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STEVE: "So what's your plan, Irina? *Irina thinking* *Somebody enters from the door* Aria, Steve, Mike, Autumn draws a gun IRINA: "Who is it?" *Rob winks* ROB: "Miss me?" IRINA: "ROB!" They hug each other happily. IRINA: "Thank God you're here." ROB: "Last night I had a dream that you might need my help." IRINA: "Damn you best friend!" ROB: "So what's the issue?" Irina explains everything to Rob. ROB: "f**k! Who the hell are they?" ARIA: "Nobody knows. A girl named Bella Falls is doing this. We'll catch her red-handed tonight at our club." ROB: "Wait! She came to your club?" MIKE: "Every f*****g night." ROB: "So what's the plan, boss?" IRINA: " Just take extra emo with you. This game ends tonight." 09.00 PM CLUB Irina and her gang enter the club with bodyguards. IRINA: "Steve you stay at the entrance and see everyone's ID. If she comes to give us a sign." STEVE: "Okay." WAITER: "What would you like to have, Ma'am?" IRINA: "Scotch please." 15mins later A girl with a short-cropped top and ripped jeans enters the club. GUARD: "Your identity?" Girl shows him the ID card. A name Bella Falls was written on it. STEVE: "Welcome to our club. Have fun." GIRL: "Thanks." STEVE CALLS IRINA: Hello Irina? She's here. Yea the one passing by us. No no, not now. Let us observe her. Okay bye. IRINA: "Aria, go talk to her." Aria goes to the bar area where the girl was standing and tries to talk to her. ARIA: "Excuse me?" GIRL: "Yes?" ARIA: "Are you here for the first time?" GIRL: "No. Why?" ARIA: "Haven't seen you here before." GIRL: "Ohh." ARIA: "So......... Uhm I'm Aria. What is your name?" GIRL: " My name is Bella Falls and you are weird." Girl goes away from the bar area. IRINA: "ARIA ?????" ARIA: "What?" IRINA: Spill... ARIA: "She's giving me attitude. I can't flirt with her. She's a girl. I can't act like a lesbian." IRINA: "Okay, okay. Steve you and mike go." STEVE: " Okay." Sitting area MIKE: Hii beautiful. GIRL: What do you want? MIKE: Can I buy you a drink? GIRL: I already have one. MIKE: What about another? GIRL: Get lost, moron. STEVE: Excuse me Ma'am is this guy bothering you? GIRL: Yes please take him away fro...................... Steve spray on her face and she faints. Mike and Steve pick her up and they all took her to the warehouse. Warehouse basement STEVE: Aria pours some water on her face. *splash* GIRL: Where the hell am I? Who are you? ARIA: You are in hell darling. And we are your inner demons. GIRL: What do you want? MIKE: Truth. STEVE: I am going to ask some questions and you have to answer them honestly. GIRL: Shut the f**k up. ARIA: Awww rude much. STEVE: Sybil hacks her phone. GIRL: No don't you dare touch my phone. STEVE: Touch? We will text your favourite people from it. Just wait. ARIA: Now now. You're wasting your time honey. Just speak the truth and we'll give you simple death. Act like our mom and we'll kill yours harshly. GIRL: Kill me if you want to but I can't speak a word. The gang I'm working for will kill me if I said anything to you and trust me they are much more dangerous than you all are. IRINA in a deep angry voice: Just kill her already she's of no use. GIRL: Who are you? IRINA: Your worst nightmare. GIRL: IRINA LOCKWOOD! IRINA: Oh so you know me. GIRL: Everybody knows you. SYBIL: I found something. AUTUMN: What? SYBIL: This b***h is a liar. Her name is not Bella Falls. ARIA: Your name is not Bella? Did you lie about your name too? Damn, girl who are you? SYBIL: Her name is KATE. And she works for Jay. IRINA: What gang? SYBIL: I don't know but I saw the.. the same symbol that was in the clip and her voice is the same. IRINA: Who did she contact recently? SYBIL: Boyfriend... Bella... Sis R... Ian. IRINA: Note down the numbers maybe we need them afterwards. And turn off her phone connect it on the system make sure nobody can trace the location. IRINA: You are gone Bella Falls ft. Kate.
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