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THIRD PERSON'S POV The night started to fall and Helena is walking alone on the streets. The only light that is guiding herr to her way home is the dim orange street light that looks like creepy, specially with the cricket sounds everywhere and the trees surrounding the road. So quiet that the only thing Helena can hear, is her own breath and her own footsteps. The heels from her shoes is echoing, the music from her earphones can be heard from outside her earphones and ear, and the wind blowing on the trees can be heard from all around the streets. The crickets sounds creeped Helena that makes her walk faster, she could feel that something, or someone is following her, that something is watching her every moves, her every steps she makes. Until the silence breaks when someone touches her shoulders. Helena is so quick and alert that she grabs that person's hands to her and break it. "AAHHH!!" The boy screams and Helena drop the person's hands when she recognizes the man who touches her. "Louis?" She exclaims nervously. She was shock to see Louis in the middle of the night here in the middle of the streets that is miles away from his hands. Louis's forehead is bleeding while his shirt is torn apart that you can see from inside that he is bleeding too. "What the hell happened to you?" Helena asks him. Louis force him self to speak but blood just came out from his mouth and he collapses on the ground. "LOUIS!" Helena shouted his name and help him to stand but she couldn't. "J-JO-JOARDAN." Louis said before he become unconscious. "Joardan? He did this to you? Louis? LOUIS!" She said and she immediately called an ambulance. While Helena is waiting for the ambulance to come, she heard a growl behind her, and when she look back she saw a giant monster who had wings on its back. It's whole body is covered in blood and its eyes is cover in red, like a demon in the dark. "GET OFF DEMON!" Helena said and she search her pocket to get a holy water that Father Hood gave to her in case there are any supernatural is happening while investigating Joardan. But Helena keep searching and searching but the Holy water is gone, all of her stuff that protects her from any supernatural causes are gone. "What the hell?" She said and when she look back to see Louis, Louis's body is gone. "What?" Helena whispered to her self and when she tried to stand from her kneeling on the ground, someone cover her head with a sack of rice and drag her away from the street. Helena tried to fight, but she couldn't feel any hands or any body behind her, its like the air is the one dragging her. She tried to call for help but no one is in there, no one can hear her. Until the dragging stopped. She immediately put the sack off of her head and she was shock when she was inside a white room, lying on the bed. "Doc! The patient is awake." A nurse shouted and Helena was confusedly scared on what is happening. She look around and she just realized that she is inside a hospital room... "What happened?" Helena asks. "What happened is you attacked me with a knife and after you attack me, you slit your throat, but luckily you survived." She immediately look to her left and she saw Louis standing there with a bandage on his head. "Louis?" Helena whispered his name. She tried to reach Louis but then she realized that her left hands are cuffed down on the bed where she is lying. "What the hell is happening? What in the hell is happening here?" Helena shouted and she tried to get the cuff out of her but she couldn't. She tried to stood up but she couldn't, she tried to run but she couldn't, she keeps screaming and screaming until the doctor came inside the room and inject her with something that makes her calm and fall asleep... "I can't believe that it happened to Helena." Hero said to his boys while reading the news in the social media about what happened to Helena. "A girl suddenly attacked his boyfriend with a knife and after stabbing his boyfriend, she slit her own throat committing suicide but she did not succeed. The girl's life was saved after the boyfriend called an ambulance for both of them. The girl is known as Helena Rice stayed in coma fro almost a week now." One of Hero's boys read the news on the social media. "I knew that girl is a psychopath, based on her outfit that she wears." HE added. From the distance, Nigel and Daniel can hear what Hero and his boys are talking about. "Do you believe Helena's boyfriend story?" Daniel asks Nigel. "All I know that ever since Joardan forgets again, a lot of supernatural going on is happening around here in Las Midstone students." Nigel said. "When do you think Joardan will come back? Since after that face to face with Hero, he never came back here." Daniel said. "Even Alex." Nigel said.
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