1480 Words

I stepped up to the podium and faced the crowd, a determined smile on my lips. "I know you're all wondering what's going on," I began, my voice ringing out with passion. "It's time to take my uncle down. I am Melania Jacobs, once known as Melania Edmonds. I am the rightful heir to the throne, and my uncle stole it through murder and deception. I witnessed him kill my parents," I declared, my voice trembling with emotion. "The man you call King Edmonds doesn't have royal blood. He was adopted by my grandfather out of friendship to a dying friend." The murmurs of the crowd grew louder as my words sank in. Then, a voice rang out from the throng, "How do we know you're telling the truth? They killed Melania, just like her parents." I met the skeptical gaze with steely determination. "I under

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