Chapter Four - Who knew he was the needy type?

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Kyla’s P.O.V I was on my lunch break from work, taking a minute to check my phone. I had a couple of texts, one which was from Ezra. That he sent an hour after I left him…he was eager was he not. Ezra: I think you should come for a drink with me tonight? Kyla: No thanks…busy. Ezra: Doing what? Kyla: None of your business that is what! I smirked, hitting send. I knew that would piss him off. It was so easy to get to him and that is with me barely knowing him. Ezra: Well I am sure if you cancel, I can give you a better night. Kyla: Sorry, already have a date for tonight. Maybe another time. Got to get back to work ttyl. Ezra: I promise you would have more fun with me? I keep my promises. He is really trying his hardest to get me to cancel my plans and spent my time with him, isn’t he? Well, guess what that is not happening. I never had a date tonight that was a lie. I never had any plans at all. He never had to know that. I never text him back, left it at that. I am sure this will not be the last time that I hear from him today. I went for my lunch, heading to the break room to eat it, just as I sit down to start on it, my phone started ringing…Ezra! Did he not say he wasn’t the time to harass me? I shook my head, hitting the reject button and sending him to voicemail. Did he give up? Of course, he never, he called again. God who knew he was the needy type. I decided to answer it, not wanting him to be blowing up my phone. “Who knew you were the needy type?” I said as soon as I answered “I am not f*****g needy; I just don’t like to be ignored and hung upon.” He said annoyed “Well, that sounds sort of needy,” I said trying not to laugh when I did. “No, it f*****g doesn’t Kyla.” He snapped “See if you raise your voice or curse at me once more, I am gonna hang up and block your ass from my phone. No man talks to me like that, not even someone like you.” I snapped back. What makes him think I am gonna let him talk to me that way? No chance, no man talks to me like that. “Sorry,” he said softly. I smirked to myself. Who knew I would get Mr heartless to apologize? First time for everything, I guess. “I will forgive you…this time.” I said, “Anyway what do you want?” I added. I hear him groan under his breath, clearly wanting to say something. He knew if he said the wrong thing I would hang up. “You never answered my text, ditch your date and come see me. You will have more fun with me,” he said. I know he would have a smug look on his face without even seeing him. “That is maybe your sort of thing, blowing people off that you made plans with but that isn’t me. I told you no and I am sticking with that.” I said firmly. “You know what? f**k this, I don’t chase, and I am not gonna start. Have a nice life.” He said annoyed hanging up. I rolled my eyes, chuckling to myself. He wants to be that way; he can go right ahead. I am not going to pine after him or chase him either. His problem was he was too used to getting what he wanted. He never liked that I never fell at his feet. I am sure he will have some model or actress to f**k soon enough. I wasn’t bothered. I sat my phone aside, getting back to my lunch since my lunch break was nearly over. I finished up, heading back to my desk to get on with my afternoon. **** It had been a productive yet busy day. My favourite kind of day but now all I wanted to do was go home, run a warm bubble bath with candles and have a glass of wine. That was my definition of the perfect night. As soon as I got home, I ran my bath, getting everything organised as it ran. I stripped down, climbing in, my phone next to me for my music. I sighed happily as I sunk into the warm bubbly water. I rested back, enjoying the peace and quiet. I closed my eyes over, getting lost in my music and then was rudely interrupted when my phone started ringing. Argh! Who is that now? Can a girl not get five minutes to herself? I grabbed it, surprised when I see it was Ezra, thought he was done with me? I let it ring a couple of times before answering… “You better have a good reason for interrupting my time in the bath?” I said annoyed “I thought you had a date?” he said, “So you are naked right now then?” he added. No dude, I bath fully clothed…idiot! “Who said I was in the bath alone? Maybe my date started that well I am in the bath with him? And yes, of course, I am naked, how else would I be when taking a bath.” I said laughing. “Trust me if you had some guy in there with you, you wouldn’t be talking to me, Miss Adams.” He said laughing “Why not? Maybe I like to share?” I said smirking to myself. I hear him groan on the other end of the phone. This man was too easy. “Anyway, why are you calling? I thought you were done with me, Mr Jones?” I said in a purr. “I thought I was, then I remembered how damn sexy you were and changed my mind.” He said honestly “Are you really in the tub or are you just trying to tease me?” He added. “I am actually in the bath.” I giggled splashing on the water so he could hear it. “Mmm, Ok.” He breathed out. I am guessing right now he is picturing me naked. That doesn’t surprise me in the slightest to be honest. “You still haven’t told me why you are calling?” I asked. “To apologize for earlier. I don’t do well with women talking to me the way you do. You got under my skin.” He said. “You think?” I laughed “I told you from the moment we met, I am not like those other women and I meant it.” I added “Yes, I have worked that out.” He said, “Do you have a date tonight or did you just tell me that?” He added. Maybe it was time I was honest with him. “No, I don’t have a date, I have no plans at all tonight.” I laughed “You want some…plans?” he said “Depends what you had in mind?” I asked “Just drinks…to start with and see where the night goes from there?” He said. Hmm, I could be doing with a little fun. I am sure I could have some with him. “OK. Meet me at The Emerald Hotel bar in two hours.” I said, “It is quiet so we can hear ourselves talk.” I added “See you then gorgeous.” He said “See you then,” I said hanging up. This night should be interesting, that was for sure.
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