “Well..I… uh…” He lifts his hand to stop my rambling. “Ms. Winters, can you give me a moment alone with Ms. Deveraux?” Stiffly she gets up taking one last look at us both as she takes leave of the room. A soft click is the only sound noticeable of her retreat as I watch Jaxson stand to take off his suit jacket to place on his chair. My eyes never leave him as they focus in on the muscles in his shoulders flexing under his shirt. Goddess this man is amazing. I clench my thighs together trying to stop the glow of moisture pooling in my panties. Staring profoundly at me Jaxson’s head jerks up and his pupils dilate his nostrils flare while scenting the air. Oh Goddess! Smirking Jaxson walks over to my chair standing before me he leans down his hands clasp the table behind me his arms caging me in his scent. And what a scent it is…How would I describe this smell…? Sandalwood… and vanilla? Spicy vanilla. Yummy. “It seems like I was not clear in my statement earlier Ms. Deveraux. I thought I got rid of all the tosh in the common room.” “Tosh?” I blink in confusion. “Nonsense, Ms. Devereaux. I thought I made it utterly clear that all nonsense was to leave my premises.” Nonsense? I can feel my face heat with anger. I’ll show him nonsense! “How dare you ridicule me! I did not come here to be subjected as if…” “Now don’t be miffed. I’ll repeat my first question, “why are you here”, because it smells to me like your just like those other nutters that were here.” Is this man for real? I mean yes, I’m attracted to him, but goddess is he turning me off with his arrogance. The gall of this man! I take a deep breath before answering. “I am here to design the future of Titan Inc. My designs are not only competent but more extraordinary than anything you ever marketed.” Jaxson narrows his eyes at me pulling away from me as he calmly walks back to his chair to sit placing his right ankle on his knee. “No, you are not here because of that. You are here as a favor; one I should have refused. It’s bad enough we permitted a Norvada into our territory. Now a Deveraux wants to work for us? How laughable?” I sit in my chair fuming. What in Hades is wrong with this asshole? “How professional.” I say clenching my teeth as I try to calm my irritation. “Pardon me?” He leans forward his eyes glinting as he places his hands firmly on the desk. “No, pardon me. I came here because your company needs more originality and now manners on how to properly interview candidates I see.” His eyes darken further glinting his rage. Great I just offended one of the princes in the territory I currently live in but that gives him no right to talk to me as he does. Even my youngest brother has better decorum than him. The silence lingers for a moment while we stare each other down. Jaxson growls at me in warning to lower my eyes but I refuse. I am born of Alpha blood just as he and I’ll be damn if I’ll drop my gaze in submission. He’s earned no respect from me. Snarling Jaxson’s mouth snaps open but before he can speak Ms. Winters busts into the room. “Sir, I hate to interrupt but your father would like to speak to you.” Not breaking eye contact Jaxson continues to glare at me his wolf peeking out in challenge before he sighs and looks at Ms. Winters. Point Ayana. I smile smugly to myself as Jaxson sneers at me. “Very well. I’ll take the call in my office.” He tells her briskly rising from his seat. “Yes sir, he is waiting on line 2. Should I finish the interview for you sir?” Ms. Winters asks her gaze landing on me. Shrugging his coat back on, he glances at me dismissively, “No, we’re done here. Continue with the other candidates, Ms. Deveraux is under qualified.” He looks me up and down then walks from room. Unsettled I sit silently in the chair my nails biting into my palms. No! I refuse to break down right now. I will not give this asshole the decency of seeing me cry. How dare he make me feel incompetent! “Ms. Deveraux, if you could please leave the interview room.” Ms. Winters whispers gently. Take a deep breath Ayana you will not let him best you. “Ok.” I look at Ms. Winters, standing to shake her hand. “Thank you for the opportunity.” She looks at me with pity giving me a sad smile then opens the door for me. “Jennifer Daniels, step inside the room, please.” The next girl gets up and scurries into the room, I’m so distraught that I don’t even pay attention to what she looks like. “So much for new beginnings.” I sigh quietly walking to the elevator with my portfolio in tow. I just can’t believe how unfortunate my life has been I hope to goddess the day does not get worse. I get to the underground parking garage and head solemnly towards my car “Well if it isn’t the fat b***h from this morning.” Ah there’s the punchline. Cringing inwardly, I turn around and come face to face with a bombshell beauty. She has tan skin, long legs, and a proportionate body that puts Kylie Jenner to shame. Not to mention her facial features looks as if the goddess canvased her face herself. Stricken, I feel my appearance lacking before her and my shoulders droop down a little. “Hell-o, did you not here me fatty? What are you doing here? I know it wasn’t to apply for the designer job because Jaxy would never allow someone like you in the company.” Ouch as if my self-esteem needed more kicking after the failure of an interview and of course Jaxson Edwards would be with someone like her. A very uncanny match this pair. Squaring my shoulders back I try to regain my pride. “I did.” I say with confidence. She scoffs looking me up and down “I know Jaxy has more class than that I mean your own family kicked you out so why do we get the trash? You’re nothing but a fat unattractive loser dormant.”
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