Won't you invite me in?

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It took centuries and more for him to find his love and only seconds for the fate to drift them apart. But his love turned the fate and twisted the destiny. He's a devil with a scarred soul and she's the hope, the world still believes in. Haze. Harley One thing I learned in my whole life is that nobody stays forever, they leave at a certain point in your life. Like parents are backbone of a child. My parents were no different yet they left so early. I have so many good memories to dwell up on yet I seek pain from their departure. We make friends, promising to stay until forever but the friendship has its age limit too. Forever is a not infinity but infinity is surely forever. You don't live till infinity but you can still live forever if your forever has a limit, a borderline. My parents are still within me and will be their forever. But their existence won't be till infinity. "Stop thinking so much, Ley. Or I'll have to seize your books." She said in a mocking tone making me raise my eyebrows at her. "I am your guardian, sweetheart. Not the other way around." She pouted as she tied her shoelace. "This is so unfair. I get no power over you." I laughed as I slipped the lunchbox inside her bag. "Perks of being born first, you know, kid." She rolled her eyes and she pulled me in a hug. "I'll be late today, Ley." I looked at her in question to which she sighed dramatically. "I may or may not have pulled a prank on the Principal." She said sheepishly making me narrow my eyes at her. Not again. "What did you do this time?" She laughed nervously before pulling out a yellow slip from her bag and handed it to me. "I just painted his car, Ley. Made a beautiful pig over the passenger side and my signature over the windscreen." I glared at my now proud sister, flicking her forehead making her wince. "That's not at all cool, Sage." She rolled her eyes as she rubbed her now sore spot. "It wasn't cool either to just target me, now is it? So I just gave him a reason now." She said feigning innocence making me sigh. This girl. "Please sign the slip that says I won't be doing any mischief again." "Like you'll even listen to me." She winked before running out of the house after I signed her detention slip. I was greeted by Sasha as I entered the Diner. She looked happy today, way cheerful. His son recently got discharged and he seemed healthy now. Losing a loved one is always an one time thing. You know they're gone and they won't ever return again. But the fear of losing someone everyday is skipping death by just a day. Her son has a major heart problem along with temporary paralysis. She is no more with her husband and her parents don't have much money making her work hard. We all had are demons to conquer and seems like we all are struggling to keep them at bay. "Mr Hemsworth is on a vacation." She said as she was cleaning the counter. "That makes Samuel in charge." I gritted out. "But we can still tolerate Samuel without his father. He doesn't has any back up now." I nodded in approval. I can easily take him without his father to brag. I was busy serving the customers when Elijah walked up adjusting his apron making me stare at him in confusion. He adjusted his glasses before he turned around me. "Samuel is asking for you in Mr Hemsworth's office. Make it quick, he isn't in his best moods." I rolled my eyes as I straightened my skirt. When was the brat ever in his mood? "I'll meet him." I entered before knocking his door. He was standing face the wall making making me clear my throat. He turned to face me as a smirk formed on his face making me clench my jaw. He was planning to do something I surely wouldn't like. He walked till he was just a foot away. "You see, father's not here for a few days making me your Boss till then." I looked away to avoid his perverted gaze making him chuckle darkly. He was trying to scare me, intimidate me but he was failing miserably. "And we have started home deliveries right from now and there's an order that needs urgent delivery." I looked at him in confusion as irritation started seeping my bones. I wasn't their delivery girl. I never signed for this. "So? I won't be doing any deliveries, Samuel. I never signed to be a delivery girl." He laughed as he grabbed my arm pulling him towards him making my eyes widen in shock. I thought he stopped but a dog will always bark. "Too bad, babygirl. I just appointed you as one." "Leave my hand, Samuel." I gritted out as his hold tightened and I winced in pain. "But you seem to enjoy when that Nick touches you." My eyes were drilling holes into his souls when he compared Nick to him. When he so easily questioned my damned character. "Too bad. You're not Nick then." His eyes widened as I pushed him with all might. I was about to leave when he pushed against the wall making me glare at him. What the hell was his problem? "You'll be doing as I say if you want to survive in this village, Harley. Or better if you want your sister to stay out of this mess." My eyes narrowed at the mention of my little sister. How dare him. I raised my hand to slap him but he caught it in mid way and held it above my head making me gulp. He was now much closer to me. I could feel his breath on my face as I was trying to jerk him off. But he wouldn't budge. He was disgusting me. Samuel was pulled away from me, the very next second. I was thankful when Sasha pulled me in her embrace. I was shaking like a leaf. Her concerned face now turned to Samuel who was on the floor glaring at us. "Be