Chapter 2

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I wake up to the annoying sound of my alarm. I set it earlier than I needed to so I could go for a run. Before I did that, I went to the box buried in my closet. My parents gave it to me before they died. They told me to wait until a week after my 18th birthday to open it. Inside was a photo album of our family. It showed when my mom was pregnant with Jason and photos of him until he was 4 years old. Then it skipped to me. However, there weren't any photos of my mom pregnant with me. It skipped to the four of us in the packhouse. I found it odd but kept looking. Behind the very last page was a letter addressed to me.  Elizabeth,  We are sorry we never told you before, but you are not our biological child. Four years after your brother was born, we were visited by the Moon Goddess in a dream. She is the one who created wolfkind and pairs us up to mate. She was in the form of a wolf. She is a midnight colored wolf with a crescent-shaped moon on her head. She told us that we were chosen to raise you as our own. She said that one day the rouges were going to attack and that you were the only one that could save everyone. She explained that once you read this letter, she will visit you soon after. We want you to know that even though we didn't make you, you are still our child. We raised you and taught you everything you know. We thought of you as our own real daughter and we are so lucky that we got to be your family. We love you to pieces baby girl.  Love Mom and Dad After I finished reading, I realized that I was crying. I put the letter and album in the box and went for a run. I had so many emotions taking root in my heart and I needed my wolf.   I haven't turned since a week ago when I turned 18. That was my first time and I was alone. I didn't look at myself in the river because I was scared that I would look like my brother's wolf. My wolf, Ari, hasn't spoken to me since the day I turned because she was upset that I refused to see what she looked like.  When I turned, I heard my bones crack and shift into place. I ran to the nearby river and looked at myself. I was a midnight colored wolf with a crescent moon on my forehead. It matched the description of the moon goddess in the letter. I knew my parents weren't just describing me because they weren't alive when I turned so they couldn't have known what my wolf was going to look like.  My wolf was beautiful. I even had grey eyes just liked I did in my human form.  "I told you that you should have looked into the river the last time. You're just too stubborn to listen," my wolf Ari said.  "Jeez, I'm sorry. I should have listened." She grunted in agreement but let me enjoy the rest of our run in silence. Afterward, I took a shower and got ready to meet the Alpha of the Red Moon Pack. I haven't heard much about him other than that his pack is the most powerful in the country. His real name is Ky but everyone knows him as the ruthless alpha because he is mean and not afraid to kill anyone who stands in his way. Rumor has it that the only one he shows any affection to is his mistress, Celeste.  I thought about all of this as I was getting ready. I decided to dress to impress a guy I have never met or seen in my life. I put on a black skirt, a red top, and black heels. Then I straightened my long brown hair and put on a little makeup to bring out my grey eyes. All I had to do now was wait for my brother to send someone to get me.  After a few minutes, Marie came and got me. She looked me up and down and nodded. This told me that my outfit was appropriate to meet the guest. Then she led me to my brother's office and knocked on the door.  "You may enter," my brother said.  I opened the door for Marie and let her go first. I quickly followed. She led me to a spot in the room where I was supposed to stand and listen. She gave a small smile and sent to sit with Jason.  "Now that my sister is here, we can begin. You have agreed to sign the contract that ensures our safety from your pack," my brother addresses to the man sitting in front of him.  However, I can only see the back of his head. Now I understand why I am here. Because I am the sister of the Alpha and it is a legal document, I have to sign and be a witness to the discussion.  "That is correct Alpha Jason. Now we must discuss your form of payment.' "What is it that you want?" "I want her." "My Luna?" my brother growls defensively.  "No. I want your sister. She is my mate and I want her to create heirs. Those are my terms." My mouth dropped but I quickly close it when my brother looked at me with an evil look in his eye. 'I can agree to those terms and for the safety of this pack, I am sure that my sister, Elizabeth will be more than happy to go with you." "Then it's settled. Let's sign the contract and be done with this."  "Elizabeth, please get us a pen so that we may all sign." I obeyed and took that opportunity to gather myself so that I didn't cry. I would have to leave my home, the one my parents raised me in to live with a stranger. Yes, he was my mate and I could feel the bond between us but I would miss it here. At least I would be away from my abusive brother. We all signed the contract. Afterward, I was instructed to pack my things and they would be taken down to the car. I pack my clothes, girl stuff, and the box with my parent's stuff. I walked down the stairs slowly, taking in my last few moments in the only home I have ever known. I got in the car and Alpha Ky drove us to his packhouse.  The way there was very quiet. I didn't know what to say to him. I knew what my wolf wanted to do to him and I blushed at the thought. As we were pulling in front of his house, or should I say, mansion, he turned to look at me.  "Here are the rules. You will not speak unless spoken to. You won't come out of your room unless summoned by me. You have no power here. You must respect me, my Beta, and Celeste. Lastly, no one will know that you are my mate other than the three mentioned before. If your maid or anyone else asks you, you tell them that your brother didn't want you and I offered to take you in as part of the pack in pity. Understand?" "Yes, Alpha." "You will address me as sir." "Yes, sir." "Now get out of the car." I obeyed and quickly got out. I was met by a girl about my age wearing a maid's outfit.  "I am Lucy, your personal maid. I will bring you meals and escort you to your room." "Thank you, Lucy." She nodded and led me through the big double doors of the packhouse. Inside, was a beautiful woman with blonde hair and green eyes. She had on a short skirt and revealing blouse. Ky walked past us and gathered her in his arms. He kissed her in front of me. In front of his mate! "Darling who is this?" she said in disgust. "This is the matter I mind linked you about. Don't worry about her baby." She came over to me slowly and looked me up and down. "You're right I have nothing to worry about. She is nowhere near as attractive as me." "Excuse me! You don't have a right to say something like that to me!" Slap
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