1740 Words

(AYA)             “YOU don’t have to do this. You can just drop me off outside Luxe Verde,” I complain as I look back and see that we are getting away from the gated community every second.             “You will not get a ride home even from there, Aya. It’s already too late in the night. Just shut up and let us take you home,” Trei says with an annoyed sigh.             I twist my body to fully face him. I try to catch his eyes with my gaze. “But I don’t want to bother you. And you said it yourself, it’s already too late. Your parents will worry.”             Trei laughs humorlessly. I don’t like the sound of it or how it makes his face look bitter and cold. That laugh is too different from the soft chuckle I heard from him when we were inside the student council office.          

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