a man for once, Samuel." Sasha hissed as she stood in front of me. Her eyes were flashing dangerously. I never saw this side of Sasha. Her fist was clenched as she was controlling her anger. "I am a man, Sasha. I can very well assure you that and stay out of our business." He hissed as he tried to push Sasha away but he couldn't. She punched him right across his face. I gasped. She could lose her job. She needed money more than any of us. Her son needed money and challenging him would only make it worse. "Sasha, don't." She turned around and glared at me. She pulled me by my arm that was almost bruised. I winced lowly as she stood me by her side. "You're stopping me to hurt him? This f*****g piece of s**t?" I never saw her this angry or maybe Samuel triggered something of her past. Something. There was something changed in her behavior. "You need this job. I need this job. And he doesn't need us but we do. Please stop, Sasha. I'm pleading you." She shook her head as she embraced me again. "You don't plead, Harley. You never plead." I nodded as I wiped a tear while Samuel looked at Sasha with pure hatred. "You're fired." My eyes widened as I turned to look at Sasha and her eyes were widened too. She gulped lowly. I turned to Samuel who had a satisfactory smirk over his face. "Please don't, Samuel. I'll happily be a delivery girl if that's what you want. But don't fire her from the job." He looked at me amused as he laughed loudly making me grit my teeth. "Impressive, isn't it? Both of you standing up for each other. But I am sorry, my dearest Harley. She would have to apologize for her behavior to stay here." My eyes snapped at Sasha. She was in this mess because of me. I can't let her be insulted. "I am sorry. Please, Samuel." I mumbled making him pull his lips together as he walked over and pushed my hair out of the way before pulling my chin under his grasp. "Repeat that again." I clenched my eyes shut as his filthy hands were over my face now. "I'm sorry." I gritted out making him click his tongue. "You don't mean it." My eyes were pooled with frustrated and angry tears. If only I wouldn't have needed this job so much. "I'm sorry. Please, forgive me." My tone turned softer due to embarrassment as Sasha shook her head. He released me from his grasp making me sigh in relief. My heart ached at the pain of being touched by him, being insulted by him. I never really wanted to cry this much before. "I'll be giving you the address. Go and clean yourself first." He ordered harshly before moving out. Sasha wiped the tear that I didn't even knew escaped from my eyes. I felt filthy. I never pleaded before. Damn it! "I am the cause of this, Harley. Please forgive me. I shouldn't have punched him." I laughed grasping her hand in mine and squeezed it in assurance. "He deserved it." She smiled as I wiped my face with the tissue paper. "I couldn't protect you, Harley. I failed at my job." She mumbled almost, broken. I furrowed my eyebrows with a sigh. "You didn't failed, Sasha. You don't have to protect me. It's not even your job." She smiled apologetically before I took the order and started to navigate my way to the address. I stomped childishly as I realized that delivery had to be the one in the other side of the village. The side where nobody ever goes. There lived drug dealers and people, whom you don't want to mess with. Samuel never gave any transportation facility leading me to walk the other side of the village. If felt that I was walking from ages when I reached the address. There were broken houses and barren land. I couldn't help but clench the parcel cautiously. I almost screamed when I heard the dog, howling. Taking a deep breath, I knocked the door since they weren't any doorbells. A man in his early thirties opened the door looking at my attire in confusion but a wave of realization hit his face. "You must be the delivery girl." I nodded my head curtly before handing him the parcel along with the bill. I tried my best not to gag as he practically reeked of alcohol. I took a step back when he took a step forward. "This place isn't for girls like you." He mumbled before pulling out a ten dollar bill and snatched the parcel from my hand. "What the f**k is taking you so long, dude?" Another man yelled as he walked towards the door. He smirked as he looked at me making me cringe in disgust. Why did I even agree to this? Yes, correct. Money. "Oh. So Samuel sent a girl this time." He said, reaching forward to grab my arm making me stumble back. My eyes widened as he tried to reach me again. "Stop it, Kal." The man holding the parcel said with fear in his voice. I pushed Kal away from me, making him snarl at me in anger. "I'll f*****g teach the girl-" "Do have you a f*****g death wish, Kal? Just look at her damn locket!" The man said rushing inside. Kal gulped as his eyes lingered over my locket making me follow his gaze. The crescent moon was now glowing red, as if the blood will start dripping from it. My eyes widened as the color was dull in the morning and now it looked livid. What the hell was happening? "You belong to him?" He asked fearfully as his eyes blinked numerous time. I looked at him confused. I belonged to whom? Before I could've said anything the door was slammed shut. Maybe he was too drunk? Or maybe I was the one living under the cover of lies. I looked as it was getting dark. I tried calling for any cab but there wasn't any signal making me kick the pebble in anger. Great! Damn perfect. I was trying to get back but I was just too tired. I was walking as fast as I could at the moment. I