Explaining things

1641 Words

Nickname Key: Jeremy: April=apey poo Camille=camy Camille: Jeremy=jay April=pet April: Jeremy=jams Camile= mistress (explains itself when you read about her) Jeremy's pov: I ran away, I know that guys aren't suppose to admit that. Running away, being beaten but me, I have no problem with it. The reason why because I know I'll come back one day and kick-ass. This case not so much, because I know for sure, that April's going to kick my ass. So the reason I'm running is to give her some 'calm-that-fine-ass-down' time. When I made it to our other friends house I knocked on the door. I heard Camy's voice yell out 'coming!'. I started to dang on the door, a breeze came and that's cold, plus I'm kinda impaction. I licked my lips, remembering the sweet taste of my best friend A

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