1. Holland park (London)

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The loud trumping music from the speakers is grating on his nerves. He has no taste for techno or the strobing lights and lasers. He would never have set foot in this place, if not for Nakir. Finding his friend in this sea of gyrating bodies, split level party house, four different dance floors, and five bars, is close to impossible. The sea of bodies parts for him and he scans the crowd for his friend. He has never seen Nakir wear anything but black and everyone here is dressed in bright neon colours. So, where the hell is he? Even though Nakir should stand out from the crowd, the angel of death has the uncanny ability to blend in. Not so much for Zack. He is here all of five minutes and five girls and three men offered themselves to him. Have humans no shame? Where is this world going to? Even Sodom was not so depraved and it fell. Besides, this is supposed to be a dance club, not a whorehouse. He slips from the grasps of a barely dressed woman, at least he thinks it’s a woman. Sometimes he can’t tell. He tries to concentrate on the hum of the Angelic blood, but the constant vibrations of the low tone bass speakers are interfering with his powers. This would be a perfect den for the demons, if they wouldn’t loath the music as much as he does.  His luck turns on the second floor and he spots Nakir by the wall. A smirk forms on his face, because his friend is buried under the willing bodies of two women. Objectively, Nakir is gorgeous. He is tall, muscular, with dark complexion and almost black eyes. His Persian descent makes him just exotic enough for everyone to like him. His black hair is a mess, because the women are running their fingers through it. He decides to give him a few more minutes of pleasure, before he drags him from the club. They have work to do and they’re running out of night. Zack strolls to the bar and orders a vodka. Top shelf, because he doesn’t sully his body with the cheap stuff. JCB or Beluga are his brands, all the rest is for humans. He tries to tone out the music, for his sanity’s sake, but also to hear Nakir. The bastard is balls deep into it. If he could, he would crawl inside the woman he’s f*****g. At least he’s trying to, by the sounds the woman is making. She is practically screaming by now. The other girl is not far behind so that means Nakir has his hands occupied as well. Careless! He glances at the watch on his wrist and downs the rest of his vodka, the time is up. “Niki! Time to go!” Zack shouts as he closes in on Nakir. “Spoilsport.” Nakir grunts and extracts himself from the tangle of limbs. “I did give you enough time to finish.” Zack smirks at him. “Yeah.” Nakir chuckles. He straightens his coat and zips up his fly. “I saw you standing by the bar. Would it kill you to loosen up?” “Your hair is a mess.” Zack points to his friend's head. He doesn’t understand what Nakir sees in these humans. They are so short lived and fragile.  “Will I see you again?” One of the girls drawls and runs her hands down Nakir’s black shirt. “Not, if you’re lucky.” Nakir smiles. He lets the girl go and walks away all casually.  Zack follows Nakir out of the club. He knows it’s pointless to try and have a conversation in here. Shouting their secrets is not advisable, you never know who else is around. The demons are not the only ones trying to get their dirty paws on the angels. He just hopes the girls have a better time hunting in the park. It’s been a while since the last witch was brave enough to go up against them, but you never know. There’s been a surge in demonic activity, so maybe the witches have cooked up something new. Or is there a new player on the field? “What’s up? Why’d you have to drag me out?” Nakir turns on him the moment the door slams shut behind Zack. “Chill! Aren’t you supposed to be relaxed after s*x?” Zack asks. “We have a meeting with Father Angus. Did you forget?” “Hm? Must have slipped my mind.” Nakir shrugs. “What does Opus Dei want?” “Can you show some more contempt? Please hold back with the priest when we see him.” Zack shakes his head.  “Must I?” Nakir asks and the sarcasm is dripping like venom from his words.  “Can you behave for half an hour? He’s got something I want.” Zack tells him. “Zachariel? Why are we even talking with them? We don’t need them. At least the Knights Templar were of some use on the battlefield.” Nakir scoffs.  Zack does understand the man’s reserve. He doesn’t like the policy of Opus Dei, either. But they give them good information, even if they never get their hands dirty. The Jesuits would be better, but he still hasn’t gotten any word from Rome on the contact here in London. Last he heard, his good friend Romano died of old age. Did he appoint a successor? Do they even have a liason in the order? Maybe he should just drop in on the Jesuit house and see what’s going on? Oxford is not that far away. “Where are Tammy and Layla?” Niki asks him. “Holland park. Following up on a lead about demon activity.” Zack tells him. “They get to have all the fun.” Niki grunts. “I share your dislike for Opus Dei, I just don’t show it to their faces. Let’s hear them out.” Zack whispers. He knows Niki won’t have any trouble hearing him, but nobody else will.The meeting point is close, he doesn’t want to be overheard, if Father Angus is early by any chance.  