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"Miss?" "Miss? Can you hear me?" "Dad, I don't see any car or house or anywhere she could have come from." "George call 911. I think she might be in shock." "Miss, are you hurt?" The girl didn't speak, she just stared ahead and hid her face in the shadows. She was wearing a shawl over her head hiding almost all her face, but her eyes weren't hidden. She wasn't wearing any shoes and her feet were bleeding. The parts of her body that showed in the light were covered in dirt. At first, the dad and son thought she had been in a car accident but they couldn't find any sort of wreckage. She stayed quiet but she listened. She listened to the conversation that the father and son had, she listened to the 911 call, she listened to the wind, she listened to everything because she learned to listen. Everything you hear can be the difference between life and death. What she noticed was the two men were American. The dad was in his fifties and he was married. There was a gold band on his left hand. His son was in his early twenties, not married and went to Harvard University, says his bare hand and shirt. They looked to be upper middle class and she would bet they were both lawyers, well one lawyer and one student of law. She was very observant and that trait is probably why she is still alive to this day. While taking in all of her surroundings, she also tried to determine if she should stick around for the ambulance to show. Although she knew medical attention would be beneficial for her wounds, she also knew they would ask a lot of questions and trying to stay off the radar would be harder if she ended up in a hospital. But how does she get away from these two men? Weirdly enough, she felt comfortable around them. She couldn't remember the last time she felt comfortable around a man. She slightly turned her head and her piercing emerald eyes met the younger man's. His dad had taken over the 911 call and his son crouched down to try and talk to her. "Can you tell me your name, miss?" It was hard to make out all his features with the dark world casting shadows, but she could tell that he was quite good looking. She prayed for his soul right there and then. She prayed that he would never know of the horrors that created the broken being she was sitting in front of him. But she wasn't like the others. She learned how to survive and she learned about strength. No one will ever keep her captive again. "I must go," she said to the boy and cut through his soul with those eyes. She was pleading with him to allow her to sneak away. He knew his dad wouldn't like him letting her run while she obviously needed help, but there was something in her eyes. Actually, it was more than one thing. She pleaded as if she was scared, but there was strength and determination in those eyes. She was running from something. Without seeing her whole face, he was having trouble determining her age, but he could tell she was young. Her clothing wasn't fashionable and she could use a bath. If he had to guess, he would think she was running away from home. This guess made him feel like he shouldn't allow her to leave. Her parents are probably out there worried sick. "I think you should stay, miss. Your feet look badly injured. We will make sure you get the help you need." "I must go," she repeated. Her lack of speech made him wonder if she was from one of those religious families that bordered on being a cult. Only teaching their children what they wanted them to know. " OK, I will tell my dad, just wait here." As soon as his back was turned she made her move. She was stealthy and silent. He didn't hear or sense any movement behind him, but when he turned back around, she had disappeared. He knew she would try to go, but he didn't know she would do it so efficiently. He said a silent prayer that she would be OK and end up where she needed to be. She watched from a distance and saw the dad talking to the son, seeming upset that he didn't watch her closer. In the end, the two got back in their car and took off. It was time for her to become invisible.
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