was using my phone's torch to get my way in darkness. I cursed as I realized I was late, way too late. I swallowed as I walked further only to reach the dead end. It was too dark to navigate my way back. My hands trembled as I heard the roaring of an engine. Who could possibly own a car here? I clenched my fist as I started to run. My instincts had me running as if my life depended on it. I was running until I felt a hand reaching over to grab my waist and the touch ceased all my moments. As tingles spread every where in my body I made a guess of who the person could be. "Nick." I breathed out as he turned me, giving a clear vision of his face with my torch. I sighed in relief as I realized he could possibly help me out. "What the hell are you doing here, Harley?" He barked making me wince at the sharpness his tone had. I looked around as I could still feel danger lurking in the atmosphere. I grabbed his arm, indicating him to get away from here. His hand reached over my shoulder as we walked towards his car. He stopped before I could've opened the passenger door making me sigh. "Are you okay?" His voice was much calm this time. I nodded my head in answer. "Just came for a delivery and I couldn't navigate my way back in dark." I muttered as I played with the sleeve of my shirt making him shake his head. He looked disturbed. "You could have called me." He said as if I did the most dumbest thing in my life. He leaned closer to me, making me swallow nervously. I cleared my throat as I leaned back, trying reduce the proximity amid us. "There's no network here, Nick." I said tiredly. He watched me closely before he pushed himself away me. He grabbed my arm to pull me away from the passenger door making me wince. Samuel must have left a nasty bruise. His eyes narrowed but he said nothing. He opened the passenger door allowing me inside his car. I was too tired to even compliment the interior of his car. "Seat belt." He reminded before he started his car. I looked out of the window as we crossed the village. "What's your address?" He asked making me look at him in confusion. I shook my head as I leaned back. "Just drop me at the Diner. I'll walk from there." He rose his brow with a scoff. His attention was still on the road but his words were directed towards me. "You are highly mistaken if you think I'll allow you to walk especially when it's dark out there." He said as he increased the speed. I kept quiet for a moment before looking at him. His silver eyes were on the road and his jaw was clenched for a reason. He didn't looked happy. "Just take second left from the Diner and go straight. I'll let you know where to stop." I replied softly. He nodded before he turned the radio on, making me grimace. I could already feel a headache coming my way. As soon as I clenched my eyes the radio went off. I stole a glance to find him looking at me intently. I cleared my throat trying to reduce the tension inside the car. "What were you doing there?" I asked making him raise a brow as his lips formed a thin line. His jawlines looked sharper when his jaw was clenched. I was again getting lost in him when he broke the spell with a very curt answer. "Business." I frowned at the coldness in his voice. His knuckles were turning white with his grip on the steering wheel. My hand reached to rub the back of his palm, reducing his grip. He caught my hand before I could've taken it back making me swallow nervously. "Who did this, Harley?" He asked softly as he finger reached to trace the fingerprints of Samuel. I sucked in my breath as his fingers kept tracing my bruise. It didn't hurt, surprisingly. He was gentle, too gentle. "Nothing you should be concerned of, Nick." I said with a small smile making him look at me sharply. His silver eyes compelled me to stay in place. He made me feel weird in places I never reached before. I was getting more intoxicated under his gaze. "Everything concerns me, Harley if you're involved." He said retreating his hand back to the steering wheel. I didn't knew how to respond to his statement so I just gave in the silence making him sigh as he took a left turn. "Just a name, Harley." I sighed as I looked out of the window again. I couldn't just blatantly lie on his face. Something in his voice prevented me from doing so. "Samuel." The aura changed as soon as his name rolled off my tongue. His eyes were dangerously flashing while his grip tightened. I knew it was mistake to reveal his name but I couldn't help it. It felt good on the contrary. It felt so good to snitch about him. "Please, calm down, Nick." He ran his fingers in his hair trying to calm himself down. He then shifted his gaze at me. "I promise, that s**t of a human being would pay for hurting you, Harley." He gritted out making me gulp at his cold and harsh words which he spoke so softly. I was feeling dizzy. I sat quietly before a surrounding came into view making me breathe in relief. I asked him to stop and he stopped just at the entrance. I opened the door allowing myself out of the car. I turned to look at Nick who had an intense gaze over me. "Thank you." I spoke quietly. I thought he didn't hear me cause he never replied back just stared at me. I waved my hand before turning around only to have him call me back. I bit my lips before turning around to see him standing just behind me making me stumble back. He chuckled as he held my arm to support me. "Easy there, tiger." I blushed a dark shade of red as his chuckles only increased. "Won't you invite me in, my Harley?"
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