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MEANWHILE Outside Joardan's room, Daniel and Nigel is walking on the lobby of the hospital to see Joardan when Veronica stop them. "Where do you think you're going?" Veronica asks them. "Were here to visit our friend Mrs. Norman." Daniel said with a smiled on his face. "Karl isn't your friend, specially you Nigel, after everything that you've done to make him suffer until he disappeared." Veronica said. Nigel smiled sarcastically like he doesn't care if he looks rude or not, but he couldn't stop himself when Daniel held Nigel's arm to calm him down for a little. "Karl isn't our friend, but Joardan is." Nigel said to Veronica and force himself to smile. Nigel walk pass through Veronica and went straight to Joardan's room where he was alone inside the room. Alex is gone without him leaving the room, since JOArdan can remember him but he doesn't know why he can only remember him and not his parents, Alex didn't give any second thought to disappear in front of him. Alex didn't want him to be seen with Joardan specially with this Caliban brothers. "Bro are you okay?" Daniel asks Joardan thinking that he remembers him but Joardan didn't answer him, instead, JOArdan just stares to them, thinking that he can remember them like he did with Alex earlier but nothing, it's like his mind is erased completely except for his memory with Alex. "Daniel, he couldn't remember, remember?" Nigel said after a while of JOArdan staring at them. "Then why are we here then if he couldn't remember us?" Daniel asks Nigel. Nigel walk towards poor Joardan and sit right next to him. "Were here to make things right." Nigel said and look back to JOardan who is loking back at them. "Did you do something wrong for you to make things right?" Joardan asks Nigel and he just chuckle confused if Joardan is serious or joking. "We're friends, no matter how complicated we got, we're still all friends." Nigel said. Daniel is standing behind Nigel thinking when did they become friends. Daniel may not care about everything that is happening around them, but he knows that Nigel is planning something, and he doesn't want to know what it is, because it is Nigel who is planning. He may want to stop him from his plan, but he just doesn't have the guts to know what is he planning to do. "Friends." Joardan whispered and look away from Nigel. "I may not remember yet, but I do know that friends is the greater enemy. Isn't this all about? The reason why you're here is to make things right because you did something, because we are friends?" Joardan added and look back to Nigel. The cold from the aircon touches Nigel's very skin that makes him terrified for something, he didn't know what it is, but he knows that it is something about Joardan that isn't right. "Actually the opposite one." HE answered. Joardan's eyebrow crosses each other that makes him questioned himself what this man in front of him talking about. "Your old self, Karl, did something to us and he escapes from it. But your current self the one you forget is helping us making things right." Nigel answered. He put his bag on his lap and get something inside of it. "But now that he forgets, you forget." Nigel said and gives Joardan a notebook from his bag. "I am the one who's going to make things right for you to remember." Daniel was surprise after seeing what kind of notebook Nigel gives to him. Daniel look to Nigel but Nigel wasn't looking to him, he is looking to JOArdan who is looking right back at him. Daniel want to interrupt their conversation, but he couldn't, because for the first time in his life, his guts tells him that what Nigel is doing, is right. Because every time Nigel do something, it always end up having a bad results. They're twins, their guts are connected, their minds, their emotions and everything, that's why Daniel doesn't care, because how could he, if he knows everything in advanced when it comes to his brother. His guts know it advance. "Maybe remembering your old self, will help you remember your current self. And maybe this time, if you remember, I'll give Karl a chance to explain himself to every sins that he had, before he ended up being dead again, before you ended up like your old self." Nigel said. Joardan slowly opens the notebook that Nigel gave to him, and on the first page of the notebook, a name was written in cursive, in fact, every letters and words are written on cursive. "Max Caliban." Joardan read the name. Joardan heard the scratch on the floor that the chair make, he saw Nigel and Daniel leaving the room without saying goodbye. "Falling in love with the same gender you have is crazy, specially when you knew he is with someone." Joardan continue to read the pages just after the brothers left him alone again inside the room. "You gave his journal." Daniel said to Nigel while they are walking down on the hallways of the hospital for them to go home. "I needed him to remember." Simple answer of Nigel to Daniel. "You needed him to remember? Or you needed Karl?" Nigel stop walking and face Daniel. "I don't need Karl, I need Joardan. He can help justify a lot of things." Nigel said. "How do you know about it? You hate him, you disgrace him, and now you act like you two are friends. And if you said that you don't need Karl, then why did you give Max journal for Joardan to remember Karl's memory?" They