Chapter 4

1207 Words
Prince Dominic POV Its been almost one whole month since the conversation with my parents about my marriage. Something which I never expected to happen, was for them to stay angry at me for such a long time. Yes, we maintained a good public appearance, so that the media won’t get any chance to drag us in the tabloids. I don’t want to taint our name which have been maintaining from a such a long time. As I was done signing the last document, my assistant who was waiting patiently for me to finish my work, stood up “Your royal highness, her majesty, the Queen requests your presence in the drawing room” Giving her a nod, I walk out of the office and down the corridor to meet mom and dad. My assistant knew when not to follow me and hence she stayed back. “Your majesty, His royal highness prince Dominic is here” the guard announces my presence. Entering I see that my mom and dad were seated on the chaise. The door closed behind me as I walk inside and take a seat on the chaise. “Good afternoon, mom and dad” I greet them in a usual way as we are inside and there is no one around. Both of them looked happy and my eyebrow raise up as mom gives me full blown smile. Either she is happy about something and cannot wait to inform me, and I believe that I won’t be liking it. But I know that I have to accept it. “Good afternoon son” I wait for them to continue “Both of your anger passed away, as it has been one long month that you decided to be in my presence” they behaved as if my statement did not offend them in anyway. Something could have lifted their spirits for this jolly behaviour. With a wave of her hand, mom gives me a grin, “I and your father had been on a hunt” I wait for them to continue. “Oh no” I groan knowing where this is going. “Don’t tell me it is what I think?” I give them both a hopeful look to which they give me an apologetic look “Sorry son, but that is exactly what we are going to say” says dad. “But dad” I protest. Mom gets up and walks near me, taking a seat beside me, she immediately says with a shake of her head “Don’t say no Dominic. This is what is right for both you” she gives me such an earnest look that I could not protest any further. “Fine” I concede in a flat voice. A smile light up on both their faces when I agree. “So, what do you say, we go and meet them today” I was already shaking my head. “But.” she wanted to persuade me, but stopped by the look on my face, which ‘either take this or you get nothing out of me’ “Fine, this is okay. For now,” she gives me a sly smirk and dad lets out a chuckle. Nothing can change mom’s mind if she wants it and she makes sure it happens no matter what she has to do. “We are going to go this evening to meet them. But next time you are coming with us and I don’t want no for an answer” Mom finishes without even letting me object this time. Satisfied that I did not stop her, she palms my cheek, the affection which she only bestows when we three are present. “She will make you happy and our grand daughter will love her.” Mom whispers. I don’t say anything and my heart gives a painful thud at the thought of knowing that I have go through this. “It feels like I am betraying Isabelle’s memories, Mom” I look at them helplessly. “I am sure she would want you to be happy and move on son” assures dad and mom nods in affirmation. “Would she be happy to know that you are still leaving in past?” asks mom gently and I shake my head. “This is the right thing to do. You have her memories, but you can always make new ones and start to live life happily” Mom squeezes my hand and says “I believe this will be new beginning for you” “Will see mom” I say. “Now, if you will excuse us, we have lots of preparation to make for the evening visit” with that said they peck me on my cheek and walk out of the room. I stand as they both go. Moving near the window, I look out, my mind occupied with what is going to happen. They did not inform me which girl they have selected, only that she will be right choice for me. I did not ask for more information on her, because I was least interested. I will make sure to let her know what is expected of her as soon as we marry. I don’t want her to have any kind of expectations from me which might later only come to hurt her. With that thought in my mind, I walk out of the room and go to my princess Nursery to find her playing with blocks on the ground, the nanny Julia immediately walks out as I enter after giving me a curtsy. “Good afternoon Princess” I greet her and take her in my lap as she raises her hands to be picked up. “Good afternoon daddy” she exclaims in her happy voice. “is my princess playing?” I ask as I settle down on the sofa near the window. “Yes daddy, would you like to play?” she asks me with an innocent smile on her face. Giving her a smile, I help her make a small home out of the blocks and showed her the home. She was clapping as she looks at the home we made. As we settled on the sofa, she finds me staring at the picture of her mom which was on the bedside table. “Daddy misses mommy. Princess wants mommy” says my daughter as her lips tremble. My daughter was one year old when she lost her mom, but I always made sure to let her know how much her mom loved her. My heart constricts when I see the sheen of tears in her eyes. I gaze around the room and think hard as I console my daughter and make her laugh. She is now six years old and very sharp at that, she always asks me why she does not have her mother with her like the other girls from her nursery do. Taking a deep breath, I ask the question which change our life to some extent only if I was ready.  
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