Half an hour later, they are still alone at the south gate of the park. Father Angus is nowhere to be seen and he’s not answering his phone either. Zack is starting to get agitated and the righteous smirk on Niki’s face is only pissing him off. “I mean, five minutes late, I could understand, but this is ridiculous.” Niki scoffs. He buffed his nails to high shine on the leather belt he normally uses for his blades. “He never stood me up before. I don’t get it. Why set up a meeting, if you don’t come?” Zack frowns. He tries to call the priest again and gets no answer. “Hey guys. All clear in the park.” Layla saunters up to them. The petit blond is covered in demon blood and smiles like crazy.  “At least someone had fun.” Niki scoffs again. His perpetual bad mood is starting to rub off on Zack. “Where’s Tammy?” He asks while looking around. “Relax. She’s up there.” Layla points him in the direction of the nearest roof. “We saw a new one, it had wings.” “Past tense?” Zack inquires of her. “Dead as a nail.” Tamiel laughs as she lands in front of him. She is dressed in her usual leather mini skirt and a top that is mostly a bra with a belt that holds her quiver. She does this on purpose, because she knows he is bothered by that much naked skin. “We got stood up by that damn priest. I told you we can’t trust Opus Dei.” Niki scoffs. “Well, I’ll keep calling. We need that book on demons.” Zack responds with a growl: “Let’s just go home. I can bust the priest’s balls some other day.”  “Fine by me. I need a bath.” Layla winks at him and spreads her wings. Walking is out of an option. Even in London you can’t walk around covered in blood and expect that nobody would notice. The few streets they have to fly to get home is no big deal. The weather here is a perfect cover of clouds or fog every time.  Landing softly on their rooftop terrace on St. Ann’s road, each of them takes refuge in hers or his room. The penthouse is big enough to stay out of each other's way most of the time. And if that’s not enough, they have two floors and the gym downstairs. It’s a perfect cover and a good training ground. Teaching martial arts and self defense classes during the day gives them enough exercise to go out and hunt demons during the night. And Zack can sleep better if he has the feeling that he’s doing something good for the humans. There will be no sleep. He is pacing his room and wondering why Father Angus would stand him up? The relationship they have is fragile and mostly one way, but why agree to help and then back out? Sometimes he just doesn’t understand humans. He expected more from someone that claims to be a ‘man of God’. He tries the priest’s phone one more time and waits for it to stop ringing. Did something happen? Did the priest lose his phone? “Hello? This is detective Holland speaking. Who are you?” The answer floors Zachariel. A detective answering a priest's phone? “Oh. Sorry. I’m Zack Israel. I had an appointment with Father Angus tonight.” Zack responds. “I thought he stood me up, but I guess I was wrong.” “Yeah. Where were you supposed to meet?” The detective asks. “South side of Holland park.” He says. “What happened?” “Sorry to inform you, the Father is dead. Were you close?” The detective tells him. “No. Casual acquaintance. He had a book I wanted to borrow. Their library is extensive.” Zack tells the detective the truth.  “I see. Where were you around nine, this evening?” Detective Holland asks. “I’d rather not say, but I guess it’s important.” Zack grunts. “I had to go get my friend from a club. I was at the Blue Lagoon.” “I have to check that out. Any witnesses?” The detective inquires. “Bartender on the second floor. I had JCB Vodka.” Zack scoffs. “Don’t make it public that I was there.” “All right.” The detective laughs. “It doesn’t go with the image of a martial arts instructor. I checked you out. I’ll call you for more information, if I need to.” “Sure. You know where to find me.” Zack responds.  This day just turned stranger and stranger. A new type of demons, a dead priest and an overeager detective. What’s next? He can as well go brew some coffee, because sleep is out of question tonight. Zack can hear the water running in Layla’s suite and the loud music from Niki’s. If he wouldn’t insist on them sharing one kitchen, he would never see them outside of work. He likes to have his best friends close, they’re all he’s got.  “Wallowing in self pity is not your style. What’s up?” Tammy asks him. He didn’t even see her sitting in the dark kitchen, but he can smell the coffee now. “The priest is dead. Murdered, I presume, but the detective didn’t tell me that.” He answers her while he pours the coffee. “Oh. What will we do now? We are officially without a liaison.” She inquires. “A visit to the Jesuits is in order. The Opus Dei was a dead end.” Zack shrugs. “Nice pun.” Tammy laughs. “Want me to come with you?”
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