start walking again and approached the elevator. Nigel opens the elevator and ride it. He choses the right level where they are heading and look straight on the elevators door where it is reflecting both of their reflection. "That was Karl you're talking about. Joardan is different I know it, since the day he saved me from those crazy people who attacked us." Then Nigel remember that day, where the people who are attacking them become one and become a monster, where he saw Joardan uses his mind to open the door, where he saw Joardan dying just to save his life, when he saw the different person inside Karl's body, it flashes back inside his head. That's when he realizes that Joardan is not Karl, and Karl is not JOArdan. That's when he knew that he can help, and that's when he started thinking that the Joardan in Karl's body is the Joardan who was found dead, the same place where Karl went missing. "And remembering Karl's memory will push him to help us, in fact, you cannot remember your new memories if the old ones are missing." HE continued answering and when the elevator reaches their destination, Nigel went outside first and leave Daniel alone inside the elevator who is just looking to Nigel's back until he disappeared from his sight. The only thing Daniel could do, is sigh. HE doesn't know what to feel, what to say, or worst what to say, he doesn't want to be disappointed for his brother, and he cannot disobeyed his brother. Family is family, what your borthers plan, you have to support it for your brother to support yours. That is the cycle of trust and brotherhood that the Caliban brothers have. Daniel leaves the elevator when it is soon to close and follows Nigel to their own family car. When suddenly, Alex appeared inside the elevator from nowhere, like his invisibilty disappeared. They didin't know that Alex heard it all, Alex listened to every thoughts and conversation they have. Alex smiled for a second and look up. "The time is near." Alex said and unfold his wings inside the elevator and that's when he is truly gone. He just like disappeared like a bubble from a soap that got popped up, out of nowhere. In a dark peacefully devil night, a dark kingdom is hidden behind a wild and wide forest, a dark alley is surrounded by bats and snakes, the candle that is giving light to the whole kingdom is slowly melting. Monster and demons, the fallen and not are having a deeply conversation to each other about the next thing they're going to do, the next plan to defeat the powerful powerless Fallen Angel that is stuck inside a humans body. When will be their next attack, how to destroy the fallen angel, and worst, how to find the blade that they wanted to start a war between good and evil. It went silence when their Dark God walk down on the devil stairs. He is so tall and he is wearing a black cape and a long man dress like a vampre. His face is so fearless that you could see his jawline and cheekbone. His eyebrow is so dark and thick and his lips are the shapes of an unwanted heart. His eyes are brown but his left eye is blind that make it change to color white, covering the coronea of his eye. A long scattered scar on his left eye that make his face so appealing. His scar is the reason why he is here. When he approached the stage of his kingdom, he unfold his devilish wings that make them more silent and make them scared. "We gathered here all around, because our plan to destroy him and make him see where he put what we belongs to us, will be delayed." The Dark God said and they whispered to each other, murmuring to what the Dark God just announced. "Yet again he forgets, thanks to his beloved brother, now we need to reset like how he'll reset his own memories." The Dark God said. He look around and a red curtain falls to the ground of the wooden stage that make him get the audience attention. They all smiled when three humans were tied up on a wooden thick stick that is behind that red curtain. "These are the people who knows about us, and yet we know about them." The Dark God said. "They are the one who can help us to make that boy remember!" He said and he raises his hand towards the three, and one of the three is a student in Las Midstone, who is the daughter of the Principal, Cayetanas. And the other one is no other than Louis, Helena's boyfriend who is now awake and trying to escape from getting tied up. And the last but not the least, Is no other than Michael Norman, Joardan's father. The crowd celebrated by clapping their own hands and shouting like there is no tomorrow. "Burn." He said and they start burning. The three started screaming on the top of their lungs when they felt the burning fire is killing them. The fire touches their very own thin skin. They didn't stop screaming, and burning is the worst way of death. Because the fire is a slow death, itll burn your skin first till it burns your whole organ, and your soul Their eyes starts bleeding and their mouth is start to be fried. And while they are dying from burn, three person showed up behind the Dark God that just looks like the three. "They are the new people of the burning ones." The Dark God said and they start screaming for celebration. And in just a second, the dark God disappears through mist from the fire. And on that day, on that night... The Fallen will Fall.
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